My Ongoing Experience

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Chastiman, May 27, 2008.

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  1. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    I thought I would begin to share my adventures here as a way of chronicling my experiences. I have been locked up for seven weeks now. This means that it has been seven weeks since I was last allowed to climax. I am scheduled to go for just over 31 weeks.

    I was hoping to entice my Mistress into taking off my chastity device for just a little while this weekend. Of course, the goal was not to climax, as I know for a fact that I will not be allowed to do so until at least November 10. I simply wanted to feel the warm touch of her skin against me. I have not been out of the device for any reason since April 29. Mistress does not believe in milking.

    In order to accomplish my goal I made Mistress favorite dinner on Saturday. I boiled a big pot of crab legs and made corn on the cob, garlic bread, and apple pie for dessert. I spread an old blanket on the floor and we ate picnic style in the living room. I also played Mistress favorite romantic chick-flick while we ate. Well, I accomplished part of my goal, Mistress was put into a romantic mood and I had a wonderful time pleasing her, but she never deemed it necessary to take off the chastity belt.

    To say that I was disappointed is an understatement. However, I am glad that she did not take off the chastity device just out of pressure to please me. I have begged her many times not to free me unless it is necessary for her pleasure. I simply wish it would become necessary just a little more often. Oh well, there is next weekend. Off to plan
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Hooray, I love a new journal.

    Your Mistress sounds very lucky, and I'm sure some of the men here will think you are just as lucky!

    Keep us informed. :angel:
  3. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Busy Busy Busy

    Well, as you can probably tell from my last posting my horniness level is running pretty high. Mistress likes to keep me that way because the more desperate for relief I become, the more I am willing to do to please her.

    So today is my day off and Mistress has me locked in my maid unioform for the day. She has given me a list of chores to do before she returns home, so this posting will be brief. I spend most of my days off this way when Mistress has to work. She likes doing this because it keeps me eager for her return throughout the day. She also likes to come home to a spotless house. I enjoy it because I can see the look of pleasure on her face when she comes home to a clean house. It also keeps me in a frame of mind to think of her often throughout the day. It also allows us to spend more time together when we are both home because we do not have to waste time doing housework.

    Well, its back to work. I just wanted to pop in and say, Hello.
  4. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Well, by the time Mistress returned home yesterday I was out of my mind with desperation. After dinner, I sat on the floor rubbing her feet while we watched television together. I was hoping she would get the hint.

    Finally, it was time for bed. As I laid there and held her, I broke down a little and began to cry. She asked me what was wrong. Asking to be allowed out of my chastity device for my own pleasure usually results in a week being added to my release date. I risked bringing her anger down upon me my begging to be let out for just a few minutes. All I wanted was to feel the touch of her soft skin against me instead of the cold, hard plastic. She answered me by saying that she knows exactly how long her penis has been lock up. She also reminded me that she knows what is best for it better than I. I asked her forgiveness for my selfishness and begged her to add a week to my release date. She said that she would not require that, this time.

    I think I will ask her to reconsider in the morning and add the extra week anyway. I have to admit that I am feeling guilty for worrying so much about my pleasure instead of focusing on hers. I will let you all know how it goes later.
  5. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    I spoke to Mistress this morning and told her that I was feeling guilty about last night. I also asked her to add the week to my release date. I explained that if I violate one of her rules and do not receive the punishment for it, I feel bad. She said that she thought she was being gracious, but now she understands that she is doing me no favors by being forgiving. She agreed that the infraction deserved to be punished. She thanked me for my honesty and added a week to my release date.

    On April 6 when she last locked me up and said that this was no longer going to be just a game, she gave me a list of rules that were going to be strictly followed. Perhaps I shall post them sometime.
  6. o2cum

    o2cum Junior Member

    May 22, 2008
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    Please do...
  7. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Wow, Mistress sure surprised me last night. After dinner, she commanded me to kneel at her feet. While I was kneeling, she presented me with a steel collar and placed it on my neck. It really is attractive. It is made of steel, I guess. It is not a flat band, it is rolled. It has a hinge in the front that allows it to open and close, and it is secured in the back with an Allen screw,

    After placing this on my neck my Mistress/wife said that this is to serve as a symbol to the both of us of my position in life as her property. She said that it is also will be a reminder that we are now longer playing. This is no longer a game for us, it will be our lifestyle. Finally, she informed me that the only time the collar will come off is when I leave for work. I have had the collar on for almost 13 hours. It is quite substantial. I do not think I will be able to forget it.

    While I was kneeling in front of Mistress, I was a little overwhelmed by emotion. I renounced my rights to her as a person and told her that I would willingly take my place as her property. I also told her that I would do my best to be worthy of wearing her collar. She put on an evil smile at this and said, Dont worry, you will be. *Gulp* I wonder what she meant by that?
  8. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    In an earlier post, I said that I would publish the rules Mistress placed me under when she decided that we were no longer going to play at chastity and female domination. Before I do, however, I need to explain a few things.

    First ECD stand for Eligible Climax Date. This is the date that I become eligible to climax. This does not mean that I will climax on that date, only that I am eligible for one when Mistress desires it. Under her system, I have two ECDs and I know when they are. The first ECD is always guaranteed, and will not move. The second one can be pushed back. Right now, my first ECD is November 10 and my second one is July 11 of next year. The one in November is guaranteed. No matter what I do, it cannot be changed. The one in July can be pushed back as often as needed. Once I am allowed to climax on or after November 10 the next ECD becomes locked in place and Mistress then reveals my new second EVD. This new ECD then can be pushed back as needed. Mistress likes the idea that she always knows when I will be eligible to climax next. She does not want to plan something special and then have me mess things up by pushing the date back.

    Second, not only am I in a chastity device, but Mistress also keeps me in diapers. This is very humiliating, but it solved a lot of problems for us. When we first started playing at chastity, we used a CB2000. I have since upgraded to the CB3000. While in both devices, my testicles try to shrink up inside my body. This would cause incredible pain. Either the space between the rings would be too large and one would pop out, which was bad. Or the space between the rings would be too small and it would not be able to pop out, which was worse. Mistress thought that maybe the extra padding and plastic lining of a diaper would keep things warm enough so that wouldnt happen. It worked and it gives Mistress just one more way of torturing me.

    Without further delay, here are my rules. I would appreciate any comments you might have.

    1. From now on, you will have two Eligible Climax Dates. Any violations that require adding time to your ECD will be added to the second date.

    2. If your first ECD comes and goes and you are not allowed to climax, you will be considered to be without an ECD until you are permitted to climax.

    3. The chances of you being allowed out of your diaper and chastity belt except when being used for my pleasure are next to nothing. When you have to go to the doctor, you will be going in your diaper and chastity belt. When you go swimming, you will wear a diaper and your chastity belt under your swim trunks. If you go on a trip and need to share a motel room with someone, you will do so while wearing your diaper and chastity belt. No amount of embarrassment will be too much for you to please your Mistress.

    4. From now on when you have an ECD you are not to ask or beg me to let you climax. When you have an ECD the answer will always be, No, so there is no reason to ask. I am tired of hearing your begging and I will not stand for it anymore. Even when I am using you and you are so desperate that you begin to cry you are not allowed to ask. If you break this rule, I will add one week to your second ECD. If you do not have an ECD (See point #2) and I am using you, then you are allowed to ask to climax one time. If I say, No, then you are to immediately drop the subject and keep yourself from climaxing. If you ask a second time, then you will receive a punishment beating for disobedience when I am done using you. If you climax anyway, then it will be the same as an unauthorized climax in point number five.

    5. From now on there is no such thing as an accidental climax. When I am using you and you are not allowed to climax you should be obedient and control yourself. Any climaxes, other than wet dreams, that occur without permission, regardless of the stimulation being received, will be treated as an act of direct disobedience. You will receive a severe punishment beating until I am satisfied that any pleasure you received from selfishly climaxing is erased and forgotten by the pain of the beating that you are receiving. You will also forfeit your next ECD and six weeks will be added to the second one. Climaxing without authorization is a severe violation and it can result in you going for more than a year before your next climax, but it will be your own fault. You should have been more obedient.

    6. From now on you are to never ask or joke about being let out of your diaper and chastity belt. You may tell me when you have a doctors appointment and you can explain why you think you may need to be let out of your chastity belt, but unless you hear otherwise you are going in your diaper and chastity belt. Permission to go to the doctor without your chastity belt does not constitute permission to remove your diaper. You are not to ask me to take my penis out and play with it. I am aware of how long it has been locked up and I know better than you do how much attention it needs. If I do not think that it needs to be free, then obviously it does not. If you break this rule, then one week will be added to your second ECD.

    7. If you ever remove your diaper and/or chastity belt without permission to avoid embarrassment, then six months will be added to your second ECD.

    8. From now on, I am going to keep a closer watch on the tag number of the seal that is securing your chastity belt. I am going to check it randomly without warning. When directed to you will immediately show me your security tag. If the seal number is wrong, then six months will be added to your second ECD because obviously you took it off at sometime without permission.

    9. ECDs can only be moved forward and never back. There will be no such thing as too long between climaxes. If you insist on disobeying me, then you will suffer the consequences of your actions. The most climaxes you can ever hope to receive in any calendar year is two. If you want to disobey me and go a year or longer without a climax, then that is your prerogative. I will always receive sexual satisfaction whenever I desire so your satisfaction is of no concern to me.
  9. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    Sorry that I have not updated for a while, but we have been very busy this last week. Too busy to do much, except for day-to-day living. I hope that things are going to go back to normal for a time,

    Well, after just over six weeks of being locked up with no release, Mistress tied me spread eagle to the bed last night and removed my chastity device. It felt good to be able to stretch again without hitting the tube. When she began to touch me, it felt heavenly. Of course, I was not allowed to climax, but I was taken to the edge several times. Before she was done, I was crying, but I did not ask to climax. Mistress even complimented me while she put the device back on and said that she might test my willpower again in a couple of months.

    I have to admit to being a little nervous. I have a doctor appointment next Friday and according to the rules Mistress drew up for me I will be going either in my diaper or in my diaper and chastity belt. Since I am going for my yearly physical, Mistress is leaning toward just the diaper. I am worried about this. If I do not get to it before then, I will definitely update again after the visit with the doctor.
  10. MasterG63

    MasterG63 Senior Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    The next logical setp??

    Thank you for sharing your story.

    All the while you are in chastity, effectively so is you Mistress...

    Perhaps you should suggest (or beg?) she takes a virle lover who can sexually satisfy her the way on a real man can & you can not?

    You remain in the chastity you desire, she is sexually satiated & there is the added benefit of the additional humiliation that you will also love!

    Everyone wins!

    You Mistress will still love you & want you just the way you are but this lifestyle you have chosen is depriving her of a fulfilling & active sex life which she surely deserves?

    Cuckolding sounds like the next logical step for your Mistresses pleasure....

    I wish you well!

    Best regards

  11. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    I appreciate you reading and commenting on my journal. I also thank you for your suggestion. Mistress and I though are both strongly oppose to taking our relationship in that direction.
  12. MasterG63

    MasterG63 Senior Member

    Jun 5, 2008
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  13. Chastiman

    Chastiman Member

    May 16, 2008
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    I'm Back!!!

    Sorry about not updating for so long however I found myself on an unplanned business trip and did not have regular internet access. What access time I did have I spent talking to my Mistress/wife on the web cam. Rest assured, I spent the entire month I was gone locked up.

    During my last posting I mentioned that I was worried about my upcoming doctor visit as Mistress has stated that I will again be allowed out of my diaper and chastity device except when it is necessary for her pleasure. Well, Mistress must have been feeling extremely generous as she allowed me to take off the diaper and chastity device and go in a pair of panties. I am sure the doctor noticed, but she did not say anything. Mistress did warn me not to expect such mercy in the future and that I would be definitely going to the doctor next time in the chastity device and diaper. Next time is December. *Gulp*

    Anyway, thanks for reading. I will try to post more regularly in the future.
  14. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Thanks for stopping by and updating us. :bigsmile:

    Real life is such pain in the butt! :sex020:
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