My Chastity Experience-A great tool not used

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by wizardpa, Oct 22, 2008.

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  1. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    A little about myself first. I'm 57 now, and married for 34 years. My wife had an affair 18 years ago and cuckolded me then. You can read about my experience with that in the forums, if you have not already done so. We have 2 grown kids with one who is 27, living with us. Her affair lasted over 2 years. Since then, as far as I know, we are happily married. Menopause has not been kind to my wife. Hot flashes, leg shakes, etc., vaginal dryness, and a loss of sex drive. My sex drive has increased, thanks to the internet and porn. I probably masturbate over 10 times a week, sometimes, if given a chance 4 times in a day.
    My chastity experience began about 4 years ago. I never knew anything like this even existed before the internet. I would read stories about the sub being locked in a device and the Mistress controlling him. It excited me thinking about it.
    Sure enough, once I searched it, I found out that there are such things as Chastity Devices. About 6 months later I purchased a CB-3000, around this time, 2004. My wife was unaware of it. I wore it a couple of weeks off and on, making sure I would be able to wear it. Once I decided it seemed like I could, I then had to present my desire to do this to my wife. For me, that was not an easy thing to do. I believe it was Mistress Sutton's site that I downloaded info about chastity and printed it up to give to my wife. I actually thought my wife might divorce me because of this, thinking I lost my mind.
    My next post will have me presenting the idea to my wife and her reaction.
  2. Goddess of Discord

    Goddess of Discord Obsidian's property

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    you'd be surprised at what sort of things privately appeal to women.
  3. xcitex2

    xcitex2 Back from the past!

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    I would think (after reading all your last posts) that from what you guys have been through in the past you will be pleasantly surprised. If she is indeed not able to have as much sex as you would like this will put her in charge of those times and will have you treating her like a queen. I think this is the point Goddess of Discord could be referring to. As the site says, be careful what you wish for!
  4. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    My Chastity Experience

    I can remember it well. My wife was sitting at the computer, playing a game, when I approached her. I sat down and said that I needed to talk to her. She stopped what she was doing. I told her of my addictive masturbation. I gave her the info I had downloaded about the benefits of chastity. I sat quietly while she read the info. After she was finished she asked if I had a chastity device and if I had it on. I told her yes and no. She then told me to go and put it on. It was funny because I had a hard time getting it on because my cock had gotten hard. Was he excited or rebelling, it did not matter, I still had to wait for him to deflate enough so that I could put my CB-3000 on. Finally I got my device on and showed it to her. She asked if it hurt. I told her no, and gave her the key.
    This is the weird part for me. It increased my horniness. Having this thing with my cock enclosed in it made me think of sex even more then ever. My wife and I talked about some set time that I would have before being allowed an orgasm. If I was bad, more time would be added. I immediately became a better husband. I started to help out around the house, doing things I never did before. I became more courteous, and respectful. I started to see my wife as I did when we first met. She excited me beyond belief. I could not just jerk off at any time, and not knowing when I would be able to drove me crazy.
    Bad things started to happen though. I found the device to be very uncomfortable. Sometimes, I would have to ask her for the key so that I could adjust it. At night I found out that my cock and balls go through changes. I found out that I could escape from it with a little effort. Sometimes, I would escape and say nothing and then jerk off. A while latter I would say I needed to adjust the device and actually put it back on. I tried changing the ball rings to even smaller sizes which made the device even more uncomfortable.
    I guess it was about 2 months later, and she said that she was not into the chastity thing. I was actually relieved. I thought that my chastity days were over.
    I became again my self centered, jerk off self.
    But later, about 6 months later I became interested in it again, and searched the internet for a better, more comfortable, and 100% escape proof device.
    That will be in my next post.
  5. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    My Chastity Experience-A new more secure device

    Anyway, as I said about 6 months later I researched chastity devices and decided to try one of Mistress Lori's plastic devices that required a PA piercing.
    I measured myself very carefully before I ordered my device. I also found a piercing parlor that would do the piercing. You'd be surprised how few places in the New Orleans area actually do PA piercings.
    I did not tell my wife of my plans. The reason for this was; because I was still unsure if I would be able to wear my device for long periods at a time, as I felt I needed.
    I read all that I could about piercings. I had no piercings of any kind at this time and was very nervous about getting this done. I ordered my device as an incentive to carry out my plan, because it cost me over $300 at that time, I think that was the price. I do not think she sells the device I bought anymore. As it turned out it was a very comfortable, 100% secure device.
    Next I got my piercing. That was not a bad experience at all. Very quick and not really that painful at all. I will warn anyone though. Be prepared for a lot of bleeding for a couple of days. Even though I expected it, I will say I started to be alarmed because there was so much blood a day after my piercing. No pain at all though.
    My wife and I do not make love much anymore. She has lost her desire for some reason. I would take my piercing out when we made love and put it right back in afterward. That did not happen much during the healing period. 2-3 times at most. I did not want my wife to know of my plans to get back into chastity yet because I was still unsure of my plans. I did not know if the device would be comfortable or secure yet. Waiting for my piercing to heal was kind of crappy. I believe it to be 4 months. After about 2 months I tried my chastity device on without the secure locking pin that went through the piercing. It seemed very comfortable.
    Finally, my piercing healed and I put my device on and realized immediately that this time chastity was for real. I wore my device for 2 weeks without taking it off. I knew that this device could be worn for a long long time.
    My next post will have me telling of my wife's reaction to my new device and of my PA piercing.
  6. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    My Chastity Experience-Wife's new reaction

    I sat down and told my wife of my continued addiction to masturbation and how being in chastity before helped to make me a better husband. I told her that I needed to be in chastity. I told her that I was so into it that I even got my penis pierced in order to make the device 100% escape proof. I must say she was somewhat shocked when she saw my piercing, but excepting of it. I also showed her my new more comfortable device. She immediately told me that was great because I would be spending a lot of time in it.
    We did fool around once with my barbell in my piercing , but it hurt her pussy, so after that I always took my jewelry out before we made love and put it back in immediately afterward. Usually though I had to put my device back on after we made love which was about every 4-6 weeks.
    Anyway, she became an excellent keyholder, even cruel. She agreed to a kind of weekly release for me to masturbate. It was not an exact thing though. But she would add weeks easily for any infraction, such as looking at another women. I remember once when she added a week because she thought I looked at some women's ass. I argued that I had not. She then added another week to my sentence.
    It changed my attitude towards her immediately again. It is weird the effect being in chastity and not being able to jerk off whenever I want has on me. I swear my excitement towards her was the same as when I first met her many years ago. Having the device on made me even more horny because it made me think about sex all the time but I could not do anything about it.
    I think that chastity is a great tool for females. It would make any marriage better as long as the guy had a normal sex drive.
    Anyway, I was in chastity over 6 months and our relationship was fantastic. I was giving my wife daily massages. Most of the time she was naked, and I was unable to get any relief. If I complained, my reward was another week locked up. I immediately learned I was doing what I was doing for my wife's pleasure not mine, and I started to enjoy just pleasuring my wife. I think she enjoyed teasing me. When we did make love it was on that level, not just fucking.
    She had an ankle bracelet that held the key. She would show me the key occasionally and laugh.
    Then Hurricane Katrina came and all changed again. I was let out of my device sometime at that time. We came out of it fine, but lost power for 2 weeks. Our daughter and son in law and grandchildren moved in. After power was restored and they moved out our 25 year old son moved in. 2 months later I developed a staph infection between my legs that required hospitalization. I took my barbell jewelry out of my piercing before I went to the hospital. Of course my piercing closed up and being in chastity became a thing of the past.
    In my next post I will tell of one more attempt at chastity and my final thoughts on it.
  7. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    My Chastity Experience

    About one year past, and I became interested in being in chastity again. I researched Mistress Lori's site and decided that if my wife was willing I would get a metal device this time. But this time I wanted my wife to say that I should be locked up before I spent $500 on a new device. But because of the healing time involved I decided to get pierced again, without my wife's knowledge, that is a PA piercing again. I figured I could take out my post before making love and put it right back in after as I had done before. I figured after I had healed I would suggest chastity to my wife again as opposed to just buying another device and kind of forcing it on her.
    I found a different piercer. The one that pierced me before was no longer in business thanks to Hurricane Katrina. I do not know if it was the piercer or because I had been pierced before, but this time the experience was so much better. I hardly bled at all and the pain was only for a second.
    I did as I said. That is I waited about 4 months for my piercing to heal. My wife had no idea of me being pierced again. I would take out my post before we made love and put it right back in after.
    Anyway, after I healed I mentioned chastity to her again. She said she would think about it. Weeks went by and she said nothing. I mentioned it again. Still she really did not say anything. I tried one more time and also told her how it made me a better husband. Still nothing though. I finally decided to take out my post and just let my piercing close up again.
    I will say I think chastity is a great tool that women should use on their husbands. I really believe that it makes the male a much, much better husband, as long as he has a normal sex drive. She would know her husband was faithful to her and if done right she could drive her husband crazy with desire for only her.
  8. Garyen

    Garyen Junior Member

    Jul 8, 2008
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    nice story guy!
    It's a pity your wife didn't understand it..
  9. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

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    I'm not sure if it would matter, but we still have our 27 year old son living with us. It's funny, several years before I retired our kids lived on their own, my son living in New Orleans, Boston, and then San Francisco. As soon as I retire, he moves back home.
    Our daughter is married but had 5 kids in 7 years. All of this confusion has affected my wife and our relationship.
  10. chastitycuckold

    chastitycuckold Senior Member

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    do you have any pictures of the original Lori device??
  11. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

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    I'm sorry I do not. Even though it said it was plastic, I do not really think it was.
    It seemed to be some sort of resin material. Mine was black in color, straight, and about 3"s long. The PA pin came up from underneath and locked underneath. The testi lock locked from the front of the device.
    The device was lightweight. The only negative I could see in the device was that over time the device's material would wear away by the testi lock. I kind of solved that problem by making a metal washer to fit there.
  12. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Dear wizardpa... I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get round to reading and posting to the second side of your history.

    I truly thank you for sharing it all with us, you have many valuable experiences in the world of chastity and cuckolding, and I'm sure people will be relieved to read your posts and see differences and similarities.
  13. wizardpa

    wizardpa Junior Member

    Oct 6, 2008
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    I must say I'm addicted to masturbation and porn. My wife has no REAL idea even though I told her so in the past. It is so much easier masturbating then romancing my wife. No matter what we might have done on a particular day, it does not mean we will make love that night. I've hinted quite a bit about the benefits of chastity and she does not respond so that seems dead now. I do love her but do not need sex from her. More on this later. Thanks!!!!!
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