Ms. Lori's 12E Reviewed (Including review of 12D)

Discussion in 'Chastity device reviews' started by Gr8Chaste_LesFilling, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. Gr8Chaste_LesFilling

    Gr8Chaste_LesFilling Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    Quick review of 12E:

    Device is very heavy. The shield is probably a third of the total weight of the device.
    The head ring with two spikes is too small (my fault, not Paulie's)
    The main ring is too large (Nature's fault, not mine or Paulie' on)
    The spikes in the shield could be longer and a bit sharper.
    The sides of the shield could come down farther and help entrap the testicles (again, read on for explaination)
    Did I mention it's very heavy?
    Distance between main ring and front ring is 1/4" too great. Causes pulling on P/A piercing.
    Does not allow erection...semi erection at best.
    Most certainly deters self gratification!!!

    It arrived just before the holidays. My 12E was finally here! Within 15 minutes of taking delivery from the postman I was wearing it.

    I gave it a thorough washing before I donned it. Being a hobbist machinist, I knew there would be metal splinters in the drilled and tapped holes. And there were. Not something you want in your urethra or P/A.

    The first hour was without issue. Then I decided I would workout while wearing it. Afterall, if it was to become a 24/7 accessory I would be doing everything in it...right?

    About halfway through the workout, while doing barbell squats, my left testicle slipped back through the main ring. I was really bummed, the wind totally knocked out of my sails. Keep in mind, I have a P/A. There was no way the device would come off, so pull-out was not a problem. However, having had a couple of the CB series devices, the sensation was at once troubling and disappointing. I removed the device temporarily and finished my workout.

    After showering I got back into it. In the few hours before bed, I had opportunity to monitor myself for signs of edema and also to try urinating.
    No problem with the latter. Had to sit down for this activity, but did not have the trapped urine in the urethra mentioned in someone elses blog. I did notice the head of my penis was swollen and would not shrink, no matter how relaxed I was. I thought it might subside if I was sleeping. I managed to fall asleep for a bit over an hour. Don't know what woke me up, but I decided to check the glans issue. Still swollen. Off came the device for the night.

    The next morning I noticed only a slight soreness of my P/A piercing. Ms. Lori says that is quite normal. Not to over-do it, I took a couple of days off before trying the device again.

    Second attempt unfortunately yielded the same results as the first. Was not exercising this time, though. Just sitting in a chair. My heart sank. I was hoping the first time was a fluke. Due to a varicocele in my younger years, my left testie is about half the size of the right one. That combined with a tight scrotum is a nightmare for trying to entrap the damn things. Also, noticed the glans swelling again and some pulling on my P/A. This I know was my fault. I thought once I got used to the device a smaller head ring would be fine. So, I wrote Ms. Lori and ammended my order. I think the head ring minus the spikes would be okay. But the spikes serve two functions: 1)deter self gratification, 2)help keep the head in place and ease pulling on P/A or other piercing. Again, bummed out, I removed the device and took another couple of days off.

    Third attempt was just for fun. "Ha!!!!", says my masochistic self.
    I put the device on for the express purpose of seeing if I could defeat it and achieve an orgasm. I will say this...I Gr8Chaste solemnly swear I will never try that again! It was the longest, most hardfought, and downright painful orgasm I have ever experienced. The orgasm, itself, was hardly noticed through the pain. There was no feeling of release. And the aftermath just dripped out for the next hour or so.

    My conclusion: I have decided to keep the device. After the first two pop-outs, I was highly tempted to sell it. Anyone who has experienced that will certainly identify with my feelings. I will probably try MikeCBs suggestion of using tape to temporarily resize the main ring to see if I can determine the correct diameter. I am also planning on recreating the device in Plexiglas (Acrylic), and then later in Lexan (ABS), with modifications to the shield, the sizing and the spacing of the rings. Once I am happy with the fit, I will send the Acrylic version to Ms. Lori/Paulie as a model for the reworking of my stainless steel version.

    The weight of the device still shocks me. For me weight does not equate to quality or security. In this day and age of superstrong yet lightweight materials it seems this is an area ripe for improvement. Admittedly, plastic feels cheap, and not too secure. There are other metals/alloys which are much lighter and don't cause allergic reactions. Perhaps cost is the deciding factor. Machining certainly isn't. Stainless steel is one of the more difficult materials to work with.

    Service was quite good. I know some have expressed moments of difficulty dealing with Ms. Lori. Fortunately, I cannot relate.
    I will say there must be a better way to size these things, though. The current system allows for too much second guessing. Ahhh. Live and learn, I guess.

    Hope this review helps anyone "on the fence" make his decision.

    Until next time,

  2. newsub4a

    newsub4a Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    Great review, thanks for sharing! Would it be possible for you to post a few pics of your device, both worn and alone?

    I was the one that posted about having issues with urinating, mainly that a small amount of urine will get trapped in the penis. I have sensed learned how to "milk" most of it out, but still get a bit in there and at night when I lay on my side the rest just dribbles out.

    With my home made version I have only been ale to be in it for about 36 hours before I too notice swelling. I changed base rings on my device (smaller) and now I get swelling in both my testicles and entire penis (not erecting swelling, more like edema). I am not sure if it is because the ring is too tight or because I am not used to wearing the device.

    I am still experimenting though, trying to get the right fit...
  3. Gr8Chaste_LesFilling

    Gr8Chaste_LesFilling Junior Member

    Nov 5, 2008
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    Ms Watchful's pet and newsub4a -

    Thanks for the comments. As for pictures, I will have to decline. Partly because I am camera shy, but mostly because I have no digital camera. I know my friends cannot believe it either. Then again, I am the only person they know who doesn't have cable or satelite TV. Sorry, gents.

    Tried mikecb's tip about using tape to make the main ring smaller. At first it seemed to be working. However, after just a few hours in the device, the swelling started. I went for a two mile walk in near single digit conditions hoping the movement and cold would help the fluid work its way out. Limited success. I don't think shrinking the A-ring further is the answer. It seems to exacerbate the edema issue. Also, I have notice, at least for me, the constriction of my genitals leads to lower back pain, and joint pain...mostly in my hips. When I am not trussed up, I NEVER have pain in my joints.

    Not sure what I will try next. I just know the testicle trapping/constricting devices I have tried to date, don't seem to be worth the trouble.
  4. countachcx

    countachcx Senior Member

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  5. pert

    pert Junior Member

    Sep 17, 2008
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    first thing is first this site is one of the best i have ever been on and thankyou too all those who made it happen. second think is i have a lori's 12d. we measured and remeasured and remeasured and made our order to ms.lori. measurements where 1 5/8 for the ring around the total package and 23/25 around the penis. what was recived was 1 7/8 buy1 1/2 for the total package and the penis came in around 15/16 not to mention that i am 10 gauge pa and a 8 was given to me.
    Being all excited i washed the device and tried it on took about 15 min to get into it and 3 hours later was taking it off do to swelling of the head. it was very difffcult to pee and became very sore. wrote ms. lori a nice letter asking her how muchit would cost for repairs . reply was i told u to make sure of your measurements and cost would be shipping at least. shipping would cost about (there and back) about $40.00 felling cheap that i am i went and bought a file and filed the spikes down a little at a time till the swelling in my penis stoped i also took the 8 gauge locking pin and mabe it a 10 gauge except near the base of the pin left it alone so it wold not be loose in the that the device fits ( or so i thought it was going to ) thing are very comfortable no swelling and the weight is not and issue, then the testical popped out the side . took device off got very angery and decided to sell it for something else. if anyone has any question or wants to know more about it just send me a message
  6. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Thank you, and you're welcome!

    Thanks also for the review. I'm sure it will be a great help to others.
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