Ms Lorelei - Charm School For Sissy Maids

Discussion in 'Book and movie reviews' started by Mistress Watchful, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    This book is obviously out of print.

    Is it worth shelling out the money for this item?

    Does anyone know if a reprint is in the works?

    I'd like some feedback on this book, and if it is worth it, I may be tempted!
  2. vikkisissycuck

    vikkisissycuck vikkisissycuck

    Jun 7, 2008
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    but there will be a pdf copy kicking about the internet.

    might find it on a torent site.

  3. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Mistress Watchful,

    yes indeed, the book looks really out of print. I just had a look at the site of Greenery Press (which was the original publisher) and even there is not the slightest hint on it.

    It seems as if vikkisissycuck's way is the only one to get access to the book at the moment - even though it is not exactly legal as we all know.

    As for the price at amazon i would not say it really worth 150 dollars. It is a good read, of course, but if You are not a true collector of books, i would say NO.

    There are some quite interesting opinions but in the end there is nothing You would not be able to get from internet or other books.


    maid katrin
  4. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Since A charm school for sissy maids from Mistress Lorelei is now out of stock and only to buy from Amazon for the price of an original print of an ancient book i wondered whether it is a good idea to write a little review.

    It is definitely not written to make Y/you jealous of me for owning a copy but I rather want to give some clues on how to get the same information elsewhere.

    The Mistress will find this book useful in teaching those particular skills that make a sissy maid such a convenient and delightful creature to have around the house. Instead of spending your time devising an individual training regimen, you can use this one. You can even customize the Charm School, adding new elements or emphasizing those that matter most to you
    The unowned sissy maid will find this book a rewarding preparation for the blessed day when a Mistress chooses you [Introduction of Mistress Loreleis A charm school for sissy maids]

    It is true, the book can be a good guide and an inspiring read for both, the Lady and the sissy maid. The main part of the book is written like a thirty-day-course with exercises, meditations and instructions for the soon to be sissy maid. Each day covers a special aspect of the sissy life such as
    • wearing panties
    • sissified speech
    • make-up
    • girdles, corsets and uniforms
    • hand laundry
    • serving tea
    • manicures and foot service
    • chastity
    • oral servitude
    • the sissy in public
    • or the acceptance of discipline
    Each chapter gives information a brief curriculum so to say and end with special homework tasks to be carried out by the sissy maid.

    Even though part time sissy maid are mentioned it quickly becomes clear that the course is meant to become a full time sissy maid to a dominant Lady and lets face it, there is no way to become a true and useful sissy maid in just thirty days. All Mistresss who have trained their own maids know perfectly how much time it takes to achieve a level that can be called satisfactory and perfection is may be something a sissy maid never can achieve.
    Considering this, the thirty-day-course must be seen as a literary vehicle to transport the different aspects of training a sissy maid.

    A very interesting part of the book is Day 22 (I wonder why not earlier J ) which deals with chastity. I can imagine that many members of this forum want to know what Mistress Lorelei thinks about the subject. She does not review all the different devices available but gives only a brief introduction and a price range which, as we all know, might have been valid a few years back but doesnt really apply nowadays. Considering that the book was originally written in 2001.
    However, Mistress Lorelei rather concentrates on the psychological aspects of chastity and even gives some alternatives if a sissy cant afford an expensive device.
    Amazingly Mistress Lorelei has an rather unique opinion on chastity:

    Contrary to popular belief, chastity is not the same thing as celibacy. Chastity means a sexuality enjoyed within specific rules or limits. According to traditional definitions, a married Woman who is faithful to Her husband is chaste even if they hump like bunnies every night. If Her husband is always eying other Woman, even if he does not touch them, than he is not chaste. Those traditional rules dont allow for polyamory, for subbing to various Dommes, for all kinds of exciting things. So we are obviously not going to be slaves to those traditional rules but we are going to borrow the basic idea, which is that chastity means adhering to specific rules
    your Domme is going to set the rules and enforce them. If She says no masturbation, you have to obey. If She tells you to serve Her best friend with foot worship and anilingus you say, Yes, Maam. If She tells you that you may not look at naughty pictures or that you must you are being chaste by following Her orders [Day 22, A charm school for sissy maids]

    As I wrote, an interesting view that defines chastity much wider than just the use of devices or tease and denial.

    The book finishes with a daily checkup sheet to be used by any sissy maid, no matter if owned or not. The conclusion of the sheet is that at the end of each day the sissy must ask him/herself: What have I done today to become a better sissy maid? Did I serve the idea of Female Supremacy every single moment of the day?

    This is something any Mistress might create for Her own sissy, according to Her individual needs.

    Its pity that the book is out of stock but does it worth the 150 dollars you have to pay now? If you are not a true collector I would say no. There are other manuals available such as Mistress Constances Sissy School which can be as inspiring as the Charm School.

    [Quotations taken from A Charm School for sissy maids, Mistress Lorelei, Greenery Press 2001]
  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    maid katrin, thank you for such a lovely review.

    I have found another copy at 70, but it seems to be in quite bad condition.

    You sissies must love your art... where are all the books?! You've got them all stashed between you. I can't believe that a book so recently published and then out of print is so hard to come by!
  6. Constance

    Constance Erotic Author

    May 21, 2008
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    I also have Miss Lorelei's book and it is a nice read. My sub-hub bought it 'back then' to thrust upon me, along with many other books. Needy subbies have that annoying habit: "read this, read this."

    Thanks for the Sissy School plug. Yes, it is my intent to keep adding new lessons, all for FREE.

    Yes, these "used" prices are ridiculous!!! I saw on Amazon this morning they had a first edition copy of my book Mistress Karin for $136!!!! Un-fucking-believable! Do NOT pay that my babies!! The new second edition is easily available at Amazon for $8.95. It's cheaper than the old first edition was and contains two new chapters and also illustrations.

    Note: one of the older first editions is in the post to Ms. Watchful as a promotional gift, but please, darling, don't review it. I'll send along a new second edition copy for review, along with a copy of The Breaking Cage, once I get my author copies.

    Perhaps the links below will work (these technical things often befuddle me).

    Mistress Karin @

    Mistress Karin @ Barnes and Noble

    The Breaking Cage @

    The Breaking Cage @ Barnes and

    Mistress Karin @ Amazon UK

    The Breaking Cage @ Amazon UK

    Constance Pennington Smythe
  7. Constance

    Constance Erotic Author

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    Note: Some of these presses don't seem to be getting with technology, not that I'm an expert. But my publisher has gone the POD (Print on Demand) route. The book "lives" on the distributer/printers server (cost $12 / year) and can be printed and distributed within days. It essentially NEVER goes out of print unless the publisher decides to pull it, or not pay the server maintenance fee. It's insane, in this day of technology and high-speed offset printing, to do it the "old way", making print runs of 100's or 1,000's and putting them in a warehouse and hoping to sell them. It's an old and outdated business model.
    C.P. Smythe
  8. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Mistress Constance,

    it was a pleasure to pint out Your new sissy school which definitely has advantages as there will be an individual feedback from a lifestyle Lady for each sissy that sends an assignment report.

    I am sure by the time Your school will become as comprehensive as Mistress Lorelei's book.


    maid katrin
  9. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    I'm sure, if not better! I have great faith in Ms Constance and all the sissies who interact with her are a great credit to her and themselves.

    I did purchase a vanilla housewife book this weekend that I hope to use with pet, but he did a fabulous job of the ironing, keeping me topped up with Margaritas and generally attending to my needs, so we are making some progress.
  10. maid katrin

    maid katrin chaste sissy maid

    May 15, 2008
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    Dear Mistress Watchful,

    i think for what You want Your pet to learn these kind of books are a much more helpful read than books that have a rather erotic background.

    There are very few sissy maid tutorials that seriously deal with cooking, needlework or sewing, setting a table correctly, how to serve a poshed dinner, useful household hints or things like that.

    As for me i have a whole shelf of such books which i used when i was new as a maid and which i still use now and then, for instance when i want to surprise my Mistress with a lovely set dinner table :angel:.


    maid katrin
  11. Constance

    Constance Erotic Author

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    Help for Sissies

    Household Hints and Tips for Sissy Maids, available FREE at Smythe Enterprises on my web site offers real domestic hints and tips for would-be sissy maids and cucks. And future lessons of my on-line Sissy School will also deal with real-world domestic service. I mean, really my darlings, it's not all about dressing up and micning about on stilettos! We expect you to be useful and productive!

    AT LAST, I finally got a particular piece of publishing software to load! What in God's name are these 'registery error' things anyway? A cyber/technical slut, that's what I need. Heavens, I can train someone to set a table but these computer thingies will drive me mad!

    Mistress Constance
  12. icarus_101

    icarus_101 Babygirl

    Jun 4, 2008
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    There are two sorts of registery error, Mistriss Constance.

    One refers to the computers registry - which is fundementally it's little black book of things it wants to remember. Sometimes programmes will attempt to put useful information in there but the system will tell this programme it is being a cheeky little tart and smack it's little sissy hands...

    on the other hand, registry errors could be relating to failure of the auto-kern process in the publishing software itself... common when using EPS on PC platforms.

    I hope Mistress has found that useful.

    * curtsey *
  13. Constance

    Constance Erotic Author

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    Babycakes - aren't you the clever one! Darling, you sound like just the thing I need chained in the cellar, my own tech slut. I'd simply lead you upstairs to my office (you'd crawl of course) and set you on your special butt plug chair while you fixed all my software/internet issues. Then I'd have another one of the sissies give you a quick blow job (IF you've fixed the problem in a timely manner) and then it's back to the cellar, chained to your post. How lovely THAT would be!

    Icarus - interesting. Did you get to close to a Hot Mistress and melt your wings, fall into submission?

    Mistres Constance
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