Locked Koala’s Thoughts

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Locked_Koala, Jul 7, 2022.

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  1. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    Ok. I’m back again after a pretty significant break. Life happens and maybe I’ll explain more of that break later. A question came up recently and I felt like I could share my response here. Though if I’ve shared this already, I apologize for the duplication.

    I’ve known, loosely, about chastity since college, so over 20 years ago. Have, at some level, always been interested in female domination with me having a submissive nature. Though the professional world, and average person, does not see that side.

    We started with more tease and denial, orgasm control after our first kid was born. That escalated after second kid was born and I volunteered to go without orgasm until she was cleared by the doctor to “return to activity”. That was six weeks without an orgasm, and without a cage. Very difficult.

    Then, we started with an actual chastity device in 2020. Went through a cheap knockoff CB that broke. Tried the Vice, and it was not made for my anatomy. Tried a legit CB Small, and it was better, but still not good for anything more than a short period.

    Kept learning. Next tried a cheap metal cage and it was another step forward. Was considering going custom and tried the Cherry Keeper because I could try multiple options for a reasonable price. It is super light weight and fits well. Not perfectly, but well enough. That’s what I’m in currently.

    Various start and stops over the past 4 years. Some breaks lasting 4-6 months. I have found that the “break in” period after these breaks have gotten easier and easier and it takes less
    Build up time to get back to 24/7 wear
    Stephplayswithyou and IB-Chaste like this.
  2. denied_one

    denied_one Long term member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    How did your 90 days turn out? Did you two finish it out?
  3. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    good question. In short, no we didn’t make it 90 days. I think it was about a month, maybe about 5 weeks or so. I was well on my way. Then we took it off for an action vacation that would have made wearing the cage risky. Then I had a vasectomy after that.

    Really just now getting back to it. So, doing the math, guess it’s been a roughly 4-5 month break. But it gets easier and easier after each break. Seems the break in period to get back to 24/7 wear is quicker. I’ve been locked up for 3 days right now.

    I expect another attempt at 90 days sometime this year.

    Thanks for asking about it.
    Stephplayswithyou and denied_one like this.
  4. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    Quick update…

    I am leaving town this weekend to visit family. I’m traveling by myself. Will be locked up, but will have my emergency key if needed. Though no plans to use it. And it is wrapped in tamper proof tape, so it would be obvious if it was used.

    This will also be the first trip I’ve taken where I did not pack any boxers. A couple months ago, we decided that I would no wear men’s underwear anymore. Not necessarily a feminization thing. Just find women’s underwear to be sexier and more fun. We like sharing an underwear drawer. But I still sleep in boxers over my underwear in case the kids come into our room in the middle of the night.
    Stephplayswithyou likes this.
  5. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    So the weekend out of town that I mentioned above was a success. Visited family and other things. No issues with the cage and no need to use the emergency key.

    Fast forward to the this past weekend and my Keyholder was out of town. Unfortunately, I did have to unwrap and use the emergency key. I had a ball slip through the ring and had to unlocked the cage to fix it. I used that as an opportunity to take a shower and get everything good and clean and trimmed up and locked back up. Then texted the confession about what had happened. She thanked me for my honesty, and we all knew there would be some kind of punishment needed for using the key.

    I admitted that nothing else happened, but the thought was there to unlocked again and fool around since the key was already unwrapped and nobody would know. I didn’t, but admitted we needed to get the key wrapped back up. It stays on my keychain but is wrapped in tamper evident tape so it is obvious if it’s been used. Helps mentally.

    She gets home Sunday night and we get all the normal stuff taken care of and start to get ready for bed. We talk about the key and thankfully the punishment was very mild. Most of you would say it wasn’t a punishment at all. I had to give her an orgasm while staying locked. I asked if I could go down in her and lick her, as that’s my favorite, but she said no. We agreed that was my real punishment.
    Stephplayswithyou likes this.
  6. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    During her weekend away and our conversations, I asked if she preferred co trolling my orgasms more or my erections more. After some thought, she said she liked being able to control my erections more, as t that would control my orgasms too. Interesting discovery, as that means there’s no real end to wearing the cage in site. I may get out of it, and may get to cum, but the cage will be there waiting.
    Stephplayswithyou likes this.
  7. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    Short update as I’m laying here in bed, based on something she just said.

    First, the background. As previously mentioned, we attempted 90 days last year - Oct/Nov/Dec. we had to break that early and I begged to have another attempt at 90 days at some point in the future. Well, looks like that will be this Fall. Sep, Oct, and Nov.

    So we have that to look forward to.

    After accepting that, and talking about some logistics. Does that mean the cage doesn’t come off at all, what about for the occasional shower, should I order a second cage to swap out for cleaning so she can further limit erections, etc…. All TBD. But after all of that, and a nice pause to let it sink in, I muttered, “I’m never getting out of this cage, am I?”

    Her reply, without skipping, was a simple, but direct, “No.”
    Stephplayswithyou and denied_one like this.
  8. Locked_Koala

    Locked_Koala Active member

    Jul 5, 2022
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    Some of you post these really long, well written updates. I feel like you must have more free time, or maybe access this site from a computer, instead of a phone. Or maybe my attention span has decreased over the years.

    Anyway, I update as I am able. And in this update, I can brag a little. Maybe bragging isn’t the right word. But I managed to be unlocked and free from the cage all weekend. I really don’t understand why, but I’m not going to complain or argue about it.

    She unlocked me Friday, after I did some begging for really any kind of action or touch. She would stroke me with her hand and I was so sensitive I would just squirm and laugh. Finally, she said “let’s put an end to your misery and she climbed on top and rode me hard until I couldn’t handle any more and released a couple weeks worth of built up pressure. It felt incredible.

    Then somehow I was able to stay unlocked until Monday morning. So now things are back to normal.
    Stephplayswithyou likes this.
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