Ginger's submissive an introduction.

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by gingers_sub, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. gingers_sub

    gingers_sub Long term member

    Oct 1, 2008
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    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Gravenhurst, Ontario, Canada
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    7:22 AM
    As an introduction i am a submissive cuckold husband to my Wife of 20 years.
    We married very young at 19 and had a vanilla relationship up until the last 6 years.
    Circumstances changed which allowed both of us to reveal our hidden desires and true selves. We know live a Femdom lifestyle as much as possible.

    Recently i gave my Wife the gift of a CB_3000 for her birthday.
    She was always somewhat interested in chastity before but now that we have a well designed device she (and i) is really enjoying it.

    Due to the physical nature of my work i cannot wear it durning the working week but am locked up for entire weekends and if my Wife happens to have a date during the week.

    I do have a question however.

    I know finding the right fit takes some time and experimenting but i am finding that i need two different set ups for night and day. During the day i need it tighter but at night a looser fit i think is necessary.
    Those nocturnal "attempted" erections are killing me!!
    Is this common? We are hoping to be able to keep it on 24/7 one day when life allows. Will those nocturnal torture sessions eventuall subside?

    The current set up that seems to work well is the second to smallest Ring with a small spacer closest to the body with the small teeth.
    I tried the medium sized teeth but an erection using those was extremely painfull. Not good for long term use but a lot of fun for play.
    In fact i was just told that next weekend at a BDSM play party we are attending i must install those nasty medium teeth into my chastity device.

    Looking forward to a life of submission and chastity.
  2. imbriannagirl

    imbriannagirl Senior Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Welcome to Chastity Mansion Gingers_sub. i'm glad you made it.

    brianna :)
  3. snubbe86

    snubbe86 Searching for Mistress

    Jan 6, 2009
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    Yes welcome to the site
  4. Respectful

    Respectful Chaste by choice

    Oct 25, 2008
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    Welcome to our diverse crew Ginger's sub.

    Good luck with the nocturnal discomfort! There are lots of good heads with threads to read here. Reading about other people's journeys may help you to adapt to chastity.

    I am lucky to be trusted without a device, but it has taken a lot of willpower and time to get used to this freedom from expression ;-)

    Plus, I am lucky that my Lady cares about my comfort so long as I am chaste for her.
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