Frustrated w/ Mistress

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by kev, Dec 29, 2008.

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  1. kev

    kev Junior Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    I have been frustrated with my Wife/Mistress lately, She has gone of any play, contact sex everything. I try and be a good sub but all I get is ignored, so yesterday i decided to test myself, i shaved myself, and locked myself in my CB3000, She is totally against me shaving, but i did it to see how long it would be before she notices. I'm guessing i will have regrown my pubic hair first! It is upsetting to me to want to serve her, she even asked for the CB3000 to be purchased, i only wish to be a good well trained sissy maid? Any thoughts ideas, suggestions on how to ignite her interest again?:snail:
  2. kev

    kev Junior Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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  3. imbriannagirl

    imbriannagirl Senior Member

    Sep 14, 2008
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    Hello kev. :)

    My first suggestion to you is to NOT antagonize her by shaving yourself if you KNOW she is "totally against" you shaving. All that will accomplish is to piss her off, and ultimately drive her away.

    i would let her know that it's very important that you speak to her about something that is concerning you. Let her know that you don't need to speak about it "now", but that when she has some time, you'd like to sit down and discuss your feelings. i recommend you sit down by yourself and type/write out all the things that are concerning you (do this BEFORE you approach her as she may want to talk right then and there, and you need to be prepared). When making your list, DO NOT type it out as though you are complaining! You need to help her understand how you are feeling, as well as how MUCH you want to please her.

    Don't: It really bothers me when you don't want to touch me down there.

    Do: i feel as though you no longer desire to be near me, and i'm concerned that i've done/said something that has upset you.

    See what i mean?? As i said, make sure you tell her how much you want to make her happy, and give her examples, but be sure to also ask her how she is feeling. i don't know the details of how you both began this journey, but perhaps she is having second thoughts about turning her male husband into a female wife?? Perhaps she is scared by your over enthusiasm (don't fret, we're ALL overly enthusiastic! LOL) and is simply overwhelmed. If it's not something SHE desires of you, it might be like she's trying to eat kidney or liver for you, when she absolutely HATES kidney or liver! LOL

    i would be very interested to learn what some of our Ladies' thoughts are on this situation.

    brianna :)
  4. kev

    kev Junior Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    Thank you much for your thoughts brianna
  5. xcitex2

    xcitex2 Back from the past!

    May 15, 2008
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    Kev I am with brianna here. Anything you do to try and "test" her is only going to lead to you driving a wedge between you. This type of relationship takes even more communication than a traditional one. I would take care to find out what SHE wants out of this. By the way I would NOT ask "What do you want out of this?" Take some time and try to figure out what inspired her to order the device. chances are you might be missing something she expected and as such she said never mind with the whole thing. Just some thoughts since I have been in similar situations in the past. Best of luck.
  6. ladylionzsissy

    ladylionzsissy male chastity sissymaid

    May 16, 2008
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    i agree with most comments above, that it's very important to "check-in" with your Wife/Mistress on a regular basis. ask Her in a nice way if everything OK, is O/our relationship working the way She wants it to, etc. listen to Her answers first, tell Her you love and care for Her and She's the number one person in your life. kiss Her. then think about Your response to Her answers, and ask to discuss things after thinking about them some more.

    is your relationship equal or lop-sided? for instance, do you both share some responsibilties for the relationship (do you both work, do chores, etc.?). find out where you can assist Her by taking-up more of Her responsibilities at home so that She can have more free time to do what She wants. make Her needs your hobbies!

    in my very humble opinion, these are just some thoughts...
  7. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    From what you have posted it sounds like there *was* play and interest before, and it has suddenly stopped.

    If that is the case, then something has obviously happened!

    I have no idea what it could be! I usually get into that situation if I haven't had enough sex, or I'm too busy to play for a couple of days and after that I feel like "why bother, pet didn't miss it" and it's a downward spiral from there.

    Have you asked her what's wrong?

    Maybe a little wooing wouldn't go amiss. Ask her if she would like to go out for lunch, or dinner, and ask her about her day, what has she been up to... just like getting to know each other again.

    It sounds like communication channels have closed, and need to be reopened.

    If I'm going in the wrong direction... give us some more info. :jumping0046:
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