Excited about where this will lead...

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Lib84, Jul 20, 2016.

  1. Lib84

    Lib84 Member

    Jul 19, 2016
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    Hi there - im really pleased to have found this site while researching male chastity and would love to take a minute to introduce myself to The Mansion.

    I'm in a very loving relationship of 3 years, but have been unable to control my urges throughout this time. It's something I've felt I've always had to deal with alone, but now I'm with a girl i love very dearly, i decided it was time to do something about it.

    I'm 32 and she is 24, we live in North Wales, UK and are self employed in the hospitality sector. I suppose we have a fairly vanilla sex life and found ourselves in a rut, making time to make love only 3 or 4 times a month. A big part of this problem has been my compulsion to masturbate in secret up to 3 or 4 times daily.

    Now, however, as of 4 days ago, none of these options are physically available to me and i am so grateful for this. She is my key holder and, while the situation is very new to us both, she seems to be enjoying her role and having increased control within our relationship. She has already mentioned that the cage is "doing wonders" as I have been far more attentive to her and am contributing more to housework etc.

    If there is interest from others to hear more about our first few days since locking me in, I would be very happy to share. Perhaps our way of practising chastity is a little different to others in The Mansion (from what I've read) owing to our very limited experience and finding our feet. We would certainly benefit from peoples' experience and we are both excited about where this sexual adventure will lead...
    Tombow and chastesoon like this.
  2. seasoned

    seasoned Long term member

    Jun 8, 2014
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    Thanks for your story and welcome to CM.I wish that I had known about male chastity at your age;it would have changed my life.For many,a cock-cage is kinky and I find their tales interesting and instructive but its most important use is to make men less selfish and more focused on their partners.If your gf doesn't know about your masturbation compulsion,she must think the device is magic:cool:
    I,for one,would like to read more about the new direction you're taking together;may it last for ever!
    Tombow likes this.
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