Coffee fueled ramblings of a sissy 'wannabe?'

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by PuppyMastersPet, Jun 20, 2008.

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  1. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I just want to start by saying that Im not looking for sympathy or to detract from mistress watchfuls predicament, I just need to put this in writing, god knows why. This is what happens when you drink to much coffee and then have an hour or so to think to yourself.

    It started by me trying to think so something constructive and helpful to write on mistress watchfuls latest thread and then I realized theres not of advice I could really offer. I already wrote a short message but I think it just read back as the words of a young inexperienced wannabe sub. I must admit I hadnt really followed mistress watchfuls story so didnt know the full picture. My world were honest and thoughtful but all in all not really that much use.
    I came onto this site a bit cock sure thinking I was submissive and saying how I have been trained not to want to cum. But after a couple of weeks on this site I realized how much further I have to go on my journey. I still get urges to cum, wish I didnt but I do. While Im being honest as MW has been throughout her experience. I dont wear a CB or any device, one reason is the bulge when Im at my most fem I hate it but another big reason is that I have developed and irrational fear of some how a blood clot forming in my balls when the CB is on. I think it started when I got hard one night my balls went blue and then I had what I know now was a panic attack, not a hart attack (dont laugh to yourselves). Im a natural worrier anyway and had to come up with some story at the doctors in order to get some help, wasnt gonna tell her I wore a chastity device :tongue:. Anyways so thats part of the story of the CB.
    I think my point is we all have a lot to learn and there are many ups and downs but we can all make compromises. But above all we should embrace and enjoy our chastity experience either as a master/mistress or as a submissive/sissy/dog/slave.
    For me its not a lifestyle anymore it a way of life and the more master takes control of me the more control I want him to have. Its not play it is our relationship for the most part (but playtime is great fun). Its helped us get to know each other better in many respects.

    I think that will do for now. May keep this open for when I next drink to much coffee :wink:.
    There may be many grammatical errors in there but I rushed back from a job I was doing and had to quickly write it down.
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Lol @ you! We all have predicaments and I may be an attention slut but it's not necessary to apologise!

    This is a great thread though, and I think we are very lucky that most people here realise they still have much to learn and are not where they want to be... even those who appear to the rest of us to have achieved that perfect integration into their lives.

    I know some people look at pet and think he's so lucky to have a woman who embraces the thought of chastity, I look at him and think "poor bugger, he deserves someone who knows much more"!

    We are all at different stages, ages and experiences...

    Thank you for your thoughts, I think the fact you realise you have more to learn is always the start to open new doors.
  3. submissive1

    submissive1 Member

    Jun 22, 2008
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    That was a very nice post slave kris and sweet reply Mistress Watchful.

    Inasmuch as my Dear Wife and I have been living this way for about a year now I am sure we still have plenty to learn. She doesn't even consider it a D/s relationship and never uses those terms. To her it is just a husband and wife making each other happy in their own way. But all in all I don't imagine you ever stop learning and growing.
  4. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    I think thats a nice way to think of things, after all thats what it's all about, making eachother happy. I've learned a lot in the last week alone, since I've joined this site and had some very good advice.
    Mistress Watchfull really inspire the post though after reader about her strugle, really made me think differently about my submission and what it means to each person involved.
    I've made a few changes this weekend and now finaly handed power to Master and have become what Master wants.
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