Chaste and cucked

Discussion in 'Member fiction' started by subhub1, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    A work of chastity and cuckold fiction,

    He watched the door close and heard the lock shoot home, the rhythmic sound of clicking stiletto heels filled his mind, slowly getting quieter as Mistress walked to the waiting car.

    With the door shut and locked he could see nothing, he was on the floor very close to the door, close enough to be of immediate assistance to Mistress when She walked back in, thats how She liked it.

    Looking down he noticed yet again how small and delicate the silver chain was that curled round the radiator pipe near the door, his gaze followed the line of the chain back to the small golden padlock which secured his CB3000 in place. He could stand up and the silver chain would break in a moment, but She would then know he had disobeyed Her direct order, as She left she had glanced over Her shoulder and said with a giggle Stay the silver chain was one of a kind, it could not be replaced, even if he could work out a way to thread it back into the padlock.

    So he was stuck, chained in position with his CB3000 firmly in place and waiting for his beautiful Mistress wife to return.

    Of course he knew the old saying was correct, be careful what you wish for it is so right he thought. His life was so different a few short years ago. Even though he had always had submissive tendencies he never thought he would actually get to live the dream.

    His mind played over the thought of how he got here and then the memory came flooding back, never far away in his mind, always there as a foundation block of his particular submissive tendency.

    All those years ago as a teenage boy he remembered, he was so excited at the sight of a pair of legs in sheer black nylon and oh those boots. Black leather hugging the Ladys legs like a second skin, the patent leather glistening in the sun light and those stiletto heels. Oh no he thought, its happening again, the hardening between his legs, the bead of sweat appearing on his forehead.please no; dont let Her walk towards me.

    As She approaches he is certain she can read his mind, dirty little boy she must be thinking, then it gets worse, Shes talking to him. She must know what hes thinking, he cant look Her in the eye, his gaze travels from Her beautiful blood red lips, to Her perfect breasts, over Her hips encased in that tight fitting pencil skirt, down to Her nylon clad legs, are they stockings he thinks, then his eyes are on Her beautiful patent black boots and he is lost.

    Struck dumb by the divine sight in front of him, the Lady waits for a reply and just laughs sweet boy She says, so cute that my outfit has such an effect on you he is speechless. What is it about my boots that you like so much She teases. As he stares, She moves Her leg and balances he foot on Her stiletto heel, turning Her booted foot left and right he can no longer contain himself.

    Then it happens, he couldnt stop it, it just did it all by its self and now She is giggling Oh dear, it looks like youve had a little accident She mocks. Then almost in slow motion he looks down and sees the spreading damp patch in his jeans, sorry is all he can mumble as he starts to run, the sound of Her amused laughter in his ears. He knew immediately his life has been set from that moment on, he would always be at the mercy of a Lady who knew exactly which buttons to press.

    Back to reality he glanced at the door, how long will I wait today he thought, it was only 8.45 AM, his Mistress had looked so amazing in Her work outfit. Crisp white top with a black knee length skirt, sheer stockings ending in plain black court shoes. A small overnight bag in one hand, Her briefcase in the other. One for work, one for fun She had said.

    Her boyfriend was going to take Her to work, they planned to met for lunch then back to his place in the evening, Her outfit was in the overnight bag. What had She put in that bag he wondered, tormenting himself with visions of his beautiful Mistress in a selection of highly erotic outfits all for the pleasure of another man.

    Of course it was hubby who had started the chain of events, first he asked to be kept in chastity, his Wife wasnt that keen on the idea, but as the lock up times were extended he became more and more horny and more willing to please his Mistress and generally be of service to Her. She found it quite cute to have Her husband at Her beck and call, the lock up times grew with Her love for this new lifestyle.

    Slowly his Mistress came to the conclusion, it was in hubbys best interest to be kept locked up for long periods of time, he behaved better and obeyed Her commands without hesitation. She enjoyed Her power and gave hubby more and more humiliating commands, She giggled when he obeyed. Maybe there is something in this She had thought.

    There was only one cloud in the sky though, hubby remained locked in his CB3000 sometimes for more than a month at a time, obviously it was doing hubby good to be so chaste, however, She was, after all a red blooded Lady who enjoyed sex, there was no denying it. Why should She miss out, just because She decided hubby had to.

    It was a surprisingly short period of time after causally mentioning to hubby her need for sex with another man that She announced Her first date was imminent. Her date was to be with a guy who worked in the next office, She had always had a bit of flirting relationship with him, then one day he asked Her if She would like to go for a quick drink one evening.

    Her reply had shocked Her as much as him, I would love to come with you for a drink She had said, But we dont need to make it quick and Id rather think of it as a date.
    What about your husband he had spluttered, clearly shocked but quickly getting up to speed with the situation
    Oh, dont you worry about my little pet She had said Ill make sure he has lots of things to keep him occupied while were together.

    And so the scene was set, hubby was about to find out the terrible mix of emotions associated with male chastity, a hot wife and the prospect of become Her cuckold.
  2. maidmisty

    maidmisty Senior Member

    May 16, 2008
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    What a cute story. You can see the haole thing come together . Can't wait to see the next scene .:evilgrin0036:
  3. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Thanks for the comment maidmisty, i try....our little hero (he he) is going to struggle with his emotions in the next chapter.

    I enjoy writing erotic fiction as much as reading it, but the real thrill is to read other peoples comments, good or bad.

    It just makes the work bring it on dear readers.
  4. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Latest installment of the story,

    That day Mistress told Her husband She had decided to take their relationship to the next level, he was to become Her cuckold. Time appeared to shoot by for poor little hubby, he could see His beautiful wife becoming more and more excited at the prospect of Her date. Of course hubby was still in his CB3000 and had been for 3 weeks. Just seeing his wife made him hard in the solid unforgiving cage, how he hated that cage at times, then, like the change of a wind he loved the feeling of its close tightness, strangely he felt safe and secure while inside it, on the very few occasions his wife removed it for personal hygiene reasons he felt strangely naked without it. His mind was starting to play tricks on him. How could he feel happy and safe with his manhood locked in a plastic chastity device, yet uncomfortable and almost scared when it was removed?

    Before he knew it the day of Her date was upon him, waking that morning he went through his usual duties, rising early to prepare breakfast for Mistress. Attending Mistress in the shower room, how humiliating it felt to be knelt on the shower room floor, naked except his chastity, holding up a fluffy white towel and waiting for Mistress to step out of the shower.

    Then She was stood in front of him, Her beautiful firm naked body dripping with water, a small river of shower water falling between Her perfect breasts. As usual he was mesmerised, frozen to the spot, until Mistress brought him back to reality with a well aimed slap across the face, ‘I hope for your sake your not going to make me wait like this tonight, bitch’ She spat at him.

    Hubby didn’t know what shocked him more, the sting of Her hand on his face or Her change of words and tone, She had spoken to him like that before, but it had been part of a role play scene, this was different, he knew from Her tone She meant it. Their relationship had instantly been taken up a notch; his submission to this beautiful creature had increased yet again. Oh how he loved the Woman who was progressively controlling his life through lust and denial.

    Quickly, with trembling hands he used the soft fluffy towel to pat his Goddess dry. After which She stalked out of the shower room and instructed him to clean the room. When his work was complete he crawled on all fours to the door of Mistress’ bedroom, knelling by the door he knocked.

    ‘Enter’, She commanded, he crawled towards Her, head bowed, when he saw Her beautiful feet with jet black painted toe nails he stopped. ‘Well my obedient little toy’ She said softly, ‘I’ve got a special treat for you now, sit up and beg’. He did as he was told, ‘Tell me what I am going to do tonight’.

    ‘Please Mistress’ he said, ‘If it pleases You Mistress You are going to go on a date with another man’. ‘Yes it does please me, my little pet, and what am I going to do after my date’. He gulped, She had never forced him to speak the words before now ‘If it pleases You Mistress’ he paused ‘I think Mistress, You are going to make me a cuckold’.

    ‘Such a clever little pet, getting the answer right first time, yes I am going to make you my cuckold’ She giggled, ‘You are now going to think very carefully and when you have got the words right in your head, you are going to ask me to do something very special for you’

    His heart was racing, he felt a mixture of thrill and dread in the pit of his stomach, he knew if he said the words there was no turning back, maybe it was a step to far or did he really yearn for this next stage of humiliation. She spoke in a whisper, ‘Say the words and your life will never be the same again, alternatively, you can stand up, get dressed and we will forget all about your little fetish’
    She paused, ‘Either way you have 5 seconds to decide’. His stomach was turning cartwheels, beads of sweat had broken out on his forehead and to his embarrassment he was hard in his plastic cage. She noticed this and laughed, ‘Well it looks like tiny down there has decided, what about you my poor confused little husband’.

    ‘Please Mistress, will You do something very special for me tonight’ he begged,
    ‘Oh my little pet, you know I will always try to do something for you if you ask nicely’ She teased,
    ‘Please Mistress, will You go to bed with the man You are dating tonight’ She laughed, ‘Go on, this sounds interesting’.
    ‘Please Mistress’, he stuttered ‘Will You go to bed with him and have sex with him and make me into Your pathetic pussy whipped cuckold bitch’ he had got going now, there was no turning back. ‘Please Goddess, will You enjoy the cock of another man for as long as You wish, will You get your sexual pleasure from him, and, and’.

    ‘Go on say it’ She spat, he hesitated for a split second, then said

    ‘Will You make me very happy and ban me from Your beautiful pussy forever, will You please only allow other men to enjoy Your pussy, will You keep me as Your chaste and sexless toy, to use as You wish, will You please make me Your Bitch’.

    As the last word echoed off the walls he fell to the floor, showering kisses on Her beautiful feet, ‘Please can I be Your bitch’ he repeated over and over again.

    He didn’t see the cruel smile on Her perfect lips or the glint in Her eye. Even She didn’t think they would have got to this stage so quickly. But here they were none the less and She certainly wasn’t going to take a step backwards. Best of both worlds She thought, little pet at home under complete control in one hand, in the other sex with gorgeous well hung studs when ever She liked. Most other women would kill for such a position in life; silly cows didn’t know what they were missing.

    ‘Good boy’ she said, ‘now as a special treat I’m going to give you something to remind you of Me all day’ She sent hubby to the small cupboard room where he spent his time out of the way when Mistress didn’t want hubby about. The room was perfect for keeping hubby in, big enough for hubby to stand up or fully lay down with a few handy points to secure cuffs, chains or leather leads.

    Hubby crawled to his cell room, went inside and waited, his Mistress busied Herself getting ready for work, eventually She opened the door. Hubby’s heart jumped and his CB cuff tightened a little around his balls, Mistress stood in front of him. Mistress looked beautiful, a black pin stripe jacket with matching knee length skirt, Her usual crisp white shirt, sheer naked stockings with a black contrast seam and a pair of shiny black patent leather wedge heel shoes with two shiny black ankle straps.

    ‘Up’ She commanded, ‘I think you had better stand while I am at work today bitch’ She said, hubby stood up careful to keep his eyes lowered in the presence of his superior. Mistress unclipped the delicate silver chain from round Her neck, hubby stole a glance while Mistress was busy, he saw the key to his CB3000 hanging from a gold chain Mistress wore around Her neck, the key laying between her perfect breasts.

    With almost professional ease Mistress took the silver chain and connected it to the padlock on hubby’s chastity, the other end was locked to a fastener on the wall, hubby’s heart sank, he was to spend the next 8 hours in this position. Mistress stood back and laughed, ‘Oh sweet boy, the things you do for me, don’t worry I’ll be back after work to free you’. Mistress was about to close the door then said, ‘Oh sweetheart, I almost forgot your special treat’. She opened Her shiny black leather handbag and reached inside, hubby’s head span in terror as She removed a pair of nipple clamps.

    Hubby tried to back away, but the wall behind him was unmovable, Mistress advanced with the clamps, ‘Now don’t be silly’ She cooed, ‘Keep nice and still and they’ll be on in a second’.

    Hubby’s nipples were on fire, Mistress giggled as hubby moaned, looking down at the cause of his discomfort. The nipple clamps were connected together with a short gold chain, the chain pulled the clamps a little, Mistress reached into Her bag again and brought out Her lipstick, She quickly put a smear of lipstick over the ends of the nipple clamps and said to hubby, ‘Just in case you think of removing your clamps when I’m gone, I’ll be checking those lipstick marks when I get back’.

    Mistress stood back a little, ‘you have all day to think about me my little toy, the nipple clamps are to remind you of what I am going to do tonight, just in case you forget’ She giggled, ‘and I think it is only right you stand while you are thinking of me’.

    Mistress paused, ‘I don’t remember you complimenting me on my outfit bitch’, She spat, ‘especially my beautiful new office shoes’. Hubby gulped, he had completely forgotten his manners, what with the excitement of Her date and all.

    Mistress thought for a moment, ‘What would be a suitable punishment for not admiring my clothes correctly’ She said. Disappearing from hubby’s limited field of vision She was soon back. She had a pair of stiletto strappy shoes in Her hand, with the aid of two zip ties She fastened one shoe to hubby’s BC3000 the other, to hubby’s horror, was for the gold chain connecting his nipple clamps.

    The shoes were quite delicate and truth be told the shoe on his CB wasn’t that bad, but when the other shoe started pulling on his nipple clamps he was in agony, ‘Does it hurt baby’, She said. ‘Yes Mistress’ he replied through gasps.

    ‘Oh sweetheart, you must remember your manners when in front of me’ She said. ‘Now I can tell you in all honesty, this punishment will hurt me much more than it hurts you. I don’t like to make you suffer my little pet, but it’s for your own good, where would we be if you didn’t remember your P’s & Q’s when you are serving me’.

    She paused for a second and he knew what to do. ‘Thank You Mistress for my punishment’ he said, ‘I will try harder in future Mistress’,
    ‘Good boy’ She said, ‘Now would you like me to take that nasty heavy shoe off your nipple clamp chain’.
    ‘Please Mistress, will You leave Your beautiful shoe in place’ he gasped ‘I deserve my punishment and will not forget my manners in future’.

    ‘Good boy’ She said closing the door. Hubby strained to hear the sound of Her wedge heel shoes walking away, Mistress giggled at the soft low moaning coming from hubby, his tortured nipples already causing him discomfort.
  5. Bobbybig

    Bobbybig Member

    May 14, 2008
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    WOW! Terrific story. Toenails painted black! Locked out of the way in the cupboard until needed! That's where we all should be, in the animal cage or out of sight. I love the shiny black boots and tough love. Keep up the good story telling.
  6. maidmisty

    maidmisty Senior Member

    May 16, 2008
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    If you could see how hard my clitty is straning to get out of it's k3 , not to mention how " BLUE " my balls are right now :happy0030:. I thimk i like the story . Keep up the good work :love0038:
  7. subhub1

    subhub1 Member

    Jun 3, 2008
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    Thank you both so much, the story flows so much easier when i feel a few people are enjoying it.

    Originally the story was going to be finished by now, however, i enjoy writing it and as long as you guys enjoy reading it.........who knows.
  8. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    I enjoyed the story as well.....hummmm.....poor little boy stuck in the closet LMAO Love it!!
    Mistress Michelle :sex020:
  9. Snaggle

    Snaggle Mistress Snaggle....

    Oct 15, 2008
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    Keep typing, KEEP TYPING!!!!!!!!!
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