Big Girl Shoes

Discussion in 'Member fiction' started by lauren1fem, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. lauren1fem

    lauren1fem Gurl

    Nov 14, 2008
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    The adventures of Sissy the sub-hubby...
    Scene: Sissy is being dropped off at the shoe store. She is all dressed up for her outing with her wife and mother-in-law... Sissy is in training to be a feminized chastity slave to wife and has a big humiliating lesson to learn today when she goes shopping for shoes... Before we get started, here is a picture that helped to conjure up this story - Thank you Miss D: This picture is burned into my mind forever!


    Mommy (wife actually): Well Sissy, today is the big day that you get to go shoe shopping with us.

    Sissy: Yes mommy, I've been saving up my chastity allowance and have just enough money to buy my first pair of high heels. I want to be so grown up and ladylike for you and I've been such a good girl lately, I have.

    Mommy: Well then it's off to the shopping mall. I hope you make a sensible choice dear. It takes time to learn to walk properly in heels and you will need to adjust the way you walk. Even good sissies take a lot of time to learn how to walk properly and show off their sissy skills in heels. Now I have other shopping to take care of so I'll leave you and mother at the women's shoe store. She will have to approve of the shoes that you want before you will be allowed to purchase them Sissy.

    Sissy: Yes mommy. Thank you.

    Mommy (leaving): Now Sissy. You must be ready when I pick you up. Don't make me wait.

    Sissy: Yes Mommy. Thank you Mommy. I'll be good.

    At the women's shoe store:
    Sissy: Oh mother-in-law, I want these Mary Janes wtih 6 inch heels. They have them in my size too! They are shiny, pink and they make my legs look so pwetty. Please may I buy them? Please?

    Mother-in-law: But Sissy dear those are big girl shoes and they look expensive! Do you have enough money saved? I think you would look nice in these cute saddle shoes. Why don't you buy them instead? They are on sale and cost less than the shoes you want dear.

    Sissy: Please mother-in-law? I counted my savings twice in my pretty pink purse and besides look how these heels make me so tall and pretty!

    Mother-in-law: If you have your sweet little heart set on those pair, then you have my permission. I know how it is with shoes dear. A girl just can't have enough shoes can she?

    Sissy: Yes mother-in-law, I want to be a big girl now. I'll be all grown up too. You and Mommy will be so proud of me.

    Clerk: Are you ready to buy your shoes dear?

    Sissy: Yes maam. Do you like them?

    Clerk: Why yes and aren't you are such a lucky sissy today. These are your first pair of high heels aren't they?

    Sissy: Yes maam!

    Clerk: You'll need to practice and listen to everything Miss tells you. I see you are allowed to be shaving your legs now. What a big girl you are becoming! Has Miss allowed you to put on perfume yet? I know you'll love the feeling when you find your own favorite perfume. Maybe next time you can visit our perfume department. The ladies over there just love to help sissies with making the right selection.

    Sissy: Yes maam. May I wear these shoes home? *slipping on her new shoes* My mommy is coming now, so may I please buy these? Mother-in-law says I can buy them with my own money.

    Clerk: Yes. That comes to a total of $78.87.


    Sissy: Um. I don't have enough money. How can this be? I need help. Mommy, please? I made a mistake. *pouting* I don't have enough money. *crying* Please Mommy, may I buy these shoes?

    Mommy: (arriving at sales counter) Sissy. I'm disappointed in you and we're out of time. I will pay for these shoes today, but you will learn when we get home just how disappointed I am! *angry tone* You wanted these shoes and you must learn to walk in them. *finger pointing - looking down at Sissy* So start walking you pathetic little slut. I haven't the time to put up with your girlish whims now.

    *newly painted nails handing over money to clerk and leaves store in a hurry in big strides continues...*

    Sissy you have been a bad girl. Now we need to hurry and pick up my bras and makeup. You better be able to keep up with us. *striding off*

    Sissy: But Mommy. I can't keep up. My new shoes make we walk slow and I need help. *whimpering* Mommy I can't keep up with you!

    Mommy: If you can't keep up with us we will leave you here at the mall. Now I mean it Sissy. It's either that or we take you to the 'sissy timeout center' while I finish my shopping!

    Sissy: No, not that. It's so embarrassing there. They always take my panties and leave me all exposed for the other shoppers. Then they make me beg for fresh panties every time. I hate that place! Please let me hold your arm. I want to be a grown up girl like you and mother-in-law.

    Mommy: It's too late for that. I'm taking you right now for a timeout and they will do with you as they please.

    Sissy: Mommy *sobbing* I'm sorry. I'll be good. I can walk. I promise!

    Mommy: You little shit Sissy. *raising her voice* I had no idea you would behave like this. Now, pull down your little panties. *passersby staring* Mother, hand me my paddle. Sissy has been a naughty girl and needs to be spanked right here in front of the 'sissies-only merry-go-round'. Sissy - This is for your own good. be continued?
  2. Miss D

    Miss D Expert In Femming

    Jul 23, 2008
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    MY MY lauren... The thing I like best about a sissy writing a story like yours - is that it reveals a bit of the gurl's true nature... In your case, it seems a very public display of how much of a sissy you are is; at once, scary to you and yet, sooooo intriguing... Is there a little sissy gurl inside lauren struggling to get out?

  3. lauren1fem

    lauren1fem Gurl

    Nov 14, 2008
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    Little Girl Inside...

    Yes Miss D.
    Lauren feels there is a little sissy girl squirming to get out just like "Sissy" in this somewhat twisted story. Her little girl inside wants to be all grown up like a big girl, but this is of course impossible for her to achieve.

    Lauren sees herself conflicted with different ages of sissy girl all bottled up inside her. At times she yearns to reveal her sexy self in her college years of late teen & 20's, while at other times she's just a tweeny with all sorts of emotions welling up all at once - wanting to be all grown up and sexy like the big girls who get to wear the "big girl shoes", but not knowing yet how. Lauren is easily humiliated since she doesn't yet know all the tricks (makeup tips, walking in heels, foundation garments, etc.) that girls have mastered, and her desiring to be "big" gives her Mommy ample opportunities to push all her buttons and puts her in her place when Lauren gets a bit to "big for her britches". A spanking usually does it, but public humiliation really would take her over the edge. *stammer*

    Still at other times she sees herself at her current real age - a more mature woman wanting to feel whole, powerful, and complete. But still she yearns for the school days when she was a younger free-wheeling maiden with BFFs, boys chasing after her and generally able to be free in her femininity.

    As a whole Lauren loves to experience herself as any age of girl - just as long as she's able to latch on to something sexy about that particular age. I would say that she is a seeker wanting to experience everything there is to feel about being a girl. Being a sissy is as close as she can come, but she wants so much more. Sometimes it makes her sad, but always it leaves her frustrated - a good thing. *frown*

    Lauren needs proper femming - she would love to attend a finishing school for girls - of course this is just a fantasy. Lauren would strive to be the best sissy girl of the school. Maybe in another lifetime or possibly in another fictional story... :happy0011: *sigh*
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