Another Reluctant Mistress

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by goddess_christine, May 16, 2008.

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  1. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    My hubby introduced me to bondage on our wedding night when he playfully draped scarves over my wrists and "dared" me not to move them while he make love to me for the first time. (a little old fashion and a little kinky at the same time :angel: )

    We played progressively more intense bondage games on and off for a while with me as the submissive. Then later I became what would be called a "switch". I wanted my turn in charge and I liked it!!! I was also afraid as I was brought up to believe this was not "normal" behaviour. There was a certain amount of guilt associated with every session where I took charge.

    Several years ago my hubby and I started playing around with male chastity and I loved it. It is such a rush when I turn the key and lock his penis away, knowing that he can't get any pleasure unless I allow it. I still have that reluctance about "Me" being a domme, it is just so counter to my everyday persona, but I have come to love the position and could never see going back.

    About 9 months ago my hubby was chatting with a woman that was offering erotic hypnosis sessions online. She refused to put him under until she talked to me first. Turns out we hit it off and have been friends ever since. She trances both men and women for free...well almost... for the guys there is a small price...she includes some feminization along with their other requests(giggle). We spoke several times before she tranced my hubby. She suggested some things and I added a laundry list of others (evil grin). She even taught me to trance my hubby myself. He gets regular sessions from me now.

    So what happened to my hubby???

    He is now my part-time sissy maid named Wendi. He is compelled to wear panties 24/7 and has gained some other more interesting traits (giggle). He can't serve me as a sissy maid all the time due to our having 2 children in the house, but when the kids visit grandma for the weekend...its playtime!!!!

    I look forward to the day when the kids leave the house... Wendi will be making a permanent appearance after that, but for now I will keep training her so that she is perfect by them

    MacKenzie1518 and Whiskey05 like this.
  2. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Goddess Christine, I can't wait to read your journal and how you integrate D/s into the (very!) busy life of a mother. I feel your pain! :sad:

    Isn't it difficult to have to "suddenly" be Ms Kinky when you have time, rather than when the mood takes you? That's probably the worst aspect for me.
  3. Ms Watchfuls pet

    A great first entry for your journal and i hope to see more too.
  4. goddess_christine

    goddess_christine Junior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    I won't got worse before it got better.

    When I first decided to stretch my dominant wings a little, it felt like I had taken on a new job along with my other chores. Work, Mother, Housekeeper, then add Goddess and you can burn out rather quickly. Part of it was our respective upbringing and the notions of what's "women's work". So I was slaving away while hubby lounged.

    The chastity brought the means to "enforce" my wishes, but if you love someone, using it to force them didn't seem right. Besides, barking orders is not my style and I know my strong willed husband would just resent it.

    I started small and "asked" for help on small things. I let him know that I would be pleased if he helped and if I was pleased, I might do something nice for him later. Then while he helped with dishes or a load of laundry, I would sneak up behind him and stroke and caress him to keep his mind on sex. At this point it didn't really reduce my workload at all. I simply traded one mundane household chore for the role of sexy temptress, but I will take that trade any day. Over a period of months I keep giving hubby more responsibilities and finally my workload decreased.

    In about 5 more years my last child will leave the house and I will have even more time as it will be just hubby and I.

    MacKenzie1518 and Whiskey05 like this.
  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Me too... that seems like the perfect balance though. I do think there would be a lot more happy men in the world if they realised that doing a little bit of housework leads to a better sex life.

    Of course we're lucky enough to have the kinky, submissive men, which means not only does their sex life improve, but it improves on OUR terms! A happy ending if you ask me. Just takes patience and practice.

    Your youngest must be around the same age as my eldest then. I suppose I could say in 5 years she will be more than adult enough to look after the younger ones for the weekend!!!!
  6. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    Greetings Goddess Christine, I hope you week is going well.
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