Anniversary advice needed

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by newsub4a, Nov 18, 2008.

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  1. newsub4a

    newsub4a Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    In a few months we will be having our 1 year anniversary of entering the D/s femdom cuckold lifestyle. i am trying to figure out some way to make it a special event and would like suggestions on how to do this. Please note that this is NOT our wedding anniversary.

    Some background...

    We have been married for over 20 years (vanilla until about a year ago). The kids are pretty much grown and gone (home from college on the weekends and summer). Prior to our entry into this lifestyle She was super vanilla (well, we did swing a little, but that was rare and She often felt guilty after). Now She is really into the domination and humiliation aspect of the cuckolding and has become rather sadistic when we are involved in BDSM activities.

    Our "official" entrance to the lifestyle was at a large BDSM event which we will be attending again this year.

    Although i am Her submissive husband, i am not technically collared in the BDSM sense, but a collaring ceremony is out since that is something She wants to plan and simply will not have the time for prior to this event.

    Any and all suggestions welcome, i would really like to make this something special for such a special woman who has come so far in the last year.
  2. Kinkish1

    Kinkish1 Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    How about having a piece of personalized jewelry made that will represent your special relationship, that can be given to her at the upcoming BDSM event ? It wouldn't need to be an obvious BDSM or chastity symbol, but a combination of materials and colors chosen specifically to represent aspects of your new relationship, that you two understand, but that your family and vanilla friends wouldn't.

    For example, the band could be stainless steel to represent your chastity. (maybe you have a device made of S.S.) Then red could represent her and black for you. Depending upon budget constraints, the black could be black diamonds, or some other black stone. Rubies or garnet for the red.

    Or, use stones based upon their historical meanings or usage.
    Peridot is/was the August birth stone, which " emblematic of modesty and chastity." See below.

    "Precious Stones and their uses in bygone times."
    The properties ascribed to Precious Stones in the time of Isidorus were extremely curious. They were said to have the power of conferring upon their happy possessors a host of blessingshealth, beauty, riches, honour, good fortune, and influence. No wonder that men and women carried them about their person, prizing them as amulets.
    Precious Stones were also supposed to have some connection with the planets and the seasons, and a special gem was worn for each month. The following is a list of appropriate Stones :

    January... The Alexandrite.
    This gem holds its sway over the lives of those whose birthday falls in January and insures to them the undying devotion of the object of their choice.

    February...The Amethyst.
    To this stone's reputed power of pre*venting intoxication, it adds that of engendering a deep rooted love.

    March...The Sapphire,
    The type of constancy, virtue and truth.

    April...The Diamond.
    Typifies purity and preserves peace.

    May....The Emerald.
    Possesses unconquerable power to com*bat sin and trial.

    June ...The Chrysoprase.
    Emblematic of eloquence and good luck.

    July ....The Ruby.
    Type of Charity, Dignity and Divine Power.

    August...The Peridot.
    Emblematic of Modesty and Chastity.

    September...The Chrysolite.
    Confers the power of gladdening the heart.

    October...The Opal.
    Typifies Hope, Innocence and Purity.

    November...The Chrysoberyl Cat's Eye.
    Warns the wearer of approaching danger.

    December ...The Turquoise.
    Emblem of prosperity, and the cheerer of the soul

    Wide bracelets generally allow more space to fully express yourself, than a ring, earings or something worn about the neck.

    Good Luck,
  3. chastityslavejohn

    chastityslavejohn Mistress Irianna's pet

    Nov 7, 2008
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    how about something with the BDSM emblem. Mistress and i have this tattooed on our buts, Her band is in gold and mine is blue/white...closest they can get to steel color. there's lots of jewelry available here and on other websites:
  4. newsub4a

    newsub4a Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    Thanks for the ideas thus far, especially going the extra mile to give such detailed info and web links! That was unexpected and much appreciated. :happy0158:

    i had not thought of jewery per se as nether of us really wears it (even are wedding bands are kept safely in drawers due to issues at work.

    To be honest i was thnking along the lings of things i could do for Her to make the weekend extra special.

    The jewelry was a great idea and i am going to explore some ideas on it... maybe something more to be used with fetish wear.
  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

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    I'm not feeling especially creative today so I can't help...

    :sign0178: the thread for you to see if anyone else has any more ideas.
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