airport solution

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by qazqaz, Mar 16, 2009.

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  1. qazqaz

    qazqaz Junior Member

    Aug 3, 2008
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    Hello, sorry for the bad english but it isn't our first language.

    We want to share a solution for couples.

    When you travel by air as we all know you must pass thought the metal detector and the belt will set it off. Which leads to problem of giving an explanation etc, anyway it really holds you up.

    I have come up with away around the problem while still insuring chastity. I allow the removal of the belt after he has a complete bathroom stop and as close to the upcoming flight as possible. Then I put him in depend or any other full incontinent brief. In this way he does not get stopped, and he cannot touch himself or remove or try to remove it without tearing or disturbing them. So I know he is almost as secure as he would be in the belt or I would see the signs of tampering. I also us this when I let him out because of chafing in the old belt etc. The only down side for him is if he cannot control his urges then until we arrive at destination or I allow it he must do what he has to do in his incontinent briefs. However after all that's what they are made for and it does eliminate the airport problem. I hope this ideas helps other key holders at airports

    we found it in an altairboy review ( )
  2. Ms Tinks wand

    Ms Tinks wand Long term member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Flew back from Dallas last week, where they have now introduced that massively invasive body scan that looks through your clothes. How it works is one guard stay with you by the scanner while another guard in a differnt building looks at the image. They communicate via radio of course. Got a VERY strange look from my guard when he obviously goot told about the birdlock! Didn't say anything - thank god - becasue then they might have found out about the pretty pink lacy thong.
  3. Mistress Helen

    Mistress Helen Junior Member

    Mar 12, 2009
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    I just wonder what would happen if we did insist on our subs going through airport security whilst wearing a metal chastity device. The alarms would ring, of course, and there'd be some explaining to do but the airport authorities can't insist that we don't practice consensual chastity control, can they? It's presumably not much different from people who have metal plates or rods in their skulls, arms or legs following surgery.

    Perhaps the embarrassment could be reduced by explaining the situation before going through the metal detector. And if what they've got at Dallas becomes common, then they're going to know anyway, even if we put out subs in CB600s, etc. So, as we say here, why not "In for a penny; in for a pound!" ?

    Now who's prepared to be the first to try it?

  4. madamsboy

    madamsboy Looking for a special female

    Jun 12, 2008
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    i wonder exactly how a CBxk would show on the body scanner.
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