24/7 How to make it work for subs.

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by PuppyMastersPet, Nov 23, 2008.

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  1. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    If you have read my diary at all you will know that Master and I are still struggling with maintaining a 24/7 D/s lifestyle. The weekend play is always good but by the time Monday comes things start to slip and it takes usually until Saturday for us to get back into the swing of things.

    Although I love the play time and I love Master very much but I want our D/s relationship to be more than just play time. I know that I am capable of being a well behaved sub and have demonstrated this on many occasions.

    I feel quite content when I know in my mind that I am Master’s slave gurl and love the feeling of submission. But if things do slip I tend to surcome to sub drop quite easily.

    I’m not perfect I know that I can be hard work and sometimes I need a kick up the arse to motivate me. I need constant attention and reminding of my status.

    I often do feel tired in the week but I know I have it in me to serve but I need that motivation from Master as I often find it hard to motivate myself.

    I guess my question is, how can I make things easier for Master? Taking into account that I do often need some motivation from Master.
  2. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    It is difficult to remain in this mindset all of the time but something that may help you both is a list of rules to live by. For example...if the list says you must be dressed and be ready for Master when he arrives, then he wouldnt have to tell you that everyday, it would be a standing order. If you two could work together on the list, put everything on it that you enjoy doing for him along with the things he enjoys, then follow it day by day. Dinner at a certain time, dressed as he wishes, cleaning...just whatever. Then...if you fall behind or dont follow HIS list then he would have to punish you, however, you be the one to bring him the items or whatever hes punishing you with so he dosent have to go get it. This would cut down all the extra work trying to figure up things to do and keep you both happy

    Mistress Michelle :sex020:
  3. chastityslavejohn

    chastityslavejohn Mistress Irianna's pet

    Nov 7, 2008
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    excellent idea Mistress Michelle! my Mistress assigned a list of rules over 2 years ago and i still live by them, or get punished...ouch! my rules are posted in my journal, '"my new life as a chastity slave". something as simple as always keeping Mistresses glass full acts as a constant reminder of my place...as well as being locked and plugged...lol
  4. Silky4Good

    Silky4Good Slave of Mistress T

    Sep 25, 2008
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    I agree with Mistress Michelle. A list of standing orders are a very good idea, then if my Mistress is not in the mood to dominate me like I deserve then at least I am reminded of my place. For example I have to lick My Misstress's exquisite fanny juices before I go to work each day, which leaves her lovely aroma on me all day mmmm
  5. Mistress Watchful

    Mistress Watchful Dont believe the hype ;oP

    May 11, 2008
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    Excellent question, and obviously everyone is different...

    In the past couple of months pet has increasingly become a "househusband" through default. he is doing all the weekly menus, shopping for them (I tag along and look a bit lost in the supermarket now!) and then cooking every day. he is also doing most of the laundry and chases the kids up every minute of the day.

    When we were struggling to maintain D/s roles in our earlier months I would have said this was how I wanted him to be... my housepet. But apparently it's not that simple. :anim_43:

    Through no failings on pet's part at ALL, I have discovered that what I ACTUALLY want is to feel like a Princess. Spoiled with affection, attention, sexual services, etc, etc.

    For all the things pet does around the house that need to be done, they do not boost my feelings of Domination, or boost my confidence. In fact, I would say they make me feel a little bad because I feel I should be playing more of the Bedroom Mistress... he deserves it, and yet there is the most important factor missing.

    So to answer the question (at last!) it would help me in my circumstances if pet acted more sexual towards me, almost preparing me to have my sexual needs met... yes the housework frees me up to do my studies and do things around the house that I've been meaning to do for ages, but I need him to make me feel more relaxed and pampered at bedtime, so that I have energy to play.

    A bath, a footrub, finding something sexy for me to wear, just to remind me that he finds me sexually attractive.

    Ok.... I went miles off on a major tangent! But hopefully pet will read this and find it helpful, even if no-one else does! :animal0008:
  6. PuppyMastersPet

    PuppyMastersPet Long term member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Thank you Mistress Michelle. What would us dizzy subs do without your wisdom :confused0082:.

    Thank you Also Mistress Watchfull. What you said made perfect sence to me.

    I'm sure Master and will try and take all the advice onboard.

    Maintaining a 24/7 lifestyle certainly isn’t easy but I’m sure it’s worth it. The brief experiences I have had have been good and worth fighting for. :anim_19:
  7. newsub4a

    newsub4a Senior Member

    May 15, 2008
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    One thing that we do is to "tone down" the D/s stuff during the week. i am still submissive to Goddess in that i have certain things i have to do around the house (like great Her naked and kneeling when She gets home) but for the most part we do not play during the week. i know this and accept (not that i am happy about it, but it is not about what i want is it?).

    Simply put, life is too hectic during the week (and on some weekends) to get really kinky and have lots of BDSM stuff go on. Just keep it simple, start with only a few rules and most importantly HAVE FUN! :happy0030:

    Real relationships take work to maintain (especially D/s ones). As long as the two of you are committed to one another and making things work, it will. Just set realistic expectations.
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