Apr 21, 2016 at 5:31 AM
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May 21, 1993 (Age: 31)


Member, 31

So I had to put the story on hold. I have finals and papers. But will not forget about it. May 1, 2016

    1. ChasteandPlay
      Good luck with your school work. I look forward to reading you two's story.
      BoyfriendinChastity likes this.
    2. BoyfriendinChastity
      So I had to put the story on hold. I have finals and papers. But will not forget about it.
      1. ChasteHubby2015
        I'm sure it'll be worth the wait. Good luck with your exams and papers. :-)
        May 2, 2016
    3. CagedAnimal2
      I'd love to read your story! I'm sure many others would also
    4. anasyrma
      Thank you for sharing. I am sure people will be interested to read your story. I will be one for sure. We would like to know you better. I am also trying to write down my story when I have time.
      1. BoyfriendinChastity
        Yeah I just want to let people know what we went through and how our relationship developed. There were many times it felt like a lost cause but I'm glad I never gave up on us and was strong. I can't wait to post it now and hopefully get some feedback on your thoughts.
        Apr 29, 2016
        errant and anasyrma like this.
    5. BoyfriendinChastity
      I want to post our story & its going to be really long since i will start from the beginning.Im reluctant to post bc ppl might not read.
      DLW, Panda2010, slave_m and 2 others like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Kontraband
        It is always interesting to hear how people discovered chastity and came to be hear. I can assure you plenty of people have read an commented on my journey that I posted in the vault and no doubt they will for yours too. I look forward to reading it.
        Apr 29, 2016
        BoyfriendinChastity likes this.
      3. SLAVE444
        I am pretty sure all the submissive men here would be interested to know your story mam :-)
        Apr 29, 2016
        BoyfriendinChastity likes this.
      4. Panda2010
        @BoyfriendinChastity I would certainly read your story. From your posts so far it sounds like you have had an interesting journey so far.

        You mention that your story could be super long. That is no drama. But it might be useful to break it up into separate posts. Can put the first bit of the story up when you are ready then work on the next bit. Just a thought.
        Apr 30, 2016
    6. BoyfriendinChastity
      Day 8th of my bfs lock up and denial. Has been teased and he goes insane. He is leaking pre-cum constantly and even when he is flacid.
      Dufty, SLAVE444, slave_m and 9 others like this.
      1. CagedAnimal2
        Then you're doing it right!
        Apr 23, 2016
        BoyfriendinChastity likes this.
      2. Brianna27
        That happens to me after day three. I'm constantly leaking.
        Apr 23, 2016
      3. Detra
        These are the times I look forward to. Leaking even when not really being teased.
        Apr 23, 2016
    7. elliot_r
      Welcome to the Mansion. You are already finding that there are good people here, Ms Amanda and others. You will find that there is good advice and help. Good luck in your journey. It looks like you and your BF are on the track and you too are enjoying the journey. That is wonderful
      BoyfriendinChastity likes this.
    8. BoyfriendinChastity
      I am new to this website, how do I check my messages haha?
      1. ChasteHubby2015
        Welcome! Direct messages are listed under conversations. I look forward to hearing about your chastity experiences, opinions, etc. You look gorgeous in your photo by the way.
        Apr 21, 2016
      2. Alceste
        Upper right hand corner of the window, under 'Inbox'.
        Apr 22, 2016
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  • About

    May 21, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Chastity devices:
    cb 6000s and the bird cage
    Chastity resume:
    April 13 2016
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