So I decided to take the plunge...

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by johnkelly00, Jan 19, 2011.

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  1. johnkelly00

    johnkelly00 Junior Member

    Feb 23, 2010
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    My wife and I have been off chastity for about 5 - 6 months but lately I have been revisiting it with her as I "miss" being locked up for her. She has told me that if we continue that she doesn't want me to treat it like a game and for me to think that I can back out. I understand her reasoning as every time that we have done it in the past, I get cold feet just as she is enjoying herself. She told me that either we do it or not but she is not going to be jerked around again and toyed with.

    So, after agreeing with her terms, she put the device on me last Friday. She told me that my decision made her very happy and that she would make sure we both had fun. Since then, she's been dressing sexier and has had me please her on an almost daily basis which is very nice!

    I am extremely horny and last night I told her that I was sorry but I really needed to get out. She told me that there was no reason to be sorry about it because that was the whole point of being in the device so my feelings were natural. So I asked her if she could get the key and she said no and that she would release me when she thought I had earned it. She said it's ok for me to want to be out but the only way to get out is by pleasing her.

    I whined about it a bit and she said that this is what I've been begging her to do for years and she was trying to make me happy by being strong and firm. She said that she would let this incident go but further whining was going to be punished. I asked her what she meant by that and she said that I shouldn't test her resolve on this matter. She said that if I absolutely really wanted out, she would let me out but she said that it was pointless because in 3 weeks or 3 months that I would be back begging for her to lock me up. I had to agree with her on that because that is what happens.

    She said that what I really need is for her to be strong and to punish me for disobedience. She told me that I should think about it today and let her know tonight what I want to do. She said that this was the last time we are doing this so I need to decide what I want.

    This kind of sucks. She's right in her thinking but now that I'm in and horny, I want out. It's hard to surrender completely.
  2. sissy_maid_melody

    sissy_maid_melody Active member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    Welcome to the 'be careful what you wished for' club.

    What so many males in their fantasy of being locked up really mean is, honey please lock me up and tease me until I don't want to play the game any more. Obviously your wife doesn't see it as the T&D game you hope for and she's reached the end of the line. No doubt in your begging to be locked up by her you've given all sorts of promises about wanting and needing to be locked and treated harshly. So far by the sound of it, each time you get horny and want to orgasm you've decided you're going to break all the promises and call it off - until the next time.

    The bright side is that she seems to want to make it real for both of you. To be honest, you don't really need much will power, all you need is for her to keep the key hidden and to punish your complaining. At the moment, in the early stages of chastity you're still in the typical male thought mode of ... me me me. For it to work she has to break you of that mind set and you may not enjoy that at all. The reward is getting through to the other side, to totally surrender and understand that it's also about giving and not just taking.

    I wish you luck in your decision, it's not for everyone. I would take good notice of her warning that this is the last chance. Women have a steely determination about such things.
  3. Kali

    Kali No access to my Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    You know, I was an occasional fetish crossdresser, and when my fiance told me she wanted to experiment a couple of years ago, I was all for it.

    Now I live as a 24/7 forced femmed cuckolded housmaid in my own home, locked in chastity, and living a life I never envisioned when it was "a game."

    It's been two years; I'll never be a passable CD, yet that's how I live. I thought penatrative sex was important, but now that I'm the one being penetrated I realize that our relastionship is so much more than that. Serving madam and seeing her happybrings me more joy than I culd have possibly imagined.

    There's just so much more, but the bottom line, for me, is that I've never been happier. Perhaps she knows you better than you know yourself.
  4. slave_nemo

    slave_nemo slave to Mistress Ivey

    Jul 17, 2010
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    It sounds like you really need to make a choice, here. On the one hand, you can elect to ride it out and see just how much fun (or not) that all this can be, or... Give it up forever. It sounds to me as if she is saying that she will not "play the game" ever again if you opt out this time.

    It is a tough choice to make. It's an all-or-nothing decision. you might want to sit down and discuss it a bit more. Find out what some of her ideas are, and if you can live with that, then go for it. But you cannot ever be sure that things will go the way you want them to, not even the way she tells you it will. People change. So does what turns them on. Who knows, she may have no desire to turn you into her housemaid right now, but what about next month? Or even next year?

    Good luck in making up your mind. I am just glad it's you and not me.

    P.S. You might talk about using a BDSM check list to help her decide what kinds of things she wants to do. Then you can make certain things off-limits and then feel relatively safe. You can always make changes to your check list giving her more options down the line. Just a thought...

  5. Queen V's sub

    Queen V's sub Mistress Valerie's bitch

    Nov 10, 2010
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    John I actually wish I had your situation. My Wife/Mistress is a little to, well not a little a lot too easy on me. After acting like a brat and kind of forcing the issue she finally locked me back up and hid the spare key. As sissy maid melody said really think about what you want. If you really want out but do not want to end being locked up try being the best you can be. I do not know your situation but do everything you can for here, housework or whatever. But if she is anything like my Wife if she is done with it that is it.

    Good Luck
  6. Celtic Queen

    Celtic Queen Senior Member

    Dec 14, 2009
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    John Kelly, you are getting what you wished for (again). Man up and realise that many folks on this forum would willingly give body parts to be in your position. Be careful that your wife doesn't get bored with the whole thing and toss your key back at you. It takes huge amounts of energy, passion and creativity to be a good keyholder - it isn't all about you.
  7. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Hi johnkelly00 first I would like to welcome you to the mansion and to chastity. Also think you got what you wished for I think you should embrace it and see where it takes you. There are so many guys that would love to have what you have including myself. Personally I think you are very lucky. I know that it is difficult to give up the controll of yout sex life to another person it scarry as hell. But you will find that denial can be very fun and torture at the same time. I am embarking on the longest denial period of my life right now I'm planing on going 2 months to break my previous record of a month and I know how frustrating it can get. I think you should go for it and find out how denial is. You could allways pull the plug if your not happy but I can see that you would not be happy out of chastity. I know I would not be happy out of chastity and get very depressed. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress.
  8. Joroincharge

    Joroincharge Lock em up - 24/7/365!!

    Mar 10, 2009
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    She's right. And in her position I'd give you a considerable initial denial period to break you in, as it were. This will put your mind where it should be.

  9. jeank

    jeank Member

    Oct 25, 2009
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    I think you have to make a decision - you say that you want chastity, and want your wife to hold the key, but then when the reality hits, you don't want it.

    Decision time - if you go with the flow and actually learn to enjoy the frustration and the feelings of intimacy toward her that giving her control of your orgasms bring, then you are in a great situation as it is clear she is happy to take control for now.

    If you can't bury the ego and go with the flow then give up for good, because the truth is that chastity isn't for you.

    Just my opinion.
  10. tiemeupalso

    tiemeupalso Long term member

    Oct 3, 2010
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    i would give anything to be in your position.enjoy it and thank her for being so patient.
  11. johnkelly00

    johnkelly00 Junior Member

    Feb 23, 2010
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    Here's an update for those that are interested.

    Well I decided to continue along this path. When I told her, she asked me if I was 100% sure as there would be no turning back. She said that she wanted an initial period of 3 months and I had to be ok with that. I told her I was and she became very happy and had a huge smile. She said that I made the right decision for both of us. We talked a bit more about things and then she surprised me - unpleasantly.

    She had me strip down and lie on the bed. She told me that to help me behave, she was going to give me a sample of what I would get if I was disobedient or disrespectful going forward. She got into bed with her cane (which she bought last summer but we cooled things off before she used it). I said that she didn't need to use that and that I would be good. She said it was for the best that I understand completely. I started to get out of bed and she said if I did, it would be twice as bad. I didn't know what to do so I laid back down.

    I don't know how many times she struck me but I do know that by the end I was crying out of control and begging her to stop. She did and I said to please not do that again and I did not appreciate it. She said it would be completely up to her and that I could avoid it if I followed the rules we agreed to and remained respectful and obedient. I promised that I would and she said "we'll see".

    After we talked a lot more, she had me pleasure her. She was extremely aroused which was no surprise to me since even the hint of caning me in the past got her going.

    I'm not too pleased with the situation but she is correct that it will make me stay in line as I want to avoid another caning like the plague.
  12. johnkelly00

    johnkelly00 Junior Member

    Feb 23, 2010
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    After all that... I'm out of the device.

    My wife had me come in the bedroom this morning. She told me to strip and then threw me a locking collar to put on. This was a new twist - she said it was to make sure I put the device back on when she was done with me. (which she is right, I rarely want to go back in after having it on for any amount of time)

    She took me out of the cage and noticed that I was red and inflamed in one spot so she said that we were going to have to stop for awhile. She told me that I better behave and not play with myself or I should expect to be punished. I'm not sure how she would even know but I am going to try to respect her wishes.
  13. Rita

    Rita Long term member

    Sep 23, 2010
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    All you need to know is your wife has a cane and is willing to use it! It doesn't matter how she might know if you've played with yourself if you know what the penalty is.
  14. claudiab

    claudiab Junior Member

    Jun 20, 2008
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    You may think you have freedom, but you haven't really.
  15. Miss Susie

    Miss Susie Member

    Feb 21, 2011
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    I've read this post with interest. There are so many that have posted here wanting to be in your position. I certainly hope you and your wife found an alternative to the device that caused chaffing.
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