My Journey with my Key-holder

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by Inchastityforher, May 20, 2019.

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  1. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    I introduced myself in the correct part but think here will be best about my journey into Chastity with my Wife my Key-holder.
    I started a reading up on chastity for the past several weeks and finally plucked up the courage to talk to my wife about it and she was honest and said she had no idea about it but was open to the idea.
    So after a few texts between us when I was at work I messaged and said I had found the thing to help and sent her a picture of a cage I had ordered.
    It arrived on the 17th May and on Saturday the 18th i opened it with her and said will I put it on with you and once I got soft enough after getting the ring on I squeezed the cage on to it and locked it, to her dismay that it would hurt me. I handed her the keys both of and she put them on her bedside unit then we lay and cuddled with her having a few squeezes I started to rub her and made her come and then cuddled again. As we cuddled I was saying I think you like that cage more than you know gong by home you came there.
    She just smiled and got up to get dressed. I headed to the bathroom to try and pee in this cage which eventually happened when I got a bit softer lol.
    When I came back the keys were both gone and the only thing said was I might just keep you locked up!!
    And that was the begging of day one!!!
    She mentioned a few times if it’s sore wearing it but it’s not sore just different.
    My balls do get tender when I get hard but I suppose that will be normal as they are pulled as I get hard towards the end of the cage?

    We both had a few drinks that night and when in bed we cuddled a lot more and her hand travelled to the cage and round about it, knowing I was getting hard as I could inside my cage..
    I started playing with her then and was allowed to make her cum, then it was cuddled and sleep. In the middle of the morning about 2 am I was wakened by her touch again all round my cage and thighs and I was allowed to make her cum again and then I was allowed to tongue her clit until she came again and had to push my mouth away as I could do that all night to her. I love her taste.
    When we woke in the morning we cuddled and talked about various things when she asked about it if it was sore and it’s not it’s uncomfy when I’m hard, but the feeling of it pressing in the cage makes up for it.

    We had a good day with all the family and visiting relatives to.

    We went to bed and of course when I see my wife stripping for her pyjamas going on I’m hard again. No mention of it from her and I massaged some cream into her tattoos on her back and arms and then we went to sleep.

    His morning it was work as usual so up at 5 to switch of my alarms to stop from wakening her as I get dressed. Once I was ready to leave the house I always go through for a kiss and cuddle before I leave where she asked will you be alright in that at work, no mention of maybe I should unlock or anything.
    I said it should be fine, I’m a truck driver so hoped it would be fine.
    And to be honest it has been really, a few adjustments here and there but I’ve managed so far lol.
  2. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Into Day 3 yesterday, at work I had to just be careful how I bent over to do things but no great issues. Had to plan my toilet stops now as not so easy to pee specially miles from anywhere in the country I can’t just pop it out lol.
    After a hot bath last night I think my cage and ring is just a bit to big so I’ve ordered a 45mm ring type with a slightly shorter cage to see if that catches my erection before it gets too big and just pushes my balls up my shaft with the cage. Maybe that’s normal though?
    I said to her I had ordered a smaller type with ring and she thought the same it might be a bit big.
    When we went to bed last night though I couldn’t keep my hands of my wife, as she patted my cage and asked if it was sore, to that I was hard in seconds and I couldn’t help stroking and snuggling into her, much to her annoyance to the point where she told me to stop or she would unlock me!!
    I did stop very quickly then.
    I also apologised this morning after going to work, before she went to her work.
    I’ve not had a text back from her yet so I hope she’s not still annoyed with me for keeping her awake.
  3. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    When I got in last night after work my wife had nearly slept in for work.. she said I would have been in trouble if she had but she was fine.
    I got myself in the bath and after a little my wife was opening the door lock from the outside as she need something, as I stood up she pointed out that I could pull out of the cage with a look at me as if I had been playing with it. As I said I had ordered a smaller one as when I was in the bath the night before everything got smaller with the heat. But she could see if I had been playing it would not have been able to get out...
    I promised her I hadn’t touched it as it’s hers to control now. I just got a smile from her.
    The smaller one should be here today hopefully.
    As every morning I go in and give here a kiss and cuddle before leaving and she allowed me to suck her nipple a bit before I went. What a treat and I was hard as I could get in the cage.
  4. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Day 5 into Day 6 already!!!
    Through the day yesterday I got a text saying my new smaller cage had arrived. But had to wait until later on until my KH came home from work in the late evening for her to give me the key to unlock.
    We went to bed and she handed over the key she produced from somewhere in the room. I unlocked and instantly I was hard so managed to slip of the ring a lot easier than it went on last Saturday. I got the new 45mm ring fitted round my balls but I wasn’t shrinking to fit through so after a while of my KH cuddling me watching it I said I would try a pee and managed to get it pulled through in the bathroom.
    Back in the bedroom she was worried this was going to hurt me when I pushed the cage down. Through out she never touched me down there at all.
    I eventually got it pushed down and she popped the lock through and took the key instantly away. She kept saying it must be sore as I was still trying to get hard and my foreskin was bulging through the bars as this one has a bit less bars round it.
    I said it wasn’t sore it actually felt good, the way it was pulsing trying to get hard.
    So instead of getting hard to about three inches with the ring pulling up my shaft with my balls it’s only about and inch and a half now but trying still.. lol
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  5. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Yesterday was another day at work but with a smaller cage, which went well apart from getting hard and my foreskin pushing through the bars and getting rubbed every so often and it’s taking a bit more to pee now as my skin is trapping at the end.
    Might have to trial with my skin pulled back to see how that goes.
    Got home after 18.00 and my wife was working to late evening again even all though she was supposed to be off.
    I had her gin ready for her and asked for more cuddles when she got in.
    When bed time came I always try to get in bed first so I can watch her change. So lovely..
    she cuddled in straight away saying she felt it was a bit cold so I cuddled in to and rubbed her thighs as she opened them a bit more so continued to play more with her as I cuddled and she started to stroke round my thighs and cage but not touching it, which offcourse just makes everything more hieghtened.
    I asked to take her pyjamas bottoms of which she wanted then I asked if I could kiss her down there but she said no just as we are.
    I teased her clit and cuddled her tight as I made her cum.
    She did start trailing her nails over my sack which was very taught now due to me straining to get hard.
    She then said night and rolled over and said cuddle in taking my hand in hers as she went to sleep.
    I feel my KH is closer to me already knowing it’s about her now as I don’t expect to have full on sex and she feels she has to make me cum.
    It’s still early days yet though.

    I bought a KH guide book but in true to my wife’s word I don’t do books she says lol so I’m to read it to her when she wants me to, I’m looking forward to that lots.

    As I got ready for work as usual and went back in for out kiss and cuddle before I go she lifted her top for me to kiss and suck on her nipple a little before going.
    Bliss is all I can say.
  6. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    when I got home from work my KH had run me a bath poured me a gin and when she said go have your bath she had a beer waiting by it also. What a lovely wife.
    We had tea together and then a few more gins before bed.
    When we went to bed she could see my cage straining but not a word was said about it however when we cuddled up I was between her legs lapping her up to a O and she was in heaven with it. She never touched me at all. We just cuddled and went to sleep then.
    Saturday morning was day seven of lock up apart from cage changing for a smaller one in the middle of the week.
    We cuddled and kissed then slept again then she woke and said shall we let the beast out?
    My answer was that’s up to you my love.
    She never said anything and went away to the bathroom. She came back and looked through her fone for ages then produced the key and said let’s unlock then!!
    She pulled my cage off but kept my ring on to act as a cock ring, and said again this must be sore as I was bulging by this point.
    It’s not sore it feels good I told her. Specially when she took my cock tight in her hand.
    She teased me for a while but I couldn’t last and she took me over the edge but what she’s never done before was to keep going and rubbing me post O.
    She continued until I was near the edge but she continued rub my gland enough to keep me there then she made me cum again.
    Then she went away for a hot bath, on return she said your bath is ready and you better give him a good wash before he’s locked up again. Once out my bath she stood and supervised me putting the cage back on and took the key from me.
    Only she knows if and when I might be unlocked again.
  7. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Saturday evening was a quite one as my KH went to work then home to a tea as she started early on Sunday.
    For her coming home I had prepared a couple of options for her tea and done a good tidy up and hoovered and hung the washing and a car ready for MOT and had her bath run for her getting in with a gin also prepared.
    She choose the tea she wanted and went in the bath and I got it ready for her.
    We went to the cinema as family after the tea and on return I prepared her another gin and said I should go to bed as I’m up early for work.
    She was soon to bed with me getting into her pyjamas in my full view knowing how hard it makes me seeing her naked.
    Once in bed she started teasing me and I her. She was was winning as while cage she was cupping my balls and cage.
    I brought her to two Os with my fingers and asked if I could lick her but she said no as I had done it to many times in the last week but then she turned round and pushed her ass into my cage, so I cuddled in and asked again if I could please her with my younger and she let me take her pyjama bottoms off and get my mouth on her clit from behind with a few licks of her ass hole as well, but she’s never keen on that but she let it go a few times then I settled into her clit and she came again.
    After that I was told to cuddle in and go to sleep which took a while as I was really bulging in my cage as it was pulling my balls up my shaft too.
    Getting up in the morning I went back in for our kiss and cuddle before I leave and she moved a little so I could suck her nipples before going.
    I think she’s liking this cage more than she knows really.
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  8. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Monday morning work as normal and caged as normal as it goes now. Even only having worn this for a week and a bit it does feel natural in some ways. When walking around I still have a feeling that someone knows my cock is all locked up and I can’t touch it myself...
    It was a quite day really of me finishing work and having tea and working on a car for MOT.
    My KH had my bath run and tea ready for getting home, all though I had cooked and prepared it the day before.
    When it was bed time I ensure I’m in first so I can watch her undress as normal my cage is bursting.
    We just cuddled and talked a little before she turned over to go to sleep and leave me all excited and frustrated, but that’s what I wanted so it’s on her terms completely as it’s not even been two weeks yet since we started this journey.
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  9. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Tuesday was another quite day, no mention of my cage, I had her bath run ready for her getting in that evening and we watched TV and relaxed before bed.
    Not even a glimpse of her naked as she dressed for bed in the bathroom after her bath!!
    But just having her cuddle in to me gets me straining against the cage bars pulling my ring and balls tight, but it’s a good feeling.
    No nipple suck for me on Wednesday morning as she was still sleepy and just gave me a kiss before leaving for work.
    Last night I returned from work just before her so had time to run her s bath and tidy the house a bit.
    Again she dressed for bed in the bathroom so no sight of her naked which I love to see.
    I asked her once in bed if I could lick her and make her cum but told not every night, I said it’s not been a few nights since I did it for her and was told turn round so I can cuddle into you so with my back to her and her arms round me I struggled to sleep with my cage bursting out.
    I read a tip about putting a drop of baby oil on my cage ring and it seems to make things a bit more comfortable and a small drop on my foreskin where pokes through the bars,
    But I’m starting to think only after this short time my scrotum skin must be stretching as my ring which I downsized to has from 50mm to 45mm feels as though it’s travelling further up my shaft with my balls as I try to get erect.
  10. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Went to bed last night and I was in first so I could watch my lovely KH change for bed, I just love seeing her get naked!!!
    Once in bed though I couldn’t help myself and had my hand on her thighs moving towards her pussy when she said what are you doing?
    Me well I’m wanting to make you cum and her words hit me right home. She said it’s not about what you want is it!!!
    I apologised and said you right sorry, my cage was fit to burst so much then it took me ages to get it to go down.

    She was right this is what I asked for wasn’t it.
    I’ve since messaged and said sorry again that I will stop trying to touch her like that.
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  11. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    It’s been a long weekend that’s for sure my KH has a sore throat and is feeling rough so there has only been cuddles between work from her which is understandable.
    So now I’m onto day 8 with no release or any stimulation from my wife and KH.
    But to be very honest I feel horny and think about playing with my wife, but there’s no burning desire to get loose just to please her really. My erections don’t seem to be lasting as long now in my cage so maybe it’s a psychological thing now as it knows it can’t get release.
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  12. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Well that’s me on to day 13 in chastity with no release at all or any tease either.
    But to be honest I do get frustrated or should say frustrate myself by reading on here.
    But not the extent I want to rip the cage of if I could lol.
    We’ve just cuddled each night when going to sleep as she now tells me to roll over and she cuddles me in from behind which instantly sends my cage bursting for a while.
    I’m also suprised how it’s not affected my sleep much apart from having to get up and try to pee when I waken with a crumpled hard on.
    We’re also going on holiday at the weekend and she said oh I maybe better not forget the key incase I want to play. That had me hard as well.
    This is the longest I can ever think of that I have not masturbated in my whole life.
    I actually feel I have a bit more energy than I did when I would wank until I was dry multiple times when home alone.
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  13. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Well I was on holiday with my wife KH for a week and on the first day she unlocked me as we were together all week.
    I wasn’t allowed to touch and if I did I was told I would be locked which was something I wanted too.
    I was teased a bit the first day and all of a sudden she told me she wanted me inside her and it was great sex and she wanted me to cum while in her and she wasn’t bothered about cumming which felt strange. But it was quite s powerful as it’s the longest I’ve went without stimulation 15 days.
    The next few days she teased me and made me cum in her hand a few times without locking up again.
    The last couple of days we were both full of coughs and sore heads so we just enjoyed our time together.
    But when we arrived home I was handed the cage the next day and told you better get it locked up after your cleaning.
    I handed her the key when coming out the bath and she asked did you use it?
    And she knew before I said yes and the answer was you better have made the best of lol
    So now back to work all locked up and horny as hell again.
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  14. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Well it’s been a while since I’ve been here. After we came back from that holiday I was only locked for a few days due to things happening.
    But a week past Monday I suggested about locking up and she agreed it would be good. Well due to being a way for a week prior to lock up, we hadn’t done anything single or alone for two weeks then I was locked up until last night where I asked if I could pleasure my KH which she said would be good.
    The last few nights when going to sleep she has been grabbing my cage and balls and falling a sleep like that which is s huge turn on for me.
    I had to nip out and by the time I was back she was bathed and in her pyjamas and waiting for me.
    We cuddled together on the sofa where I tried my hardest not to go for her gorgeous tits or try and rub her pussy.
    When we went to bed my cage was fit to burst.
    Into bed she let me touch her pussy and rub her clit while she was massaging my cage and balls so I got her bottoms free and went in to pleasure her and she was so horny rubbing me all over and she came very quick.
    She pulled me up and said to cuddle in while she was still rubbing me, then she produced the key and said unlock which is where I was torn and said but no I liked being locked and teased and the first time she has asserted herself and told me it was hers to unlock.
    So I unlocked but she left the ring on as well there was no way it was coming off I was that hard now.
    I begged her not to make me cum but she told me she wanted it so carried on then I asked her again not to and she stopped, but quickly carried on until it was to late.
    Well when I came it was up the bed beside me and over my phone and iPad on the bedside unit I came that hard. It was great but it was the longest I had ever went without cumming.
    She got me to clean up and said you better lock up again as she watched me push and pull until I got it soft enough to get it back in the cage and locked.
    She has said she will read the book I got her this time which I hope she will to better understand that it’s not about me cumming.
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  15. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    What great weekend we’ve had, started Friday evening with a nice family tea and a few drinks, but not many as she had work in the morning.
    I asked early evening if I could play with her at bedtime and she said she would think about it.
    So I walked the dogs and by the time I was back she was bathed and ready for bed.
    We cuddled a lot and I was allowed to remove her bottoms and lick her to nice orgasm.
    Then we just cuddled ourselfs to sleep.

    Then last night we had a few gins and went to bed where I was all over her and licked her to several orgasms one after the other where she was loving it. I don’t think I’ve seen her cum so many times, all the time I was dribbling as I was lapping her up. What a feeling it was licking her with no release.
    As my cage was bursting it started to pull really hard on the ring and hurt so she gave me the key to remove it, but there was no teasing at all apart from in my head.
    Next morning she massages my balls a lot but didn’t touch my cock at all the only stimulation for it was when she pulled them tight pulled my skin on my cock.
    Then after an inspectionshe said you better get that down to get your cage back on.
    So here I am all locked up with no release at all.
  16. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

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    Well it’s been a quite week. Most nights when we’ve went to bed we have just chatted and cuddled and then my KH then rests her hand on my cage and squeezes gently and every so often her nails go a bit deeper into my sac.

    On Tuesday night my new cage arrived for me where I asked for the key to swap them over. The new cage looked a bit longer but due to the design of the ring it’s actually not really but it does give me more room to piss as it’s more open in the front bars are different and the ring is hinged so it is easier to get on so to speak.
    When I put it on my KH inspected it and thinks it’s better. It’s got 6 holes where screws can be screwed in around the base as a antipull out device but there not in just now. I think they will be sore if I tried to get hard though.
    So it’s been on a couple days and nights now and it’s a irritating the skin on the base behind my balls but really only when I try to get hard.
    So with a bit of baby oil applied it's not to bad.
    Let’s see what the weekend brings.
  17. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

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    Well it’s been a while, but I had to be released from the new cage due to the hinged part pinching my skin and it broke out so had to be removed in the middle of the night as it was cutting me.
    So after a few weeks healing we tried again.
    It took us until the beginning of October but it’s locked back up in the smallest cage of 40mm ring and 38mm long cage.
  18. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

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    So fast forward from the begging of October to last night the first time my keyholder showed a slight interest in me or allowing me to touch her.
    We cuddle a little and then went to sleep, but this morning my KH allowed me to let her cum with my hand while she trialled her nails over my tight balls and cupping them and my cage which felt so good after being caged for so long with no touching.
    Now it’s been 19 days with out cumming or any release and I do spend quite a lot of time bursting in my cage, I thought it might get less frequent trying to get hard but it’s not really.
    Let’s see how the week goes now.
  19. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    Last night I was lucky and was allowed to give my wife a nice massage which she certainly liked as she looked so comfortable.
    We both went to sleep happy all though I was still a little tight in my cage, but it was a good feeling.

    This morning we cuddled and I asked if I could make her cum which she allowed me to get between her legs and suck and lick her clit until she came quite quickly actually.
    She pulled me away as she was supper sensitive.
    Then we cuddled and she worked on my balls for some time dragging her nails on them and around them when she said I want you unlocked. And went and got the key.
    She told me to take it off and she rubbed me all over. When I said I didn’t want to cum she struggled a but to understand why not, but she caressed me and teased me a lot.
    After a while of that I started fucking her hand until I was so close to coming where she told me she wanted me to cum so she held me tight and I fucked her hand more and more until I exploded in her hand then she continued rubbing me after I came.
    She was really happy that I came as well when she kept rubbing my cum into my balls and shaft.
    We had baths and then a cuddle and I was given the cage back to put on. Then I made breakfast for her as well.
    I didn’t have the deflated feeling this time after cumming but I wonder if it was due to being given the cage back so quickly to put it on.
  20. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    I purchased new cage and was given the keys to fit it the other night but the seller sent the medium cage in place of the small which I ordered so I’m now in the medium with the 40mm ring and it comfy but I asked the seller to send the small cage so I can see how it feels as I’ve had a small up to now, the only reason for the change was to try and make pissing easier whenbhard and to see if when turned on my dribbles will escape also.
    Last night my KH rested her hand on my cage and I asked what she thought of it and she surprised me by saying well it’s not for me is it?
    I wanted to discuss more but she wanted to sleep.
    I know it takes time but I was thinking she was getting into it a bit but, she won’t read the book I bought her and I’ve ordered another now to coax her to read them to understand more of what it’s about.
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  21. Inchastityforher

    Inchastityforher Active member

    May 19, 2019
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    A short update. My new small cage arrived so I asked for the key so I could change into it and it does feel better being tighter.

    So a week past Friday I gave my KH as massage which she really liked. There was nothing sexual about it I was so tempted to try but resisted and all the time I was bursting in my small cage. We ended the night with a nice a warm time cuddling together which feels so much now I’m locked all the time.
    On the Saturday morning we woke early and I was allowed to touch her special place which I found she was really wet, I worked on her for only after a short time, she produced the key and told me she wanted me inside her we didn’t take me long to get the cage of, I was that hard when the cage came of I just had to keep the ring on as there was no way I could get it removed.
    After a very short time I couldn’t help myself and came inside as she wanted and no where near her cumming but she wanted in her.
    We lay like that for a while then just cuddled which was so nice then it was time for a bath when I had to get back in the cage.
    Lockedprop likes this.
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