Deep breath. And... relax. Here goes

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by longtallsally, May 1, 2022.

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  1. anasyrma

    anasyrma Long term member

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    Looking forward to the debrief from your Pete after talking to her Paul. Wouldn't it be wonderful if both you and Laura had control of your men. I think you have done wonderfully during the consequences month. I wonder if Pete feels he has learned his lesson or not.
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  2. Open2njoy

    Open2njoy Long term member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @longtallsally I can’t imagine how difficult of a task it would have been for MyPete to discuss the benefits of male chastity with HerPaul. How would he even begin the conversation unless Laura had instructed HerPaul to begin the conversation by asking questions about it. OTOH, if they did discuss it, I’m sure it would have been an erotically charged moment.

    Did you debrief consequences month with MyPete? I’m sure there was a lot to unpack and learn about his reactions to each of the various techniques you introduced to him. What activities to keep for future play, what to discard, and what to modify. What did you learn about yourself in the process?
    Beyondheat likes this.
  3. littleguy3

    littleguy3 Adoring husband

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    You might want to have him try these in black or another dark, neutral color. They provide the comfort he's looking for when waxed and just enough size and support.
  4. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Sorry for the delay updating - we've been sort of still half on holiday.
    So MyPete and HerPaul went out for a beer. My Pete was surprisingly reticent when he got back. Eventually he explained what had happened - there was bad news and good news. The bad news was that he hadn't managed to raise the subject of chastity, which after all, had been the whole point of getting them to meet. He said there had been other people around and it would have just seemed far too contrived if he'd unsubtly tried to bring up the subject, even by gently asking after Laura. He said that even asking after Laura was a very loaded conversation because of what had gone on between them (although My Pete assumes that HerPaul doesn't know about that.).

    But the good news was that I could tell that MyPete genuinely wanted to start the conversation. He said that he didn't imagine he would want to share his own experiences of chastity with Her Paul in detail but just find a way of dropping it into the conversation, "like a mini-depth-charge". And then about an hour later he said that he thought it would be easier by email than face to face. He said that while they were out, there was something that HerPaul had hinted about their relationship that he thought gave him an in and that he would try, but didn't want to be rushed. I could tell he was really taking it seriously. I was actually quite surprised too but I suppose MyPete has always liked a challenge. I asked him to keep me posted and also told him how pleased I was. My hand was on his cage (it often is during intimate conversations), and he was practically purring.

    Without telling him it was a reward, I unlocked him and enjoyed the look of bliss on his face and the feeling of bliss for me as he immediately stood to attention. I told him not to expect too much - just a little fresh air and exercise. He explained to me, as he has before, that he misses being in control of when he can get hard, even more than missing orgasms. I was very gentle with him - much too gentle for him to get over excited. He kept saying how much he'd missed this.

    I asked about consequences month and we've had several chats about it. There's a lot to 'unpack'. He said it was thrilling to be so totally out of control. He said he knew he was being completely manipulated (being placed lower than me while we were sitting, him having fewer clothes etc) but even though he knew exactly what game I was playing he said he found it impossible to resist. He said the repetition and reinforcement sometimes made him almost forget part of who he was, which was exciting and scary at the same time, but more the latter than the former. He said being waxed was humiliating but that he'd found it arousing too - especially when he'd seen how much I'd enjoyed it.

    He went through a phase of being rather upset when he found that the 'project' was spilling so much into the rest of our lives, but when we entered the period of him receiving me every day, sometimes more than once, he'd found that much more enjoyable than he'd imagined it would be. He said taking the Bears in his mouth was just too weird but being entered was 'extraordinary' and that several times he'd felt 'a kind of orgasm' but he couldn't explain very well what it felt like. He said that other than one time, nothing had come out. He asked my how I knew that it was the moment of entering that would be so thrilling, rather than the thrusting. I lied and said, "because I'm a woman". Although that was true in a way, it was actually Laura who had given me that tip. I didn't feel like sharing that with him though, given they'd had a 'thing' together. (Grrr...)

    We both agreed we were glad we tried 'consequences month' but also agreed that we probably overdid the mental side, at least for where we are at the moment. He's agreed to carry on the waxing for another couple of sessions - I love the contrast between the hairiness of the rest of him and the totally soft and smooth section that is mine! Last night as we were about to go out to see friends I gave him my lovely white cami-knicks and asked him to put them on. There was surprisingly little fuss and we had a lovely long kiss before heading out. I said I thought that if he hadn't been locked up, he'd be jolly hard indeed right now. It felt lovely and close. When we got home he asked to be unlocked but I just patted him gently on the head, to which he responded immediately, courteously undressing me and using his tongue to absolute perfection. At one point he read my thoughts and said, "you've trained me well". He accompanied this with his signature goofy grin which was almost (but not quite) enough to make me unlock him.

    I'm glad we're back to normal now. Phew.

  5. maid julie

    maid julie Long term member

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    Always a pleasure to hear how everything is going and you write it up so well. I always get a smile when I see that you have posted. I will usually read the other up dates and save the best (yours) for ladt
  6. Open2njoy

    Open2njoy Long term member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    @longtallsally It sounds as if consequences month was a huge success for both of you and an excellent stepping stone into a new normal along your shared discovery of the pleasures afforded through chastity. I’m impressed with how MyPete has lowered his inhabitations about discussing chastity with others, being waxed, being on the receiving end of intimate play, and wearing your knickers on demand. He’s discovering that pleasure can take many forms and how to be comfortable in his own skin. You are discovering how to be a sensual keyholder and Domme for your partner.

    It would be interesting to see if the email exchange between MyPete and HerPaul bears fruit.
  7. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    I'm trying to work out why this message of yours, which is really lovely (thank you!) has actually made me feel wistful and a bit uncomfortable. I think it's because when all those things are listed, I can't help thinking how shocked I'd have felt a year and a half ago - a lot of this would have made me feel quite squeamish. And that makes me wonder how I've hanged, how MyPete has changed and in what ways our relationship has changed.

    Also, when everything is in one paragraph like that, it makes it seem like that's what sums us up. Whereas actually we do those things, fitted in around, eating, sleeping, seeing friends, arguing over the colour of the loo walls, going to the gym, avoiding going to the gym, shopping, cooking, cleaning and doing all the other things that everyone does. And I know that I am becoming Dommeish (only in the bedroom, I hope, though this worries me) but inside, I constantly have doubts - not about whether we enjoy our roles (I am pretty sure we both do) but about whether I will get found out being under-confident and the whole edifice will fall away. Like when you're a child and the play finishes and the house-lights come on.

    I know I've said it before but I am so much less confident than I sound when I read back what I've written. There's something about the act of writing, or at least the way that I do it, that distils everything in such a way that I come across as if I know exactly what I'm up to. I am an optimistic person, so I don't like to dwell on the stuff that doesn't work, so perhaps I don't write about that so much. It's not so much the physical mistakes (not enough lube, insufficient preparation, endless fiddling with straps and killing the moment,) but the mental things (accidentally reinforcing his hang-ups, finding myself in tears looking in the mirror because I'm just not sure I can go 'on stage' confidently (but then enjoying the rush when it roughly worked out)). It's more complicated for me than I think I've managed to convey in this diary.

    Mark Owen, iome343, Rally13 and 7 others like this.
  8. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Last night we took it out for an airing, made sure that there wasn't any chafing and I'd let him play with himself for a moment - under my watchful gaze of course. When I saw he was getting close, I asked him to stop, and he complied immediately. I love that moment of control and I love knowing he'll do that for me, and I love telling him so! I asked him to go into what we call the 'softy' position. On his back knees far apart, the flats of his feet together, which we've discovered is a pretty rapid erection-stopper for him. Having me watch him go soft makes him squirm every time. With him locked back up, we snuggled in bed chatting, with my hand on his cage. It's one of my favourite things - lovely and close.

    I asked him whether he'd been in touch at all with HerPaul since going for a drink with him and some others. I fully expected him to say no - they're not that close and broaching the such a tricky subject was a huge, if not impossible, ask. But to my surprise he said they'd had several exchanges of emails, including about chastity.

    He told me that when they'd met, there had been other people around and he couldn't bring up anything like this, and he'd realised tht he wouldn't be able to talk to him face to face about such things anyway. But at one point in the evening, HerPaul had said something that implied that all was not quite right in his relationship with Laura. (HerPaul of course didn't know that MyPete already knew this). MyPete just quietly clocked this (well done!) and followed up with an email later saying that he didn't want to appear rude at not having shown more interest but it didn't feel right to talk about 'heavy stuff' (men!) when there were other people around, but if HerPaul wanted to talk, MyPete could at least lend an ear. That's how their email exchange started.

    HerPaul said that the magic had gone out of his relationship with Laura, especially the physical side, but that their physical distance detracted from everything else and then there was a sort of vicious circle. mYPete said he responded by saying that he thought Laura was one of the most attractive and sexy women he knew (which, given what had happened between them, made me feel a bit grumpy when he said it, although I tried to disguise it). My Pete asked if they'd tried the usual thing of just avoiding sex and physicality and gradually introducing the odd (non-sexual) hugging, stroking etc, then ggradually making it more sexual. And then, out of nowhere, HerPaul had told MyPete that the problem was porn and that he'd become a bit addicted to watching it and playing with himself and somehow at the same time he'd gone off Laura. So MyPete apparently said that he too had been through a phase of that (he told me this was a lie to make HerPaul feel less like a sad weirdo, but I wonder) and that he'd just stopped looking at porn and that it had really helped. HerPaul had asked how he'd just stopped and he said that it was a combination of willpower and asking his girlfriend at the time (another lie, I think!) to refuse him. He also said he'd experimented with being locked up for a bit so he couldn't play with himself. And that led on to MyPete sending him some gentle chastity links to look at.

    HerPaul said it would just be too weird and embarrassing to mention any of this to Laura and MyPete told him that he might as well because otherwise they might end up breaking up anyway. He suggested that he might just confess the porn bit without talking about chastity. And that was the where they'd go to. MyPete really is a dark horse sometimes.

    I was so pleased with him and said so, thanking him profusely. He asked if he might have a 'treat' and I gave him the longest ever kiss (a treat for both of us) after which he kind of looked at me expectantly. I fingered the key - he is always deliciously mesmerised by that - and I said it was just as well he was locked up, otherwise who knows what would happen. Bliss. <evil grin>.

    newplay, Mark Owen, iome343 and 12 others like this.
  9. anasyrma

    anasyrma Long term member

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    Go Pete! Well done!
  10. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    Oh what a tangled web we weave... MyPete just texted me to say the HerPaul had emailed to ask how he (MyPete) had broached the subject of porn with his previous girlfriend and how on earth chastity ever came up. MyPete, who seems to be a pretty accomplished liar, said he told HerPaul that the porn and masturbation bit was easy as the conversation was triggered by a news item on the radio. After the 'big talk' about that he said he'd planted the idea of chastity by just telling her he wished it could be locked away for a bit and she'd 'taken the bait'. It sounds to both of us though that whatever links MyPete had sent, Her paul had read them (and doubtless others) and was now interested!

    So, HerPaul doesn't know about what happened between Laura and MyPete, nor that I know about it. And he doesn't know that MyPete and I both know about how his relationship is with Laura. And as far as we know from Laura, he doesn't know about our chastity 'project'. The good thing is that what HerPaul has said to MyPete about what's not working, pretty much tallies with what Laura said to me - that he seems to have gone off her physically.

    Laura is (I'm envious to say) one of the sexiest and most sexually confident people I know. If too much porn and playing with himself has really got HerPaul and their relationship into this vivious spiral, then I can only imagine what it might do to others who are well, less sexy or confident than her! I know that physical relationship problems are usually the sign of something else that's not right, but I do think that sometimes the physical side of things, when it stops working, can cause the other stuff to be more of a problem than it otherwise would be.

    It crossed my mind that MyPete still has a soft spot (if that's the right term!) for Laura which is why he wants to help. Confused? I am! It may soon be time for another girls' night out with Laura.

    In the meantime, I'm being extra attentive with MyPete, remembering to send him lots of saucy messages. I've been feeling excited, but once again going through a phase of missing 'ordinary' sex. Such a difficult balance.

    Mark Owen, Waveridr, anasyrma and 5 others like this.
  11. Midnight1966

    Midnight1966 Active member

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    People and relationships change, especially if you introduce new ideas and practices to your life. The important part is that you feel that the changes are positive. From my perspective, as an outsider to your relationship, it seems to me that you generally do feel that the changes have been positive.

    It sounds like you have a touch of imposter syndrome going on. If your writing makes it sound as if you know what you're doing, then you can be reasonably confident that you do, or at least learning "on the job" quickly enough to appear that way. My advice would be to keep doing what you're doing, because you seem to be doing a lot right (we all get things wrong occasionally, so don't dwell on those times too much).

    I'd be willing to bet that Laura has some occasional self-doubt too. It's inevitable, we all do from time to time, no matter how self-assured we appear to others. Maybe talk to her about it and get some reassurance from her that you're not alone in the way you feel sometimes.

    I'm polyamorous, as is my wife, so as long as we're communicating clearly and honestly, the concept of infidelity and feelings of jealousy or possessiveness don't have a place in our relationship. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Pete still has a soft spot for Laura, it would be more surprising if he didn't still feel fondly about someone with whom he's been intimate. The important thing is that you have re-established your relationship boundaries and are communicating effectively and honestly about your relationship as it stands now.

    Also big props to Pete for initiating the conversation with Paul. That took major courage, I'm sure. I hope the efforts you're both making in regards to helping out Laura and Paul are successful, and that perhaps it will result in a saved relationship and the successful recruitment of another man into our chastity cult
  12. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    How amazingly kind and thoughtful of you tahe written all these wise words! THANK YOU!
    (And now I must get on and do some work!) Sal
  13. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    Oh goodness. Laura just texted to say that she and HerPaul had a 'huge conversation' last night. I guess this was triggered by his email exchnge wit MyPete. If so, MyPete deserves a big treat! Sal
  14. Open2njoy

    Open2njoy Long term member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    No doubt MyPete deserves a big treat! It’s amazing to think how he has had the courage and confidence to discuss chastity with HerPaul. Well done.
    Waveridr and longtallsally like this.
  15. handsolo

    handsolo Long term member

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    Certainly. An appropriate reward would be to set a new personal record for continually locked time.
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  16. NowIveDoneIt

    NowIveDoneIt Long term member

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    The vast majority of people see that as a punishment...
  17. Jessica Alexander

    Jessica Alexander Trans woman not a mistress or Dom

    Jan 26, 2016
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    Don’t forget that you don’t have to miss out on sex for chastity to work. It’s only important that you control his erections and orgasms. You can have sex every day and remain firmly in control if you are the only one that orgasms.

    Try an experiment for a week by using numbing cream under a condom. Let him “exercise’ himself for about 15 minutes after applying the condom with a stern warning not to go too far. Then let him have his way with you and tell him to try his best to orgasm. You can even have him take a quick shower after the initial 15 minute numbing session and tell him he has ten minutes to try his hardest.

    it may seem cruel but it’s an incredible treat for the locked man. It’s a great thing to do when he complains that he needs a stretch and it’s a great intimate connection that doesn’t ‘break the spell’ created by orgasm denial. Just make up a code or word so that he knows what to do. If you give him the key and say, “get ready”, he knows to put numbing gel in a condom and put it on and prepare for you.
    bluedragoon, RexVa, anasyrma and 2 others like this.
  18. Open2njoy

    Open2njoy Long term member

    Nov 23, 2017
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    You hold the key. That means you can use it when and how you see fit. Wine, candlelight and romance might be an appropriate way to celebrate his opening up to HerPaul. As it is, I think Laura also owes you a bottle of your favorite wine ;)
    longtallsally likes this.
  19. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    Thanks! That might be a bit premature though. It seems Laura and HerPaul had a Big Talk. He talked to her about the porn and being addicted etc, but I don't think they discussed any solutions. Laura and he agreed they'd both try to think of things that would help, and do a little research, then have another talk this weekend. I'm seeing her tomorrow afternoon so I'll get the full debrief! I asked MyPete earlier if he'd had any more email conversation with HerPaul but he said no.
    Beyondheat and Open2njoy like this.
  20. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    That's true - although he's a long way from admitting to HerPaul that this is an important part of our lives now, rather than just something in his dim and distant past. Mind you, neither of us wants him to reveal that.
    Beyondheat, Open2njoy and spider203 like this.
  21. Midnight1966

    Midnight1966 Active member

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    This is getting (even more) exciting!
  22. handsolo

    handsolo Long term member

    Feb 8, 2020
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    The vast majority of people have no interest in chastity play.
  23. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    I had a boozy afternoon with Laura on Saturday. Given what happened not so long ago between her and MyPete, I'm surprised how well we get on. This time our chat was mainly about her relationship rather than mine. It didn't sound as difficult between them as I'd previously thought - there's obviously a lot of love and respect there but Laura's been feeling a bit unappreciated and unwanted, especially physically. She had mentioned this before. Until MyPete told me about HerPaul’s porn thing, that surprised me because whenever we've been out with them and other friends, she's been a bit of a man-magnet and she's such sexual person.

    Laura said she's been wondering if he's been having an affair and occasionally asked whether everything’s alright, but thanks to the new info from MyPete (via me) she again asked him whether everything is ok and whether there’s anything he’d like her to do differently (physically that is). This time, thanks to MyPete's prompt (I am literally married to a God) apparently HerPaul came clean to her about the whole pornography thing and the constant playing with himself. I asked what the mood of the conversation had been at that point. She said he was obviously ashamed but also kind of resigned. I asked if she had felt angry or upset. She said angry, no but upset, yes and rather maternal towards him, wanting to take charge and make it all better. But she said that while she had been a Domme (or at least domme-ish) in her past, this hadn't ever been the vibe between her and HerPaul. She said she had asked him why he turned to porn rather than her but that it had been rather difficult to get much of an answer beyond it being a kind of addiction. She said she thanked him for telling her and they both agreed to have a think about what to do next. Laura said it was all quite tense and upsetting.

    She said the next day was less tense and more tender. She told me she said to him that since he needed to get over an addiction, would he be prepared to go ‘cold turkey’. He promised to cut out porn completely and also not to play with himself at all for a week. Laura said she asked him what she might do differently and he apparently asked her to physically take the initiative a bit more, which is ironic given her past! As far as I know, that’s where they’ve got to – MyPete and I are now both curious about how it’s going.

    All of this has made me appreciate MyPete even more, which is what I told him in the middle of a long kiss. I unlocked him and we giggled about his waxing appointment next weekend. After a quick airing and some teasing, I stopped, which he took as the usual signal to get into the cage as quickly as he could. He presented himself to be locked as usual but I just said, “Surprise” and asked him to lie back and enjoy some attention. It was such fun keeping him on the edge for a while and being able to give him such pleasure and it was so obviously a surprise to him that I let him come. I did feel for a moment that I would like to have had him inside me, but my body is out of bounds just now and I’m sure we’ll manage something else soon. (Possibly following @Jessica Alexander 's latest advice - thank you!) As it was, he looked so grateful! He fell asleep and I just looked at him for a while. Good man.

  24. iome343

    iome343 Long term member

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    Thank you for your updates
  25. Sarah2023

    Sarah2023 Active member

    Sep 11, 2023
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    Could you post an update of the situation
    It is always exciting to read you
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