
Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by 6000swearer, Mar 9, 2011.

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  1. 6000swearer

    6000swearer New member

    Jan 29, 2011
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    After an earlier thread I thought why not design and build this thing yourself?

    I have designed a small metal key safe with a digitally controlled lock. When the device is first switched on the display reads "0" and you can open and close the safe as often as you want by pressing the "open" button on the top of the lid. The idea is that you put your chastity device key in the safe and close the lid. You then set the display using +/- keys to the number of hours that you want the key safe to remain locked for, anything up to 1999 hours or three months. Once you press the "set" button the number of hours that you have set on the display will count down in real time. During this time the "open" button is disabled and you cannot open the box. When the count reaches zero the "open" button is active and you can release your key again. The third key is "rand". If you press this key the timer will be set to a random number of hours between zero and the number of hours you have keyed into the display. For instance if you set 240 on the display -10 days - and press "rand" the box will lock itself for a random period of between 0 and 10 days. Again once you press "rand" the box is locked and cannot be released until the count has timed down to zero.

    There is no manual overide for this box and no key as this sort of defeats the point. Once set the box will not open until it has timed down to zero. The only way to get at your key is either to have a spare available or smash the box - a bit drastic!

    I designed this box for guys with no kh who want to lock away their keys for fixed or random periods of time or for key holders who can sometimes be persuaded to release thier guys cock in the heat of passion. This box will prevent that as well as introducing a bit of excitement in terms of the random element.

    I reckon I could get these boxes into the market for maybe £80 and make a few quid myself. Does anyone think there would be a market for such a device??

  2. Reizla

    Reizla Active member

    Mar 7, 2011
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    This idea sounds good, but there's one flaw in it.

    In one episode of Star Trek Voyager, "the docter" (an AI hologram, no real human) had enough of the whining of his patiens and gave himself a 'flue' (of course, only the symptoms). He had set this flue on a timer of 36 hours and went through it very well, thus proofing his patients were indeed whining. When one of the members of the ship changed the timer and the 36 hours had passed, the started to panic and behave like a real sick person (and thus the whining started).

    Why am I taking this episode as an example...

    It's easy to lock yourself up for lets say 3 months. But when you know you're released after that time automaticall, you'll live toward it and can live with it. To simulate the effect of a KH, you could add (or substract) a random amount (lets say the amount of time you've set the lock +2.5% to 10% of the time set) to simulate a KH's personality, who won't let you free after exactly the set time. This way you know you've punished yourself for 3 months, but don't know how much extra (or less) time you've gotten when locking up.
  3. muzzledman

    muzzledman muzzledman

    May 16, 2010
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    great idea,what ive been looking for,its what us self lockers need.
  4. northoftheriver

    northoftheriver Junior Member

    May 4, 2009
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    I think it's a great idea but I agree that knowing the timescale involved removes a large amount of the headfuck element that a real life KH wields.

    So perhaps one enhancement that I'd suggest is a USB interface and appropriate logic so that a remote keyholder can control / open the lock if needed. Or failing that, perhaps a coded system that a KH can instruct the sub to enter to set / unset the timer.
  5. Lock Up Male

    Lock Up Male Permanently Collared

    Nov 24, 2009
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    I was building the same. My plan was skipping USB as you would need more levels of encryption otherwise you could just eavesdrop the USB comms and see the code to unlock the thing ;-) So built a embedded HTTPS server into my keysafe that would plug directly into your router which would handle the end to end encryption.

    My problem was finding the right locking mech, All the tricks I tried I managed to defect the lock within a few seconds (Mechanical bypass not electronic). But I have been on the phone to a manufacturer in Scotland and hey have might have what I need to keep the thing locked and not cost a arm and a leg in both size and price.
  6. Keuschling

    Keuschling Active member

    Jul 11, 2010
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    Hi together,

    i would be very interested in such device, as the random functionality would be a great addition to the timesafe i already have, and in addition could not be overridden by a manual master key. This would indeed thrill me. i only hope that the batteries just do not wear off before the optional opening time.

    i think, even the proposed pricing is quite attractive - as it leaves such useful device affordable for the crowd of self-locked people, unfortunately not having a real-life KH, and may be even an advantage for those having an online-KH.

    Chaste regards,
  7. sub to Mistress Angelique

    Mar 31, 2011
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    I agree sounds like a great device... however, it does need that element of the unknown. Say an automatic re-lock if you are slow to remove the key and an unknown time extension after the set time to keep that anticipation level higher
  8. justcurious10

    justcurious10 New member

    Aug 24, 2010
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    I have bought one of those small metal safe boxes with a numeric keypad to unlock. Then I modified the original software to add a few functions. You can set a time to remain locked, random or fixed. If you enter the correct code before the time is expired, a penalty time is added.

    I also wrote a small app to give to your KH. He or She can enter a code (MasterCode <grin>) and that code is encrypted to another 5-digit code. You can enter this code on the safe and then the safe can be opened with the MasterCode, even when a time-delay is active. This way you always have a panic-proof scenario.

    When on the time-delay, a LED flashes only once in 5 minutes (and only very brief) so you have to stare at the safe for five minutes to know if the time period is expired. Killing...:blink:
  9. gweny

    gweny Senior Member

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    1:37 AM looks like fun..i have no clue about thinks like that but i love to try new things..what are you friends think about this idea ...wired or great ?
    regards from namibia..GWENY

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  10. Droog

    Droog Long term member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    I think the market for this would be quite small, but the only way to know is to try it and see...

    I would like one. Ideally I'd like to be able to set "Hours, Days, Weeks" rather than require KH to engage in multiplications when deciding the time period. That might put her in a bad mood... worse still if she makes a mistake!!


  11. Paulette the Tart

    Paulette the Tart Male maid

    Nov 12, 2008
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    Flat batteries? . . . . . Hmmmmmm.

    OK - so why not have an external 12v or 5v input which, if interrupted, starts the countdown again! When it gets to the anticipated time, you're going to be going through Hell hoping the random factor has just added a few percent and that you haven't had a power cut or even that some mischievous person has sussed out what you're up to and has started playing with you!!
  12. Pet

    Pet New member

    May 8, 2011
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    Having a locking key-safe helped my Mistress get used to the idea of having me locked up. Initially she was oversympathetic and on-off-on-off with me wearing a CB given an 'excuse'.

    I got one of these - - the yellow part is a drawer that can be pulled out when it is unlocked. Pressing the green button adds a 'day' to the lock time each press, and pressing the red one locks it for the number of days selected.

    Pressing and holding the green button allows you to add days once it is locked. It displays Days, Hours, Minutes to opening and does a sort of carousel led display during the last 24 hours to unlocking.

    This little time-safe is pretty robust - there is a 'reset' button in the battery compartment, but a good drink of superglue disabled that!

    Mistress would lock me up, put the keys in this time-safe, press the green button one or more times, then the red one, then lock it in her combination safe. I did not know how many days the time safe was set to, or if she ever visited the combination safe to add days. The time-safe could unlock whilst in the combination safe and I would not know - Mistress could just open the combination safe and relock the time-safe to a new number of days.

    I know this might seem complicated, but it wasn't in practice. If I annoyed her, she had the option to add to days without me knowing. It helped me release control to Mistress as I never knew what number of days she had set the time-safe to, whilst her resolve had a sort of 'splint' - she had to commit to at least one day on each lock of the tine-safe!

    We have stopped using the time-safe now and the keys are simply kept in the combination safe which is opened by Mistress when she wants. Which is not that often...
  13. Droog

    Droog Long term member

    Dec 7, 2010
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    Thanks for your post... yeah, my Mistress has exactly the same issue as you describe. Its quite a hard line for the dominant to draw correctly.

    I tried to buy the timelock "toy" you link to above a while ago. Unfortunately its completely out of stock and has been for some time, so its hard to replicate your clever solution. Unless you want to sell on your old "training safe" ;-) If so, I'd be interested (just PM me).

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