90 Day Challenge

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by Governess Stephanie, Jul 25, 2014.

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  1. SubVerity

    SubVerity Still the mansion's fairy godmother. ;)

    Apr 2, 2014
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    My Wonderful was interested in how I might perform under such a challenge, though had fears that I'd be insatiably horny as I was during my first long (2 months) locked period.

    But she knows how much I enjoyed being that horny and my understanding is that she enjoyed some of the extra attention, so she has been willing to have me locked for a longish period again. She says 2 months, though I've a feeling it'll be something longer than that. I have a few events on the horizon that will require me to be unlocked so that time may be added on, and I may just not be unlocked until she's ready for me to be.

    Once we were talking seriously about this she said she wanted me to have the freedom to unlock for periods and to come a few times at whim up until the new locked period starts and so that is how it was. Yes, was. We also agreed that there should be a send off of sorts to mark the end of that pre-locked period. I think the idea was to give me a few orgasms over a few days so I'd have something to miss once locked, most of which I provided myself, and the last was something we did together, and very vanilla it was too, for the first time in what seemed like a very long time, and for the last time in what will seem like a very long time. That was Monday just gone.

    Tuesday morning she told me to lock up, but here I must admit to having failed already. I knew Monday was going to be the signifier of my last day of freedom and I found that although I've loved this chastity thing, and wanted this, and these changes in our relationship for the better, I didn't want to give up the freedom to climax at will, or to be able to touch my ding and so created an excuse ( like I just ran out of time and had to rush to work) not to lock. I have to say it was with a heavy heart that this morning came around. She cupped my naked ding in her hands before she left, and let me thrust a few times while looking me purposefully in the eye and then turning to leave.

    I had a last trim, and then had breakfast while coaxing my testes into the ring. It was almost as if they didn't want to go in, but finally they succumbed to their and my fate.

    So here I am, 9 hours in to what will be.... well, an experience. I won't miss wanking as much as I did the first time around, as it's become a far smaller part of my life, as has the physical reality of my cock, but the mental reality was at times almost over whelming, and I hope this will be reduced this time around also.

    Otherwise, I'm in trepidation.

    I'll report back.
  2. gaygurly

    gaygurly Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    Im at 3months with no release at all.
    I want permemt my keyholder finds so funny ill never have sex again.
    Hopefully will be my life locked to serve
  3. alanlocked

    alanlocked Junior Member

    Mar 2, 2009
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    Interseting post, question and challange. I am in real chastity, not a game for me. My wife is my KH and she is dead set on me being and staying in chastity. 90 days is the normal time between sexual releases for me. At that time I am allowed intercourse with my wife. At no other time does my belt come off, not even for cleaning as my wife discovered that was not necessary. 90 days, actually any length of being locked was hard at first. Once a steel belt is locked on it will not come off without a key, or doing serious damage to it. It will do as claimed, you cannot cheat, play with yourself or even see your member. It's for real. Those of you who are really "In Chastity" you know what I mean. If it is a game for you have fun. I think all males should take the 90 day challange and see what real chastity is really like, Good luck!
    guest 2942 likes this.
  4. slavetony

    slavetony New member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    I agree, long term chastity is perfect for an older man. I could easily go months.
  5. gaygurly

    gaygurly Member

    Aug 24, 2014
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    90 days was easy because had no choice keyholder has keys and i dont see her that much only when she wants to laugh at me locked and turning into girl.
    Governess Stephanie likes this.
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