Last Activity:
Jun 23, 2011
Feb 27, 2011 at 6:21 PM
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Apr 18, 1963 (Age: 61)


New member, 61

Well it was all nice while it lasted J is no longer mine. R/t has taken him from me and i hope that he will come back to me in the furture. The distance thing really wasnt working and he needed a break. If you ever want to come back to me you will be welcome J. Jun 23, 2011

subtletorturer was last seen:
Jun 23, 2011
    1. madmed
      Hello Miss, have not seen you for a while. You are missed
    2. subtletorturer
      Well it was all nice while it lasted J is no longer mine. R/t has taken him from me and i hope that he will come back to me in the furture. The distance thing really wasnt working and he needed a break. If you ever want to come back to me you will be welcome J.
      1. muzzledman
        its the lack of love that hurts,that hole opens & almost closes in strange ways.
        Jun 24, 2011
      2. madmed
        sorry to hear that you have lost J
        Jun 28, 2011
    3. subtletorturer
      Learnt that holding the keys is enough, all else revolves around it and subtlety is the key.
      1. ozoner55
        It really doesn't matter if you are subtle or bold, if you have the keys compliance is assured, sooner or.............later
        Mar 31, 2011
      2. subtletorturer
        But the subtlety is for my amusement
        Apr 10, 2011
      3. madmed
        and what is it that they say about catching more with sugar?
        Apr 15, 2011
    4. subtletorturer
      I do believe you are begining to see me as your Dominant. The one who controls every thing about you. Thank you for your efforts over the past week.
      1. ukaquanaut
        There has never been anyone else miss - smiles.
        Mar 29, 2011
      2. madmed
        sounds like an interesting week
        Apr 15, 2011
    5. ukaquanaut
      Hi Miss S, I found my old login Miss - smiles ur slave j
    6. chaste777
      Hello fellow Brit, welcome to the site. It is a pleasure to see you here. It is a great site and I hope you enjoy it. chaste777 (Mark)
    7. subtletorturer
      new thought teating j as he deserves depends totaly on him treating Me as I desire. I want effort to serve, visiting me , taking time from his day to make me feel that I am the one who is his every thing.
      1. ukaquanaut
        The remote aspect and a somewhat busy life does at times mean I dont spend the time with Miss online that would be more appropriate. However, the remote aspect is something I am learning to adapt to more, I hope. slave j
        Mar 24, 2011
    8. subtletorturer
      My dear one in torment and delerium, locked for me, waking and sleeping caged. Heey ho radom thoughts about my slave j.
    9. subtletorturer
      Please those I have added to my friends list make a comment now and again to let me know your still alive lol. Im not a collector of names, I add as I think it would be interesting chatting and exchanging ideas. Post a few ideasor thoughts. ST
    10. subtletorturer
      Have had a week of thinkig about slave js service. He desires to be a slave in chastity. To serve me as his Godess. He expressed a desire to betotaly in my hands forever. A big desire and one not to be taken lightly. I am deciding whether I am up for a slave full time as it is not a decision to be taken lightly. His desire has pleased me beyond belief but I want to be able to treat him right and as he deserves.
    11. subtletorturer
      Yes madmed he did live up to expectations and beyond. He served as my plaything for the a few hours and I cant wait to have him in my hands again soon. Asession of milking , and pain play were his reward.
    12. subtletorturer
      Yes madmed he did live up to expectations and beyond. He served as my plaything for the a few hours and I cant wait to have him in my hands again soon.
    13. subtletorturer
      Yes madmed he did live up to expectations and beyond. He served as my plaything for the a few hours and I cant wait to have him in my hands again soon.
    14. subtletorturer
      Yes madmed he did live up to expectations and beyond. He served as my plaything for the a few hours and I cant wait to have him in my hands again soon.
    15. subtletorturer
      wow ahve 6 days gone so quickly .The hours are flying by with texts and with chats on the internet. He so desires to please me . mmmm he will weg.
      1. madmed
        Have to ask. did it live up to expectations Miss
        Mar 17, 2011
    16. subtletorturer
      7 days till i see slave j for our first session in chsatity. Feeling wicked towards him and his lil pussy pole right now. Hope the feelign lasts till i see him, and hope he reads this lol.
    17. subtletorturer
      wonders if a ssteel cage would hold body temperature or get cold in minus temps. Woke up cold last night with that thought in my head lol. It was -3c here . Then thought ice pack would be an interesting play when we purchase a steel cage. Things you dream of as a Domme lol.
    18. subtletorturer
      Learnt a few things here so all is Cool. Taken a new step with my slave have a key holder for hi now so he is locked in till i see him saturday after next. It is wonderful to know he has to follow my cleaning regime to the letter and no skip outs. The key holder is a strict Domme so he hasnt a chance of of being a brat.
    19. lacy02
      thank you its a pleasure
    20. toni
      Welcome to the site!
    21. madmed
      Welcome to the Mansion Miss.
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    Apr 18, 1963 (Age: 61)
    Chastity resume:
    Never im the key holder as if pffft


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