Last Activity:
Mar 18, 2024
Sep 12, 2022 at 9:17 AM
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Local Time:
11:09 AM
Aug 22, 1990 (Age: 33)
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
Birmingham, UK


Long term member, Male, 33, from Birmingham, UK

No offence, but typically I don't respond to random small talk on the chat here. "Heteronormative" "masculine" chastity sub. Oct 25, 2022

Caro-Kann was last seen:
Mar 18, 2024
    1. Caro-Kann
      No offence, but typically I don't respond to random small talk on the chat here. "Heteronormative" "masculine" chastity sub.
    2. King Hippo
      King Hippo
      Can I assume you are a chess player?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Caro-Kann
        Uh, c6, d5 I should say.
        Sep 12, 2022
        King Hippo likes this.
      3. King Hippo
        King Hippo
        It is just nice to see another chess player in the community here, and it is nice to see a chess player playing non-symmetrical openings to King Pawn!
        Sep 12, 2022
      4. Caro-Kann
        Yeah, Scandinavian was one I used to frequently go for against King's Pawn but I decided it was bad practice to get my queen out so soon. What I really hate seeing as black though, is Queen's Pawn. I don't even know a thing about Indian Game but I try to play it anyway.
        Sep 12, 2022
    3. Caro-Kann
      Heteronormative chastity submissive
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  • About

    Aug 22, 1990 (Age: 33)
    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Birmingham, UK
    Your chastity role:
    • Other - (Explain in "About You")
    I am passionate about my music - writing and playing, dogs are my favourite animal: I love my dogs and going for long walks with them. I got into playing chess over lockdown, I enjoy working out, particularly calisthenics and when I used to spar it was always like playing chess in real time. My dream job would be somewhere in a nice modern office with a skyscraper view of the city. I would like to be surrounded by passion, energy and commitment as I work and I like doing work in coffee shops because I am more productive when there's caffeine and a friendly social buzz involved.

    Things that make me laugh out loud include my own blunders, my dogs and Jimmy Carr. If had all the free time in the world, I would spend it on a beach with a surf shack and my own personal cocktail bar. I like Birmingham because it is one of the most metropolitan cities in the UK but without being as expensive as London. It's hard to find a shortage of things to do, people to meet or places to go. The second year of my postgrad was probably the most productive and exciting year of my life, I also went to Portugal and Greece that year.

    One thing I did as a kid that I miss today would be snowboarding and going off course would be one of the more spontaneous things I've done in my life. I talk to my mother more than anyone else in my life and she is my biggest influence. I've never been on a cross-country road trip but I would love to cross-country through Europe starting North in Summer and ending South in Autumn when it won't be too hot! If I go to a new city the first attraction for me to visit would probably be the bars. Before I die, I'll be happy if I've been to Australia, learned three languages, gave back to society, loved a job and retired to Switzerland.

    My favourite dish to cook would be anything Chinese. I've always been a fan of extreme sports. My favourite TV shows include Game of Thrones but more recently I've watched Ozark and Unreal on Netflix and really enjoyed them. I like to read books that deal with real life. On a desert island I'd keep with me a coffee machine, a yoga mat and a scrap book. Shawshank Redemption is one of my favourite films. I like to spend my mornings lying in. I like to spend my nights drinking somewhere classy. I wish I were better at languages. Growing up, I wanted to be a scientist. My hidden talent would be the double click and wiggling my ears is the one I wish I could do. My favourite way of keeping active involves getting creative with kettlebells.


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