Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by Obsequious, Feb 12, 2022.

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  1. Obsequious

    Obsequious Property of Madame “E”

    Jan 4, 2019
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    5:09 AM
    Hello to all CM Members...
    I haven't posted anything in awhile, just yesterday Madame E instructed me to post about my "HER" new added attraction on my chastity cage.
    A little background first... I wear a Custom Fit "Orion" Cage by Evotion Wearables... fit to my "smallest" size and never a millimeter to grow. Madame had made certain that this cage would keep me at my smallest size at all times. I was instructed to take measurements at least three times a day, at different times, for a week. I reported all measurements to Madame and she instructed me what size would be purchased. All I can say is... "OMG" this could not be made anymore precise... there is not even room to twitch in this thing. Sorry I digressed a bit!
    Awhile back Madame told me it was time for "Spikes" to be added to my current cage. I of course was a bit taken by surprise... Madame is normally more lenient with these types of things. I did as told and ordered this new "Head Piece" from Evotion using the custom sizing they had on file from my Orion Cage order. Within weeks I had this new piece... BOXED of course! Madame refused to let me even look at it UNTIL... a little over a week ago now! I was allowed to have the key in hand... sealed box in hand... unlock the original piece... cut open the box... Old OFF and New one ON within seconds. All I saw was a red piece, felt some very sharp spikes and LOCKED it on... putting the keys back in the safe and blindly resetting the combination.
    NOW... I am reporting as required that THIS little device holds AMAZING power. I have been locked in this for over a week now (not positive of how many days) but over a week nonetheless. I will say that THIS IS AN AMAZING added attraction. The fit... OMG is perfect. Under normal circumstances I know full well the spikes are RIGHT there awaiting some inappropriate thinking. As long as I behave I can feel them touch once in awhile... most times when I squat, while in motion to sit... BUT ALWAYS when I have even the slightest inappropriate thought. I've been told to use my Hush to vibrate an "O" out WHILE caged and spiked. NO... just plain OLD NO this does NOT WORK. The arousal is immediate... the bite is equally as quick and the loss of arousal happens as the pain of the spikes takes over making sure I become docile once again. I ran the hush for close to an hour trying for an "O"... yet it all ended in INSANE AROUSAL, MORE FRUSTRATION and BOYS THAT WERE READY TO POP with the most pathetic ruined I have ever seen! NO feeling... NO FUN... just a little sensation as this drooled out and into my underwear.
    Kudos to Evotion for such a devious little control freak of a device! It IS tolerable... 24/7/... as I DO wear it all day and night. IT ALSO will take away ALL arousal when misbehaving! SO... I caution ALL who wear it to be prepared to be amazed and afraid all at the same time. I URGE all Ladies... who have their pet/slave/boy/boi in an evotion device... GET ONE OF THESE for your boy. HE WILL HATE IT and LOVE YOU even MORE AND MORE AND MORE with each passing bite!
    I hope this pleases you Madame E... I believe it is written as you instructed me to do. At least I PRAY IT IS!!!
    THANK YOU MADAME E for allowing me this life!
    Most Appreciatively Your Most Indebted Chaste, Spiked, Desperate and THANKFUL Slave...
    Slave "O"
  2. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    uk (west mids)
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    10:09 AM
    Spiked cages are fantastic! Take a look at my iron maiden album to see pics of my custom printed spiked cage.
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