In at the Deep End

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by OnTheEdge, Dec 11, 2015.

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  1. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    Your description of the technical issues is exactly what someone would need to read before choosing this device. It is a shame that it appears no one else has used it, if they had been successful then that would be more helpful.

    I ended up going direct to the makers of the Holy Trainer because Überkinky didn't have the size or colour I wanted. I don't recommend that though, the customs charge was significant.
  2. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    I never thought I'd be frightened to close the lock.

    Got home from work and showered whilst trying to fit the cock ring. Easier to do whilst sitting down. But still then harder than it looks. Best technique was using my other hand like a fairground claw with the band above clenching on to the target for dear life and trying to roll the device down over the balls. After a while once the penis was in too, well...

    After dinner, the beginning of a roughly three hour fitting. My balls filled the devices entrance hole. My penis was pressed hard right up against the top of the device above the hole - refusing to shrink but feeling pinched all the time. (A mild version of when the device is closed and the bar kicks in.) Too while away the time whilst waiting to become soft and distract myself I watched TV so it was probably 45 mins to an hour before it was ready. Then trying to pull it through ... well there was just no space and I mean none my testicles filled the space.

    Finally about half an hour later a sliver of penis managed to pull through - through perhaps because of the cock ring nothing else was coming. Eventually decided to take the penis out of the cock ring. And the struggle begins again after an age a bit comes through. Then nothing, then giving it up - then even when feeling that it still hangs their: neither in nor out. So I continue and eventually enough. Then stuck again. Wiggle from the top, bush from the bottom - nothing. Finally traction: a mixture of pushing down on the cage from the top and squeezing up by digging down underneath the base of the penis.

    All of this hurts.

    Then when through the hole it hurts some more - especially when the cage door comes down. Which I think twice about doing. Especially as closing the door activates the booby trap as the inner ring digs in hard. My penis now trapped between two rings fights back. Neither wants to give in. This is really where I want to give up but grab the allen key before I can change my mind. I take it carefully and almost stop twice. But try to keep up the speed as it is now or never.

    I hold the cage in my hands for a long time not wanting to let it go until the pull down causes to much pain. My penis and balls pressing against the ring want to escape and tell me by stinging. Still not sure I can stand with this on as feeling the devices weight on my balls could be too much.

    I realize that underwear would help. Having showered I had pretty much just grabbed a vest and jogging bottoms to wear during dinner. I try to reach them with my foot as I still don't want to risk letting go of the cage. Just about manage it and pull them close. (Having forgotten that I had left a pair by my side just in case this happened - strange what you forget when your distracted.) I pull them on and its a comfort but the pain is still there. It's manageable but I'm wary of what might happen. Then I realize that I've temporarily let my mind wander from the allen key. I need to find it, quick. But, I also need to try not to move. All the time my penis and balls feel like there screaming at me. The pain is not agonizing, but its uncomfortable - and I'm more wary of what will happen if I move - tipping the balance and triggering something I don't yet no if I can deal with... and now I don't have the key.

    Lean around to check the bed sheets and floor and nothing. Crap. Finally I feel the faintest of pressure behind me. and realize it must have slipped behind after I had reached for my clothing. Phew.


    Things seem a little calmer so I find the padlock, a new one as the original has been playing up (not going to risk getting stuck in this). Click. Locked in. Need to know that the keys are safe so find the combination safe I had bought a while back (small and portable) which came through at the weekend but still unused. Don't even thinking about changing the combination. The keys are not in the kitchen safe. Nowhere near ready yet to have them locked out of reach. We're definitely now more than three hours in since starting locking. The pain seems to be abating so I reach for the laptop and power up.

    That was before the drama I'm watching now had started - it's just finished at least four hours and I can still feel a sting. That's in part my fault. Yesterday I wasn't taking chastity to seriously. The 'pod had failed, it didn't seem serious and I my mind drifted on to pictures and other playful stuff. Filler, indulgent (but still true). Tonight I booted up the computed and was greeted by picture one on the loading screen. Pictures aren't usually something which would affect me (too much...) but this was if my evil twin had planted it the night before - knowing the connection that my mind would make. Then onto the desk top and the other image. (The girl on the beach.) That and typing all of this. Its now a small but constant pressure. Its almost dismissable except it reminds me that I have yet to brave getting off the bed, or, even think about standing up.

    I know from research that no ball trap devices are inescapable and it frustrates me. Even though I'll always have an emergency key I want to have to use it. Not just pull out. Tonight I deliberately pulled myself in an out twice before closing the door. (I'm not making 'that' trip to casualty this evening.) It was tight but do able with much prodding from the top. Now there is a cage closed on top of them. I haven't tried but I seriously doubt there's any way I can pull them free. The cock ring has seen to that. That is: it was tricky - 1) before my penis was pulled through the same hole; 2) the size of the entrance hole was reduced greatly as the two inside rings squeezed into each other; (and) 3) closed door means no access to anything. ...

    All of this was moments of actions followed by (after the device had closed) pauses where I kind of froze and just kind of breathed deeply and zone out. I word myself mutter the words 'O my God, O my God, O my God' quite a few times. Not my normal choice... . It still stings but its much more bearable. I'm tempted to put on a number lock to push myself to go further. So I have a reason to go further as others will see I've given in. But then for the first time I'm not sure I want to risk the Kitchen Safe - even for an hour. I want to know I can get out.

    But I also want to stay in. Partly for the reasons I (or my evil twin...?) changed my computer back grounds last night. Because I'm slipping in my view of women. Even if these pictures were 'fairly' tasteful. It was clearly a vicarious way to impose my feelings on to another. That and those pictures are a slippery slope. There are some places I don't want my internet history to go - and chastity website can play a fine line with these. To see enough to play and make choices before seeing too much. (What you do is up to you - same with me.)

    Small pinching pain. Nothing special but constant. Acceptable but not sure I'd want to spend all day like it. Worried what will happen if/when I get erect. Or, I try to stand. Or, I don't take it off before work tomorrow (even perhaps taking the keys with me). But lets take things as they come for now: hour by hour, or minute by minute.

    I still don't see how this can be a practical daily device if you have a fairly active daily routine, but it has sure become a lot more secure - even undefeatable. Right now I'd be prepared to stay locked up for a while and not risk forcing a pull out because I don't want to have to face another four hours painful fitting. That's enough punishment in itself for having removed the device. (Though as a self-locker it might also prove a temptation not to put it back on.)

    Think I might risk turning now. See if the Pod can support itself without making my balls scream. It will probably be fine. But it will be a while before I'll let go of the key.

    Thinking back to the advice I was given by @Jasmic68 - 1 day then 2 then 4, 8 and 10 with the keys in the safe. That previously felt easy with the Seed Pod (save for any erections...) but now I'm considering changing that into hours. I want to go to long or not all. But with the pod and cock ring I need to be careful.

    Started fitting before 6pm as I type now it's 10:40pm and whisper it - this is the first moment I haven't felt a sting in my balls.

  3. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    Intense! I think you might be better off getting a PA and a ball trap device that uses the pa as part of the locking system. It would probably hurt less ;)
  4. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    12:40 and I've stood up. The device is secure. I'm not crippled (yet). Sightly concerned that its harder to adjust - which might mean being stuck to a chair in public unless I use 'both hands' to fish myself out and possibly get arrested.

    Putting the Pod on this time really screwed with my mind. Especially as a self locker so no back up if it goes wrong. Mr S's advice, however skeptical I was, turned out to have worked (Go them!) - I'm still not going to start ball stretching though or get a Prince Albert (though I get the logic @Jasmic68 - this is why I have a lighter cage coming through the post too a la yesterday).

    If I'd known now what I knew then (when fitting) I probably wouldn't have posted the last post. So I'm glad I didn't (know) and did (post). I guess there's a temptation to be butch about this thing and brag about your successes but do you remember the first time you locked up, or someone locked you - and it wasn't just a game? The fear might be totally imagined but in the moment it's real.

    I like watching the odd horror film. But only the ones where you can really get into what the characters thinking. Jump scares are the equivalent of a rollercoaster ride - 30 seconds and its all over. While a good story gets you long after the movie has finished. Either way you know that you are going to be okay. Fitting in a chastity device over a rebelling member is complex and you can imagine real lasting harm. In the cinema you know its all imagined or at worse a 'what if'. When your being locked up its more of a 'could be'. To quote from The Marathon Man - "Is it safe?"

    I guess that a lot of this depends on how you play. If your casual none of this matters because your keyholder will probably always be by your side (or at worst with you after work - hopefully with an emergency key secreted nearby). The more serious you are the longer you go the more risks there are from the embarrassment of discovery to the risk of being in a car crash. ... No seriously(!), I've already wondered what would happen if I fall face first on my travels - that lump of metals got to go somewhere...... Be nice to someone if you're going to be locking them up for the first time (... well at least make sure you provide after care - screw with them a bit whilst its happening it's only fair :p).

    Anyhow I'm fine. But soon my thoughts will turn to pushing myself again - and exactly how far and there's a nagging thought in my head that that could be even more dangerous. Dangerous for me that is. After all its all perfectly safe... . Isn't it!?
  5. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    I have a thought, a serious one this time. Also an expensive one.

    Have you seen the Neosteel devices? If you have seen AndrewK's gallery you will see how fantastic they can look. The Neosteel arch is not cheap, a thousand Euro or so, which means right now is a good time to buy with the rate you get in the UK. It still isn't easy to wear but I think it would be a lot easier than the incredible trials you are describing. My wife wants me to prove myself with at least a year wearing a custom metal ball trap but the Arch is possibly my next step.
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  6. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    So I tried the naked test. The weight of the device pull it down. Then when the penis becomes flaccid you can pull through. Fortunately my testicles followed suit.

    I know this isn't the point to try and escape but the falling off quality at least without underwear is not great. If the device would stay on when I was naked then I'd probably be happy. I accept the inability to prevent pull out - so long as you can not get back in.... The balls remaining trapped would have been better - due to the uncomfortable nature of it (having escaped) and still needing to have the key.

    Everything seems like a mind game with chastity and there is nothing real. It basically boils down to the honour system with (window) dressing. Or am I being unfair? If you want to not touch your penis: don't touch your penis. Maintaining the illusion they are locked in a device - when they are not - is simply a game.

    There is one caveat I can immediately think of that rule: the bringing of pain. If you wear a chastity device to deliberately cause you discomfort to remind you that erections - or whatever - our bad, then that is real. For me that could never be a 24:7 thing but it could be a night time thing, at home, on my own when my mind is weakest - and really isn't it the only true form of chastity ... ... ...

    Last night was kind of exciting and terrifying and I let my mind wander away from me. I couldn't sleep for much of the night (till at least 5:30) and then fitfully. First elated and then disappointed - but still sexually charged. Perhaps in part because its now been over a week since I last orgasmed... . This morning the above thoughts were in my head. I may have shopped unwisely and ironically with my penis. Some things have the power to make me very hot and horny but I know better than to buy. A bit like bungee jumping - except that I don't actually want to do that either....

    Two devices coming in the post then . And that will be it. One tomorrow which I ordered in a fit of peak and sexual hunger and one on Monday which promises to be the most secure ever... But we'll see about that. I know I've just contradicted myself - in waiting for a new device to wear long term whilst saying their all frauds: But that's the contents of my head right now.

    I waiting for the moment when I realize what I've done this morning. If you've been reading the rest of these posts then you know my attitude to pain and how the current device has been affecting me. Last night for instance I realised it wasn't the device hurting when fitting - but the ball stretcher - though they both felt the same. Was that better? Thinking about it the pain was still real in both cases. But that was a pressure not a bite.

    Yes I'd stare at BDSM but I wouldn't buy. Is this a week of chastity and sexual adventure getting to me? Or, am I having a change of heart. Maybe its just that I'm angry and want to take it out. I think its mostly the first I want to succeed and I want to do it right - and I hate that some devices are mearly decoration and smoke and mirrors - to hide that is all really within your control. Because if tht is the case then the honour system - and just keeping your hands away - should suffice. So that means pain must be the answer as it the only thing that prevents success - or rather failure. So must be the right way...

    I really that there is at least one logical fallacy in the above paragraph mainly that if all chastity devices don't prevent orgasm without the users direct control then causing yourself pain to stop getting erect is the only answer....

    Some might say that I used this as an excuse to try a hard kink. I would be tempted to agree. But in this case it was more out of frustration (In the failure of other devices) mixed with a tired brain after a week of chastity. I offer proof the fact that right now I'm still planning on wearing it and the reality of what I've just wasted money on hasn't quite kicked in. Yep, that's probably why these posts are called "In at the Deep End" - heading off to another extreme.

    (PS: @Jasmic68 - the Neosteel is a possibility but I don't really like the idea of being belted rather than caged for practical and privacy reasons. It also might be more practical to go plastic for daily use for reasons already mentioned. Will give it some thought though. Thanks)
  7. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    It most certainly is a mind game. In some ways your description of the device being window dressing is spot on, but somehow wearing a device I could probably get out of if I tried is enough to make me not want to. Ido have it easier than you in one respect, I have actually made a promise to someone else that I won't have an orgasm unless they say I can. You only have your own head to accompany you on these trials so you can only be as strong as you allow yourself.

    It is now two months since I last masturbated. I cannot recall another time in my life since I discovered self pleasure that I have been that long without an orgasm. I hope you can really get through this period.
  8. jemima

    jemima maid for my Mistress

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    a little cage stops you getting hard when you shudnt. if you don't have one on then it might.
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  9. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    My last post fits my not thinking straight theory perfectly - as when I get (more than) a little 'distractable' grammar and sentence construction goes out the window even more than normal. Therefore I'm not sure exactly how much I should trust what it says when it happens...

    @Jasmic68 - Like you I'd settle on a device I'd escape from but can't get back into. But not one that escapes all by itself. It's a clear sign of tampering - and would probably mean a reset of the device. So would scupper many solo keyholding methods too. I realise that's not entirely what you are saying though and the fact that you can (escape) doesn't mean that you will and puts almost a reverse pressure on you not doing so as your keyholder/yourself and anybody else aware will be disappointed. By this logic breaking out of an 'inescapable' device would almost(!?) be something to congratulated. Whereas breaking out of a device with only minimal effort does nothing but bring failure on you - that you were not strong willed enough to continue and let your Master/Mistress (etc) down.

    @jemima - Yep, that's about the size of it. You wear a cage to stop your penis growing. This made me think of the reasons why I currently "do" chastity. What exactly is the problem with me having an erection. I've always been very respectful to women (or so I'd like to think) and surely a little growth is a natural reaction to something beautiful...? I was talking to a friend a while ago who in an unexpectedly candid moment said that he was always worried about giving his girlfriend a little nudge in the back when they cuddled in bed (if you know what I mean), when there was no intention of sex. He thought she might find it rude or annoying - but she put it down to a sign that he loved her and would be a bit upset if his body hadn't of reacted that way to her firm flesh... ... ... There is something about fantasy control and "taking matters into your own hands" which I'm not clear on as my lock screen is still this (first) and my background (second). (My screensaver images are usually much more bland.) There's something about that underwear that I can't quite shake... . Is it okay that its not the person in them that I'm oggling (... kind of ...) but what they represent to me [Feel free to make your own educated guesses based on my cropping to fit of the original photos above.] Even if in chastity if you want something surely its alright to kind of 'tip over' to a point... as with a pens nudge during a romantic cuddle - one doesn't have to stop the other. I guess I'm asking where does desire stop and become offence. Or in chastity terms when does it need to be controlled.

    Let's start off with (In standard terms) its not alright to have urges for someone other than your wife. But it is alright when single for someone you long for.... . Or is it? Guess, different people on the site would have a mixed reaction to this question.

    Still if the T-shirt fits she should probably wear it (and I obviously have no idea who I mean by that...)

  10. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    You have my situation in a nutshell. I am in a device that is inherently easy to get out of, but to do so would only mean I had failed and let myself down. I imagine that my keyholder, my Wife, would be very disappointed in me and I couldn't stand that. At the moment, just three days since my last orgasm in a relationship where a few weeks between sex is the norm, not wanting to escape is easy. I want to find out how strong my resolve is after two months, three months, six months. Will I be as determined to follow her lead then?

    As far as feeling guilty looking at images and in your mind replacing them with the person you are attracted to is absolutely normal. The only time I feel it is disrespectful is if you are in a relationship with someone who has explicitly said that you are not to fantasize that way. I used to seek out milf porn, and specifically look for porn stars who had a similar body shape to my wife. I would then fantasize that I was watching my wife having sex with other women and men. I never asked her if this was OK. I am actually interested in having that conversation with her now, to find out how she does feel about it.
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  11. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Locked - but for how long. This time the penis and balls are both through the cock strap and it stings, it stings. The model I bought claims that it can be worn for extended wear - but I'm not going to lock the safe until I'm sure.

    In some ways the prolonged sting is a good thing as it means that I'll never relish putting the device on and that in turn provides an incentive not to take it off. I may not have a key holder, but instead I might have a 'pinch' that I just can't get too.

    'Kali' is arriving tomorrow so perhaps that's enough good reason for keeping this device on. Having said that I was careful how I sat on the journey to work today imagining how the device would sit if it was there - I'm not sure that its practical. But might try ... . Would it look really weird to be standing on an empty train?

    Most important thing on my mind right now: As both the penis and testicles are through the (cock) ring, and the penis has always been needed to be first through to escape - is it still possible? Not sure I'll be trying this time, even if it means I have to wear clothes to bed.

    Okay, I'm locked again. Lets see what happens. My brain isn't yet giving me any clues.
  12. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Eventful night but no time to talk about it now. Fresh lock up needed this morning and lots to think about with 'Kali' arriving in the post.

    About to head into the centre of the city to pick up a pass. First time with the Pod clamped around me. Simple straightforward journey, trains shouldn't be too busy yet. What could go wrong?

    How long for this time I wonder ,,.

  13. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Home. But back to last night.

    Once fitted - cock lock and all - the pod fitted reasonably well and wasn't too uncomfortable. Then I noticed some skin hanging out of the back of the device which I first wondered if it was making it more secure (as it be less likely to suddenly drop down, or, for me to achieve a pull out with some skin trapped in with the device. Then I realised it was actually skin between the chastity cage and the cock ring. The new configuration of the cage however meant that it was possible for me to open the front portion without releasing anything (cock or balls...) through the main hole. Everything was tidied up and pulled through and the problem went away with minimal fuss. Lock up reinstated! There was some minimal pulling behind the cock ring but with a bit of pulling and tugging that was sorted out too.

    Later on (possibly after a first sleep, I don't remember) I realized that one of my balls had broken free. Either that or it had never been in the device in the first place, and/or (perhaps more likely) it had fallen out when I was doing the secondary adjustment with the ring. Either way this was something to remember and take note of for some time. However, even with testicle missing the device was clinging on, and more than clinging. It looked as if it was here to stay. Knowing now that I would have to refit the device in the morning I decided to experiment. If it came off I was probably due some quality sleep anyway....... .

    I tugged at the device and I my ball(s) moved but the device came with it and my penis refused to get out of the way. Plus now supported by the additional cock ring it took all this as a game and decided to inflate. So any attempt to remove the device would have to be timed well as once up - and supported by the ring - there's no way its going through the hole until it settles down again. With a lot of work, pushing and pulling I did eventually manage to get both penis and balls out - but, if both balls had stayed in I'm not sure if anything would have come out at all and personally I don't see how there would have been room for them to come through the hole (especially closed down). Without a key and/or lots of spare time I imagine it would be quite 'dangerous' to pull out of this device. There isn't much real physical danger or risk of actually harm but I think there would be a possibility to only get it half out and then have a heavy weight hanging off your ball sac and difficult if not impossible task of putting your trousers back with or without having to hold the device to your testicles as you walk to avoid searing pain... Anyhow, I'm not planning on having sit in a bathroom cubicle like that, waiting for someone to come by so that I can ask them for "help".

    So, yes, the device came off. But it was difficult to do and perhaps only happened because one part wasn't fitted correctly in the first place and I know I could work on these problems tomorrow [now today] until eventually everything came out all right. On a practical level things were starting to look a bit better and certainly more secure - even if there was work to do - so I fell asleep reasonably happy.

    I swear I woke up with my foreskin being pulled down, but that might not be true. What is true, is that when I had come to my senses and looked down my penis was bolt upright, hard and fast, straining to go further. Veins obvious and bulging... It was definitely my penis on a good day... . Slowly my brain began to remember about the cock ring and it became obvious that my penis and a ball were still very definitely through the hole. I waited a while but it showed no sign of going down. Maybe a little a bit here or there but no where near flaccid. As time marched on I knew the ring was going to have to come off. I couldn't go to work looking iike a tripod ...

    This is where like with BDSM and ball stretching the other day - I accidentally wandered into predicament bondage. (Kind of.) By penis was bolt up right, harder and longer than I've seen for some time. To get release I would have to pull the cock ring to the top and over the device. Only then would the other testicle release and I would be free. Incidentally the band and some of the spare flesh of my ball sac had become intwined and provided a kind of hood lock over the ball and fixing it to the testicle. So I forced the band with my hand up the penis (not an unpleasant feeling) pushing hard to get it off but as I neared the top the trapped ball started to make it painful and difficult to reach the objective. So I tried to hold on but the pressure of band and foreskin was strong and it started to slide down again pressing in all the time. Essentially giving myself I nice slow edge every time I tried to fix the device. It wasn't amazing but it was enough to focus the mind on what you could have but also couldn't get. Then seemingly hours later [it can't have been] I was free.

    Still knackered I fell back to sleep and woke up late but without having missed anything. Before heading out this afternoon. Pros: I got a good sleep which is far better than my usual pre-chastisty days. Cons: It was at a latter time than usual so meant more time in bed.

    More on what happened today, later.
  14. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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  15. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Today I went the furthest I've ever been in chastity - about 50 miles. The journey there and back, by train, was mixed. Sometimes comfortable and sometimes stinging. But nothing too bad. I had to stand up a couple of times to rearrange myself - but had deliberately picked a time when it the journey was likely to be quiet. Rather than a hectic, bustling peak time. Bumped into my boss two in the middle of a crowded station my penis trying to resist arrest. Just had to forget about it and get on with it (talking to my boss that is). There were a number of times I thought about turning back, especially as the keys weren't with me, but the near I got to the destination the more annoying it would have been to quit. At one point on the way home I had just entered a train and pulled up my jeans to try and readjust the device. At that point I saw a lady, a bit younger than me, looking straight at my waist, then up to my face and then quickly away. I wonder what she was thinking... .

    Personally I was thinking about the Kali's Teeth and chastity games (well some of the time). Assuming that I can find a secure device [Read: One which stays on... by itself] I need to find some use for 'Kali'. I realize I bought it for the wrong reasons in a slightly charged state - but I'm not yet convinced that it should be my regular night attire. Sure it will kill any attempt at an erection but will it also kill any chance I have a good night sleep - and being able to associate erections with positive things... So if it isn't a method of torment (and it still could be) it might be a method of punishment.

    So far my experiences of chastity have been pretty binary: the device has been either on or off - and as such its felt pretty pure. The Pod is there to prevent breakout and ensure that climax is not achieved. Where as games playing make it seem much more like a toy - but do they have a purpose (games that is); and, can they be used to improve oneself in a productive way. Alternatively, are games just for those who can't control themselves and need an excuse ... ... ... .There is also that fact that games with a keyholder could be good sexy fun. But as a self-locker that's kind of ruled out for me.

    On a tangent, this evening when doing the dishes I need felt half wishful for a keyholder to play with. But then I might have just been confusing those feelings with the want for a relationship. If I has a relationship I'm not sure that chastity would be part of it (though I'm not sure that sex would be easier - well not straight away) but teasing almost certainly would. Go figure.

    I have kind of invented a game I could use which would help support my health, wealth and weight (and perhaps also my tidiness). I quite like the idea of "pure" chastity which us essentially just getting the job done without distractions. But I can also see the point of a little playfulness. It just seems a little pointless without a keyholder or the feed back (stimulation?) that you would get back from them. If you wan to be a better person just get on with it don't make a game about it. But then, I also feel I'm completely missing the point... .

    Oh, and after the washing up, the device fell off when I went to the bathroom. Maybe because it has been bounced around a lot on my trip out, or, maybe because I didn't fit it as well this time. When it came off both balls seemed almost completely out of the cock ring where as last time (which had been overnight) they had still been pushing through. Who knows, the journey today proved that its not practical daily wear for a work day. Perhaps one with a bit less random pain factor too.

    Tonight I probably should think about locking myself up again - it is all or nothing right? But I'm starting to feel a little lazy about fighting with the cock ring tonight and trying Kali could be a little brutal especially when nature takes it course. Wish it was Monday and I had a (hopefully) easier device to wear - or at least get on.

    Okay somebody get me a key holder now. One who wears hot red underwear and a blue superman t-shirt and an innocent but wicked smile. And eyes that mean I can't say no to her... . And maybe tell here where I stash the keys too.

    I wonder if any of this has connection with an image I saw last night? (Strange what sticks in your mind when your not concentrating):

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  16. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Sex would be 'either' not 'easier'. Who wants easy sex? (No let me correct that...)
  17. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    You must win an award for sheer bloody stubbornness! I cannot imagine going through what you are. I have to say my Holy Trainer is an absolute cinch to wear in comparison. I could probably get out of it if I wanted to but I don't, and it stays on without too much help. I used to get erections at about 4am but a quick pee sorts that out, now it seems to be 5am before I get one and as I'm up at 6am I don't worry about it. A few nights I have gone through without any interruption at all.

    The tag line of this Mansion, be careful what you wish for, will sing loud and clear to me the day my Wife clamps a Kali's Teeth around my penis and handcuffs me to the bed for a night! Maybe she won't ever go that far, but tonight she has said I can buy a skirt to wear with my tights that I got today, so what do I know!?

    You need to get a device that fits and if not a in life keyholder an online one. It really does add a huge amount to this game.
  18. OnTheEdge

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    @Jasmic68 - I take it your wife doesn't read this site...
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    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    Not so far! I have tried to get her interested as I find it is a brilliant place for support and ideas. I wouldn't write anything that I wasn't at least partially willing to try just in case she ever stumbled across what I had blurted out. As far as that one, the Kali's teeth thing goes, itt would have to be on a night when I wasn't working the next day!
  20. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Last night I was very lucky. I slipped on the Kali's Bracelet at about midnight. Well, I held it around my penis which quickly became engorged and pulled the device open. I tried closing it around my erected member and this was never going to happen. Even with force I don't think I could have go the ring to shut. I waited and watched my penis slowly shrink through lack of attention. Then finally I'm in and the doors shut, lock on and underwear back up. I decide not to lock the key away. I'm braced for pain - but nothing. I try to sleep and succeed.

    Early morning and I can feel stirrings. It's tight but compared with my experiences witht the Pod so far nothing too upsetting. I can also feel that over a night of sleeping, unlike the Pod, Kali has not tried to escape and its little points are holding it in place remarkably well. My penis is waking up now and I can feel it testing the waters trying to push up but so far knowing to stop. Small bursts of pressure are felt as prick meets pricks.

    I remember from last night what could happen and how large my penis could get compared with the size of the device. But this time its padlocked and I don't think I could get to the key that fast. Still the ocassional little pulse as my penis wonders about the new trap. As I don't think my penis deserves punishment at the moment ( - why what have I done? - ) I decide to unlock before I feel its full bite. I've been good since getting my first device, behaving even when 'it' refused to stay on.

    Since its been off my member has grown and explored and pushed and reminded me its there. The KTB may punish erections once you are in it, but in my case seems to encourage them when you are out. Either way I am so glad it didn't look like that when I was locked in. Yikes. Nearest I've been to following through after just to get rid of it - oh and some accompanying day dreams. Got up, did something else. Now almost off to work - unlocked till my holidays start tonight.
  21. Jasmic68

    Jasmic68 Long term member

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    Sounds like a much more encouraging experience! Who would think that the Kali's Teeth could actually improve your experience of chastity.

    Are you letting yourself out for the holidays or being resolute in your chastity?
  22. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Encouraging so far yes... But I have a feeling it could be a trap.

    Tempted not to faff around with the pain, discomfort and awkward fitting of the Pod over the next couple of days - as I can think of at least three occasions when it would have to come off or it might be a little two apparent to the company I'm with. (That and a lot of awkward sitting.)

    There's Kali of course but wearing that in public is a whole different ball game (no pun intended, although...)

    Third option is the honour system. Though that sits slightly uncomfortably when I do (actually) have devices available to me.

    Another option is the new device coming on Monday - which promises to be both more secure and easier to wear. Still that won't be here till Monday.

    And you're right the final option is to take a break. Though not entirely sure what that means with regard to chastity. If you're intention is to stay chaste and then you take a break - does that mean you have to masturbate until 'it' or you breaks...!?!?!?!? Or probably just not punishing yourself if you make a mistake.

    I wasn't supposed to like the KTB so its tempting to use that tonight due to the ease of putting it on and ironically comfort level. I understand all that could change quickly though. And to borrow a much used phrase: I'm definitely a grower and not a shower.

    To be honest my first choice tonight would probably be a pair of handcuffs (if I had anyway). Hands behind back with key somewhere I couldn't get it till the morning - feels so much easier right now.

    It's on a night like this that I wish I had someone to decide for me... (Am I coming round to the idea of an independent keyholder???)
  23. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Yes, I have spent most of the afternoon in the pub. But no, I am still in control. In fact I manage to get both balls trapped first time by the cock ring and the penis through. Unfortunately what ever i did next I couldn't get my member to inflate through the ring. (Started at one point to wonder if it was broken. [My penis not the device. :(]) For want of a better phrase: I just couldn't get it up. After a while I managed to reverse engineer my testicles back out - when they have (ironically) never fitted better - and tried to pump my penis just a little bit. But I suddenly realized that it was only the tip of my penis reaching through and stretching - all the cover but none of the working parts.... . Getting the testicles right (for once) seems to mean there is no space via the hole to add the penis.

    Removing the penis from the cock ring made it work again (...) but still no joy getting in the device. Eventually I thought what if I went penis first when entering (the reverse of normal). This seemed to work until the wriggling through started to press on the balls and they escaped through the hole and the cock ring... That's two hours work all for nothing! Gggrrrrrr.

    Here's an idea - why don't we make chastity devices out of those anti theft packages you sometimes see in clothes stores and the like. You know the sort - if you try and remove it without unlocking it throws dye or some other nasty substance around. Even a messy confetti stream would be enough for some. Try explaining away a glitter explosion - especially if you are not in your house and the floor and you are covered in it.... . Just a thought only then couldn't we have a light device that prevented stimulation but didn't need to be so awkward or bulky to get on. Slides on - rips off as it were...

    Just day dreaming and wishing for an easier time. Anybody would think penises weren't supposed to be locked up.
  24. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    Wore the Kali device again last night after the frustration with the other. So easy to put on compared... Also miraculously managed to escape any punishment again.

    Just been sitting by computer ordering all of my Christmas stuff and finding it difficult to keep my hands away from other packages. It's been ten days now.
  25. OnTheEdge

    OnTheEdge Long term member

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    A tale of four padlocks...
    1. Set 1 sent with the Pod is already misfiring so not sure I trust it not to get stuck when locked on.
    2. Set 2 sent with the Kali's teeth is working - though I'm suspicious. One set of keys fell down the side of the bed earlier. I reached down, had them in my hand then accidentally let them go - throwing them further under the bed. Now can't find them amongst the other stuff I have dumped their to tidy over Christmas. Other set of keys currently in my mouth and must not lose them as their managing the device I'm currently wearing.
    3. Set 3 was bought by me (along with 4) to upgrade and has its keys locked in the (Kitchen) Safe.The safe being timed to unlock at 9:00 Monday morning. The same day as my new chastity device arrives. (Which hopefully might result in a longer lock up period...)
    4. The final and fourth lock is keymatched to set 3. Two keys came in total so I've locked the other key in a portable four digit combination lock safe, reset the lock without looking, and hey ho...
    ... I'm wearing a device and have two spare padlocks to use between now and Monday morning should it come off, but no easy access to the keys. I'm wearing Kali and although I have access to that key, the security tag will expose any removal and as I've found that being stuck unlocked can be frustrating in itself - if I don't want to be at that time, or I'm feeling horny and don't want to have to concentrate on resisting - I don't want to waste the locks before Monday (knowing how easily devices fall off me) so will have to tread carefully between now and then not to run out.

    This morning, for instance, I could quite easily have followed through. Chastity seems to be doing wonders for the size of my penis once it is let out. But any little distracting thought was, well, distracting. If I'm being really honest I'm still hot and distractable a few hours on but now locked in Kali. But if I had a chance for wish fulfilment tonight it wouldn't be for masturbation or sex but to kiss. (Plain old vanilla kiss.)To find someone and hold them and be with them. Maybe that's echoed in my profile page photo (that came from the web it's definitely not me) though I wouldn't have to be naked in my daydream. Unless... [Chastity can be loving sometimes too.]

    Oh and in case your wondering about the lock up scroll to the bottom for proof.


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