Grower and chastity cage never fits. NOVICE!!!

Discussion in 'Novices and newbies' started by JustCallmeDeepthroat, Jun 7, 2021.

  1. JustCallmeDeepthroat

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I'm trying to get into chastity and stopped doing it. A background of me is that I tried to get into chastity myself and got myself a metal chastity cage. As seen at the bottom (big sorry lol).

    I found it too painful when I wore this chastity cage for 2-3 days and it was swelling and in fact I literally have damaged my penis a bit by bruising it. It's still not gone. I don't know whether it's something to worry about. It's been there for month but painless. You can only see the bruise when I'm really cold. I wonder whether it's a skin damage and that's why it's like that. It doesn't hurt and really isn't noticeable when warm.

    Penis size for me as I'm a grow is roughly 5 inches a bit above when erect and 2 inch diameter. When it's normal soft it's about 3.5 inches long and 1.6 inches circumference

    What do I need to do to get a chastity cage that won't damage my penis for long periods of time and will actually not hurt or lead to turtling?

    I know I may have answered my own question above as I do use google!!! Which is apparently if you're a "grower" it's better to get a smaller cage that will not allow it to grow therefore preventing pain since it has no where to erect. But this is my problem, won't it just turtle inwards into my crotch?

    I honestly don't have much money to be shelling out for fetishes really. I threw away the last cage despite it being £50 and it's just an expensive hobby potentially damaging when I'm only a student lol.

    What's your suggestions? I really like chastity and always thought it's fun but I'm just worried I'll get a cage that will restrict blood flow to my testicles and penis which can potentially kill certain areas of my crotch, which I don't want at alllll

    Isn't metal better to have for this kind of thing as well? I'm thinking about taking a risky plunge into a 1.5 inch long cage. Make sure my dick is literally as shrivled by cold temperature, whack that bad boi in and there. It shouldn't grow then.

    Pleasee helppp meeee!!!!

  2. JustCallmeDeepthroat

    Jun 7, 2021
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    I also want to emphasise, I don't want to be in pain when wearing the cage particularly at night. Will it still happen if I wear a very small cage as a grower?
  3. NZSenator

    NZSenator Long term member

    May 31, 2020
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    That cage looks far too long.

    I am also a grower and find the long cages simply too uncomfortable. The one in my avatar (which I don't wear anymore) was about 70-80mm long (from the base ring to the tip), this would allow a lot of erection to form and cause pretty bad ring burn.

    I have 2 cages I wear most of the time now, a 45mm cage and a 60mm one (from base ring to tip). The 45mm one is an open wire type cage, the 60mm one is similar to your pic (just smaller). Both are supremely more comfortable than the longer cage.

    The pain at night is caused by nocturnal erections pulling down the cage which pulls on the base ring. Because your long cage allows for a lot of the erection to form, the ring burn is worsened / more intense. Usually a quick pee does the trick to settle things back, but it is normal for a few nights of interrupted sleep while you become accustomed to wearing a cage.

    You can buy cheap cages from Amazon, DHGate, aliexpress or similar, shouldn't be more than about 10 quid + or - a bit and go from there.

    As for turtling back into your body, not sure on that. When an erection does try and form in either of my cages, it happens so back in the pubic bone area, there is a definite bump / erection where pubic hair would be, but nothing has caused me to turtle entirely. Some do have that I've read, but each man / penis is different.

    Good luck with your search.
    Guest 2028 and Andy80 like this.
  4. Shimone

    Shimone Long term member

    Mar 31, 2011
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    Choose a device that while it will allow about 1cm growth in lenght, but is a snug fit in width. That way you will only get a partial (still soft) erection in your cage that will not hurt or push the device away from your body by a sinificant margin. Beeing pushed away can not be prevented entirely as not all part of your cavernous body is within the tube.

    One last thing: Beeing a heavy grower make sure your devise does not have to large openings as those will not be comfortable in any way. On the other hand: Those small openings in the CB×××× series have not been much better...^^

    As for turtling : I would say it is something your body does or does not with or without device.
  5. JaySaysYes

    JaySaysYes I identify as someone that is always right

    Mar 2, 2020
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    Your cage is garbage, a novelty at best. Keep it for teasing times as it will let you get painfully hard haha.

    It's pinchy, way too big for most men, and the parts wiggle so much that you can easily pop a tennis ball out. Waste of money.

    Get a custom 3d printed cage (Someone can share a link I'm sure), they are like 100 euro, measure yourself 10 times, but don't go crazy with cold showers and such nonsense. Just be normal and then be swift as you can it will no doubt be exciting haha. Be generous with width as pressure sores end play. Get one that is more open. When it arrives sand that mofo so no bits inside or out are in any way rough.

    Wear it for a few days and nights, and have the key so you can sand and adjust or get some relief. It's gonna be a bit abrasive behind your balls and will feel like it's on fire sometimes but you won't die so just get some coconut oil on back of your sac but not all around the ring!

    Then, do a week. The hardest most horny you can imagine haha. Then a loooonnnngggggg month. My GF reckons after a month you can do any length of time lol.

    Night boners are more comfy on all fours, deep breathing, and by carefully tensing everything especially between your legs you will eventually will it away so you can sleep. Also go pee, or just stand up and think of something legitimately nasty.

    I saw a meme that said something like; no man has ever ever died because his GF locked his dick away and denied his orgasms for 3 months or more.

    My longest is 31 crazy days straight.
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  6. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    As I’ve mentioned before, get a cheap rip off cb6000 device if eBay or Amazon, use it to work out the sizes you need, ring size, spacer, ball gap ect, once your sure it’s right wear it for a few days to make sure, you may find that works for you, if your still having probs with the cage it’s self, then as jaysaysyes said, look at getting a custom 3D print, cherry keeper do a range of cage and ring styles. And remember chastity is never going to be totally pain free.
  7. Andy80

    Andy80 Long term member

    Aug 3, 2016
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    As a grower myself, I'd agree with all the advice to choose a relatively small cage that you fill comfortably when soft, as that limits any significant room for growth, especially overnight. Also a cage that isn't curved will probably help too, as I found with curved cages I didn't expand downwards into the end, but got stuck half-way!

    When I first got into chastity, I didn't think growers were as well served with devices as showers in terms of mainstream 'off the shelf' cages but there's quite a lot of choice to suit all budgets now.
  8. BobHew1

    BobHew1 Active member

    May 24, 2021
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    Best recommendation I can give is go into a cage that is 1/2 smaller in length than your flaccid dick. This helps by preventing any erectile growth. You are experiencing pain because the erection is allowed to proceed so far.
    size your base ring correctly too!!
    stay with metal, 304 or 306 grade, it's the most hygienic material. there is a plethora of 3d printed rubbish now and most of it is not finished smooth! there is micro roughness on the surface. avoid it
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  9. JustCallmeDeepthroat

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Thank you guys. I have acted upon this and hopefully will get a cage that will fit :)

    Tbh, it's good to hear recommendations getting a smaller cage. Fits the fantasy lmao more. I think when I measured my dick at first I measured on the basis of having and therefore went for a large one! When in reality I need a small one lol.

    I'm super excited. Hopefully I could watch porn without an errection or at least without pain. I'll see anyways how it goes.

    Honestly I'll plan to try and do this as long as I can providing that it's not damaging my dick. I will need to carefully maintain it lol.
  10. SpottyHoffmeyer

    SpottyHoffmeyer New member

    Jun 30, 2021
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    Extreme grower here. In addition to a smaller cage, I would also suggest different underwear. I had this issue a long time before we figured out that it's all about the cage naturally (gravity) slipping down myself throughout the day. To resolve this, some tight-ish underwear was utilized to prevent the gradual slip down and keep everything firmly against my pelvis. Since then, there has been no more slip out, plus the wife thinks they're sexy. The tight underwear also prevents the same phenomena happening in the middle of the night during random erection events. Even if you're not being pantied, there are briefs that feel the same way and achieve the same function except they have room for the cage.
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  11. collaredhubby

    collaredhubby Long term member

    Apr 14, 2018
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    There has been a lot of good advice here and I know you mentioned you don’t have much but I can say from experience you will not regret going custom. I recommend Mature Metal because they are awesome and their customer service blows other companies out of the water. Consider calling them and ordering their sizing rings and follow their advice on fitting and measuring. Even if that’s all you do, the knowledge you will gain as far as fit goes alone will be worth it. Plastic is great. Plastic is not metal. Metal looks and feels different to the experience of chastity. I would tell you save your money and spend it on something good that’s gonna last. A cheap device is great to try out chastity but in the long run you will spend less and enjoy more buying a custom fit belt. Also, you’ll experience chastity completely differently when the realization that this is “real” and I’m not wearing a “toy”. I can break plastic, I’d have to cut through metal.

    Oh, and there are better Chinese cages out there. I bet you get pinched at the pivot point and the bottom of that hinge irritates your scrotum and pinches too huh? And another commenter said it’s too long already. Solid ring designs don’t usually have this issue and there are shorter cages available. I hope this helps.
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  12. Peter Rabbit

    Peter Rabbit I'm her bunny

    Jul 15, 2014
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    Great advice in general, but first… this quote really made me laugh. My wife kept me caged for 93 days between unlocks last summer, and she expressed a very similar sentiment.

    The OP got it. Don’t allow room for growth. My advice is “Sneak up” on your penis and measure it at random and multiple times after walking around in regular clothes. (No cold shower) When you’re thinking about your penis and denial it can get larger.

    If you paid 50£ for that cage, you bought it from one of those resellers at a very high markup. DHGate, Alibaba and eBay are cheaper. Even Amazon now sells them.

    Get a cage without a hinged base-ring. For long term, I prefer an open-style stainless-steel cage made from round rods, not square. You want it light, not heavy. (I happily wear a cage but you seem to be looking for cheaper devices)
  13. Guest 2028

    Guest 2028 New member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    I just bought a Mature Metal jailbird after trying a cbxxxx plastic and it is well worth the investment. Also agree using the plastic sizing rings and taking my time measuring made a positive difference. The customer service at Mature Metal is the best and Mistress MM even wrote my wife a personal note in the box when She shipped the device to her.
    I still experience some ring burn but that’s because my wife is turned on by all the attention and affection she’s receiving and I’m providing her pleasure daily that’s causing me to get hopelessly aroused. I’m working on modifying my response to the situation with loving mindfulness.
    Hope that helps.
    elias and collaredhubby like this.
  14. jemima

    jemima maid for my Mistress

    Dec 19, 2011
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    i glad your new cage is nice and comfy for you.
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  15. Guest 6019

    Guest 6019 Long term member

    Oct 9, 2020
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    My advice is to get a standard, small, nano and a nub Holy Trainer v4. Won't cost too much from AliExpress, though it will take a few weeks to arrive. About £7 each I seem to remember. I also have a small metal version (£14?), but know my preferred ring size, which I always wear, and change the size of the cage to suit her or my mood. Couldn't be more comfortable for 9 months 24/7 except when allowed out. I am uncut and a similar size.

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