The Woman has about the double of the nerves in the clitoris than the man has in the entire penis. We, men, can only dream about all the pleasure they can feel, that can repeat multiple times and get even stronger. My first domme taught me these differences, and that the only pleasure I should care about is hers. Although I never used a chastity belt, she trained me to lose some more of my sensitivity so I could not orgasm during any penetration. My second (and latest) domme didn't seem to care about it much. To me, it's the greatest sign of our sexual inferiority. Although I can still orgasm through masturbation, I greatly wish that I could find a Domme to enforce chastity on me What do you think about these differences that nature created? That women have the potential for so much pleasure while men can only satisfy a instinctive need?
Well, I think that when men are kept chaste their sexual excitement can achieve a level similar to that of females. Sex is in your head so the exact number of nerve endings is less important than you might think. Much of sexual fulfillment is learned so men who surrender their sexual prerogatives to a woman may end up joining them in a continuous sexual ecstasy. This is what has happened to me. I am still submissive and still subjugate my will to hers as much as possible, but I don't feel deprived sexually and even though I still marvel at her wonderful orgasms and have none of my own my whole life seems to be an orgasm, slow and wonderful, continuous and long lasting, much better than the little spurts (woo, woo) that used to take up so much of my life planning and executing.