Some evolution

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by Mr_anonymous, May 12, 2024.

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  1. Mr_anonymous

    Mr_anonymous Long term member

    Oct 16, 2023
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    Been some big changes as of late I'm not struggling with but adapting to. I'm to ask permission to do about anything anymore. Taking a nap today for example I had to ask. Basically anything short of using the bathroom she wants me to ask. Not I'll ever get a no for common sense stuff but still an adjustment. Also no more safe word if I'm in spreader bar doing the usual things we both know I can handle. It's a safe way to push my limits and give her control without going too far. In return I get an added night of activities a week and she'll be far more involved in being in control of every aspect. Should be interesting at least.
  2. M@rcellus

    M@rcellus Long term member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    Sounds like a great progression in your dynamic Mr anon. We have also been discussing a no safe word gagged corporeal punishment session this week. Feel we're ready for that. I trust her to know when I've had enough from my physical responses. We're also discussing getting deeper into this kind of slavery. I haven't brought it up but have heard of asking for permission to go to the toilet and perhaps being given a (hopefully) short delay. Brilliant, just go with it I suggest.
    Zevon likes this.
  3. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    Congratulations on your advancement!!
  4. Kfb47

    Kfb47 Long term member

    Jul 1, 2021
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    A letter to the key holder:

    The process of a female led marriage (FLM) is most interesting and unique as it involves the wife taking possession and control of the husband’s sexual libido. The control comes by way of an agreement whereby the male/husband physically cages his privates with the wife having possession and control of the key to lock or unlock the cage. This control by the wife creates a very unusual condition for her husband who is now faced with a completely new set of relationship qualifications. First, why did he agree to this arrangement and why did the wife want to pursue it? Well, the answer to that is a long story; let’s just say some excitement in the relationship was missing due to some of life’s distractions. The option to try the female led marriage concept was discussed and agreed upon and so here we are. For me it has had many facets all interesting and confusing in their nature. The best part of it is I find myself much more tuned into her life, much more emotionally and physically attracted to her much more attached except after a sexual orgasm usually as a result to PIV. The letdown that I feel after an O is very pronounced and seems to leave me feeling physically weak and emotionally drained. This physical and emotional transformation may be greater or lesser depending on the length of the time period of being in denial. So I look to my wife as a conductor of a symphony orchestra who leads my instrumentation my melody so to speak with each wave of her baton which has me reaching for my highs and lows. I am simply there to respond to her guidance whenever she is present focusing on the arrangement and watching me perform for her, this brings me the most enjoyment. Performing at my best is my goal, but at the crescendo of my performance brings that orgasm and the few moments of pleasure soon are gone and the disappointment and knowing I’ll be down and out for a time until she can bring back the merry tune inside me. The experts say the best thing for a situation like this is communication. So onward and upward we go, what do you think?
    Zevon likes this.
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