Dear Forum Members, I appreciated the great feedback on my other string. Here is something that I am learning/experiencing at this point: Having past the "magical month" milestone, I am finding that my nocturnal erection attempts as well as my daily erection attempts due to mental stimulation are almost completely gone. It's as if my body is simply giving up on the erection attempts as they are futile while wearing the device. (cb3/6k) Yeah, this scares me a bit. Am I losing my ability to erect at all? Fellow members assure me that I am not. The good news is that I can now sleep nearly the entire night without waking or inturruption. It's a weird feeling. Arousal and hornyness with no erection. Love to hear from all of you. David
Hi David - Not to worry. You are not losing your ability to erect. Congratulations on getting over the initial frantic few weeks when you want to get some kind, any kind of release. It does get easier the longer you stay locked. Eventually you may find you don't want to be released at all because of the constant thrill. That happened to me. An orgasm left me with such a let-down, failure feeling, I found myself wanting to keep that steel tube locked on for longer and longer periods. Good luck. Keep us posted. Bobbybig
BobbyBig, Thanks for your thoughtful comments. In a way, the lack of attempted erections in the cage is a blessing. Wearing my device is so much more comfortable now. No soreness, no chafing, no night-time wakening, etc. In fact, I can now better see the real purpose of this kind of training. Only now, after a full month, do I start to see my penis as a "less than sexual" appendage. Thus, the way is more clear for me to focus on my keyholder's pleasure. It sure is easier this way. So far, I really have to recommend to everyone in chastity to really go for the extended lock-up--at least once. It truly opens your eyes in a way that a couple of weeks cannot do. David
very well expressed and written david and bobbybig! unfortunately i am only in day 19 of a new unknown amount of lock down and haven't reached the "comfort" mental zone of acceptance just yet. actually i never do, lol. Mistress Michelle's ornery property, no matter how long caged, always becomes squished, hard. just wishing david well and bobby your wisdom is MUCH appreciated.
I agree with Bobby. It takes me about 3 weeks to get to that plane of constant excitement. Once you work through the peaks and valleys of the first denial period, things even out, and you're always excited at a mental level. That's when serving your KH becomes your sexual surrogate. Taking a strap-on is a treat... FN FN
I appreciate the wisdom too I'm there with you david - my longest period so far is five days but we have only just begun our journey into this realm. Squirtski has announced to me that the new lock up period will be 28 days and even longer maybe because I keep messing up and saying that she can't make it etc. This morning she stated it again - 28 days beginning today (has she forgot the past three days? I think not but dare not ask...)
Such great commentary. Thanks to all. Perhaps Fred Norman made the best quote of all when he described the benefit of riding that plane of acceptance: "That's when serving your KH becomes your sexual surrogate." It's truly how I feel. I care less and less about my cock now. I would much rather please her than to be unlocked. I couldn't say that two weeks ago. David
That was the thing for me when I try to beat my 15 day record. The tension is so bad, it's all I can think about.
Very true Whipped and Fred. I love that notion.........pleasing her become the surrogate for my own sexual gratisfaction. David