T'was beauty that caged the beast - my chastity journey

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by MightyKong, Feb 17, 2024.

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  1. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Originally posted on FetLife on 02/15/24

    I just dropped my wife at the airport as she's off to see a friend for a week. She's done that before, so that doesn't normally phase me. It usually gives me time to get things done around the house and spend some time decompressing from the hustle and bustle and just providing me some me time. What's makes this trip different from the previous ones is I currently have a chastity cage locked on. There is a key in a lockbox that she controls the codes for, but she is wearing the primary key around her neck. I'm not quite sure how this week is going to go.

    For a very long time I have wanted to be more submissive in our relationship, particularly in the bedroom. I have a very demanding job, that requires me to be in control ALL the time. I can be quite weighty. And my wife has assumed the stereotypical housewife role. She almost always defers to me, and I make almost all of the decisions. I've always wanted her to take charge especially in the bedroom as a way of giving up some of my control. While she has been understanding and willing to participate but really hasn't assumed control like I have been begging for. Most of our play in this regard so far has been my topping from the bottom. Which I'm not really a fan of.

    As we're approaching another decade of being married, my desire to be dominated and made to submit and her not taking the lead has really lowered my interest in sex. The complications of a busy work and personal schedule have just taken their toll and we've pretty much been suffering from a dead bedroom for the last year. We've had sex, but it's been very infrequent and mostly mechanical on my part. I found I was masturbating a lot more, and seeking out femdom porn where I could find it. I have always been interested in male chastity and felt that this was really something I wanted to explore. To me, being dominated and taking a submissive role in my sex life wasn't just a kink I wanted to try. Something in me needs to explore it. An itch that has to be scratched. I need to see how deep this rabbit hole goes. It got to the point where I was beginning to seek out a professional dominatrix I could visit. However, doing so without discussing with the wife first was off the table, and I knew she probably would not agree to that.

    At the beginning of the year, I found an interesting site from a Reddit post on helping your wife understand male chastity. This is the site: https://happy-marriage.neocities.org/

    My wife has always been willing to try different kinks - at least ones that impact me more than her. I sent her the link and told her to read through the whole thing at her own pace and then we'd discuss it. When she finished reading, I asked her opinion. She seemed generally interested and wanted to try it at least. I still had concerns on whether this would be another topping from the bottom scenario for me, but I decided to give it a shot.

    I ordered a device from Kink3D, and we spent the next few weeks in early Jan and Feb doing trials. Finding the right device has been difficult to be sure. Finding a device that wouldn't be totally uncomfortable and obviously would fit properly was key. We finally found the best fit to be the Kink3D size 3 ring with the N wide Cobra cage. We set a target to proceed slowly and aim for me to be locked during the entire trip to her friend's house. On the lead up to Super Bowl Sunday I had been trying to wear the device for a full day. I just couldn't make it. Mostly just because I would get pinched, chafe a bit, or some other issue. I haven't even attempted to wear it overnight yet. She was sympathetic and let me out pretty much whenever I wanted even though she holds both keys. We had a date scheduled for Super Bowl Sunday, and she insisted I wear the cage on our date. She wore the key on a necklace on our date and spent most of the dinner (either subconsciously or consciously) touching the key. This turned me on so much.

    When we got home, she blew my mind with a session that I can detail later. I went to bed unlocked that night because I was still not ready to try. Even though I was unlocked, I was not allowed to cum that night and had a very, very red ass from asking for the session to go longer when she said we were done with the night. This seemed like things were really beginning to shift.

    As per our plan, I had purchased an electronic lock box. Mostly meant for AirBnBs I think. She can open the device remotely, or even provide me with a code in an emergency. We had tested the device several times to work out some technical kinks. But we got into a routine that I would lock up in the morning put the key in the lock box and then unlock pretty much late afternoon/evening when I felt it was too much. She still let me out whenever I asked though by unlocking the key box. Since I still hadn't attempted an overnight, we discussed not being locked the whole time she was gone. I came away from that conversation assuming that I would be allowed a code every night to unlock.

    On Valentines day, I had been wearing the cage the longest yet. I had put it on in the morning after my shower and it had been on all day. I even wore it to run errands that day. I did ask if it were possible that I may be able to cum that day before she left. She told me flat out - "that's for me to decide". Early in the evening, I asked if she wanted to open the box to get the key out before bed. Her response was, "no". She didn't elaborate, just said "no". She then told me to lay a blanket on the couch and take off all my clothes. I was to lay on the couch with nothing on but my cage while we watched TV.

    When it was time for bed, she told me to get the key, and did unlock me. She did allow me to cum that night, and it was surprising how she managed it. Another good session to detail another time. It was short, but still showed lots of promise.

    This leads me back to the beginning. Her flight left early morning on the 15th. When the alarm went off, I jumped into the shower and got ready to leave. She insisted I put the cage on, then locked the spare key in the lock box. The other key hanging from the chain on her neck. We drove to the airport, and I helped her get her luggage out of the car. As we kissed and hugged, these were the last words she said to me before walking into the airport.

    "Enjoy your week. You may or may not get those codes as we discussed, that is up to me. Love you, have fun"

    I guess ready or not, I'm in this now. I have no idea if I will even be unlocked this week. I'm a bit concerned about that first overnight, but I guess I don't have any say in the matter at this point.

    Just how deep does this rabbit hole go?
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  2. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Feb 16

    It was an interesting evening and night to be sure. I got the typical texts from the wife during her travel. "Made my flight", "Landed", "Friend picked me up", etc. She didn't mention anything about me getting unlocked. About 30 minutes before my typical work day bedtime, I got another text.

    A GIF of a woman playing with keys on a key chain. "How's it going?" she asked.

    "I'm doing fine." I was really wondering if she really would deny me the key in the lockbox. Clearly, I walked away from our previous discussion on her travelling and me being ready to do overnight with a different understanding. Then it started, the "...". Then it popped.

    "I'm going to bed, goodnight". Followed by a picture of her in bed, with the primary key nestled safely between her breast on a chain.

    "Love you, good night" I replied and hearted her picture.

    I didn't even try to contest. As they say, be careful what you wish for. I went off to bed, not sure how the night would go. Sleep was a bit hard to come by at first, but eventually I nodded off.

    I got woken up at 1 am by my cock complaining about being caged. It wasn't really painful, but my cock was straining as best it could to push the cage off and was throbbing on repeated tries. I got up and used the bathroom, which seemed to settle things a bit. I readjusted the cage and got back into bed. Took a bit but I was able to get back to sleep.

    Got woken up again about 3 hours later, same problem. This time, I didn't really have to use the bathroom, but tried anyway. Walking to the bathroom and back helped settle things, and back to bed I went.

    I woke up a few hours later to my alarm. Got showered, made sure to give the cage a good cleaning. Checked as best I could for chafing, didn't see any problems.

    Checked the clock. It had been 24 hours. The previous day we were up early to go to the airport, so I had spent my first full 24 hours locked. I made it.

    It was still a bit early for my wife, but I decided to text her.

    "Made it 24 hours"

    I'm beginning to wonder if I'm going to have to go a lot longer.
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  3. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Let's just say spending my first full 48 hours in chastity did not go my way. I guess old habits are hard to break. What shocked me most was the response. I'm beginning to think I have unleased something in my wife.

    I'm not sure if the butterflies I'm feeling are enjoyment or fear. Guess I'll find out.

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  4. madams-sissysub

    Apr 30, 2009
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    Thanks for sharing! And enjoy your journey!
  5. Rimmer69

    Rimmer69 Long term member

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    Excellent, Enjoy the rest the rest of your week alone and locked up.
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  6. bondinchas

    bondinchas Long term member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    As they say "Be careful what you wish for"!
    One thing's for sure, it sounds like your wife is totally on board with it.

    A few things to look out for on your journey down the rabbit hole...
    • The day when one of you decides that you're never going to ask her to unlock you unless there's a genuine health issue.
    • The day when you do get unlocked, and instead of feeling relief, you feel uncomfortably naked and want to be immediately locked up again.
    • The day when she says she might unlock you for an orgasm, and you find yourself genuinely dreading it and pleading for her not to.
    • The day when you agree that your current cage is far too long.
    • The day when she tells you she prefers your behaviour when you're locked.
    • The day when you agree that being locked is your normal and being unlocked feels rather odd.
    MSDB321 and Slutty Susan like this.
  7. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    What makes me tick?

    After posting on this site and FetLife, I've been asked about the nom de plume that I have chosen. Well, first I have to make sure that it's far removed from my normal life and name due to my job. Not sure I want that to come out. And one might assume that with that name means I'm a over the top big macho guy. Not really. Honestly, I chose that name from a movie quote.

    "He likes girls. So do you, MIGHTY KONG!" was spoken by the great Danny DeVito in Romancing the Stone. A great movie.

    Additionally, the line from the original Kong movie "T'was beauty killed the beast" always stuck with me for some reason. Of course, I've modified it slightly for these posts to caged.

    That being said, my wife will highly admit I have a temper. And I tend to go off a lot like an ape would when threatened. But as per my original post, I've always wanted to be dominated by and submit to a woman. Maybe due to the way I grew up. No, I have had no sexual abuse when I was younger. I've just always had strong women in my life. I've never hid this from my wife, and we've talked about it a lot. Just it never seems to have stuck and wound up a a fixture in our lives until now. And four days in, I can tell you I hope it's a permanent fixture.

    Everything about women amazes me. And pleasing them just does something to me. It's almost instinctual.

    And what else would be expected from a great ape?
  8. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    The day when you agree that your current cage is far too long. - already there. I'm already having to downsize. I've only been fully locked for 4 days, but we have been doing a trial period for almost a month now. Mostly just locked part of the day.

    The day when you do get unlocked, and instead of feeling relief, you feel uncomfortably naked and want to be immediately locked up again. - The last day I was unlocked for any period of time was 4 days ago. I remember now after taking off the cage that I made a comment "I kinda feel naked without it"

    The day when she says she might unlock you for an orgasm, and you find yourself genuinely dreading it and pleading for her not to.. - I'm wondering if I am really already there. Prior to being caged, I had an almost mechanical approach to sex. Our bedroom was nearly dead, and even masturbation was more about the "getting it out of the way". As per a previous post, I did have an infraction where I came without permission. I wanted to try her magic wand on my cage to see if it gave me any stimulation. She has tried a wand on me before prior to being caged, and honestly, it did nothing for me. Maybe if she got it right under the head in the right spot, but it never really just worked for me. I certainly never had an orgasm from it. In 30 seconds of having that wand on my cage, I felt something I'd never felt before. I quickly pulled the wand away realizing it was putting me in a dangerous spot. Unfortunately, it was too late. I guess you could say I gave myself my first caged ruined orgasm. It was so unbelievable as a sensation, that after it stopped, I did it again. I did feel bad afterwords and confessed immediately. Since her last text, she seems generally miffed. I installed a lock on our nightstand that holds all the sex toys, so that's not happening again.
    And honestly, if she were to tell me I'll never cum outside of the cage again, I would love it.
    bondinchas likes this.
  9. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 3 of Complete Lockup

    Okay, didn't post yesterday after posting the text screenshot. Not much in the terms of chastity updates, as I mostly just did things around the house. The cage is beginning to fade into the background. It's still there, I can feel it, but it's not "in my way" as much. I did notice things are starting to fit much looser. I definitely can't escape, but the ring is feeling more give, the boys are hanging lower, and I'm turtling a bit more.

    Did some posts on Kink3D forum on Reddit. Looks like I'll have to downsize at least the rings based on the feedback I'm getting. I may need to also go to a narrow cage or even from an N to a Baby. Things are really progressing quickly. Well, not quickly per se, as I've been locking off and on for several weeks, but full time lock up is suiting me.

    Somewhere, I read someone refer to the precum drip as "chastity tears". That's really becoming a problem. :) I'm going through 2 pairs of underwear a day, and most of the time I'm just going naked from the waist down and putting a towel down. Wife still isn't texting me, she must be really mad. If what she meant by punishment is what I got last time for asking for more play, then I dread it coming up, but it's kinda exciting too. She whipped me severely with a riding crop we've had for some time. She's nearly gotten me to safe word with it, but I was able to hold out. Question though, since I'm now locked and at the whim of my wife, do I even have a safe word anymore? We haven't really discussed that, but I'm not sure I do. I'm sure everyone would say that of course I do because it's about consent. What would happen if she got me to my safe word and kept going? I wonder.......

    Anyway, I did what I was supposed to do about the nightstand that holds the toys. They are now safely locked in the cabinet with a lock I installed. I did ask my wife to open they key box so I could put the cabinet keys back in, but she said "just put them on my nightstand until I get home". I actually asked again, saying I didn't want to mess up again. She never replied. I'm so surprised on how well she's taking to this. I'm a bit awestruck. I believe she's tempting me to mess up again. :)

    All this is just continuing to fuel my chastity tears.......
  10. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

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    #10 MightyKong, Feb 20, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2024
    Day 4 done - working on Day 5

    Day four of wife being out of town and working on Day 5. Never thought I'd make 4 days fully caged and locked.

    I can definitely detect both physical and emotional changes from being caged. Not anything major, just changes.

    Physically, the cage is starting to fade into the background. Tears are still a problem. I suspect they're causing a slight irritation on my scrotum just below the cage. Nothing that Aquaphor doesn't fix, but it being constantly damp down there can't be good. No major chafing or anything, just irritation for now. Baths are helping, but it's kinda weird, I've always been a shower guy. The ring and cage is getting looser, waiting on my downsized ring and cage to arrive. I technically could probably pull out my penis at this point, but there is no way the balls will come out, and I'd have to explain a pull out. Not wanting to risk that. Using tight underwear to keep everything close.

    Emotionally, I'm having renewed feelings for my wife that are very strong. It's not that they weren't there before, but after decades of marriage thinks have faded. She has my full attention now for sure and my tone towards her have changed. With all of our previous forays into power exchange have had me topping from bottom. I actually started this journey thinking it may start out like that. I've even made suggestions about ways to change her approach to be a key holder. She's admitted she doesn't really know how to be one. I'd love to get her some third party advice or mentor, just not sure how to approach that. Anyway, late yesterday after making a suggestion via text, I got a text back "no suggestions, I decide". Basically suggestions on some things we could try. Thinks that I wanted to try. When she said "no suggestions" I was a bit disappointed. What if it's something I would really like to try. I can't even suggest something? As I was climbing into the tub before bed I began thinking of ways I could reframe the suggestion so she would do it.

    As I slipped deeper into the hot water, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. So much so that I literally exclaimed "Holy Shit!" Just as I have given up touching my penis, I have given up the right to make any sexual requests. Absolutely no more topping from the bottom unless she allows it. Want her to plug me? Want to be edged? Want her to have me walk around the house nude while I do chores? Anything I ask is now out of reach. Everything I may want her to dive into and explore as a part of a FLR is now entirely up to her. The only input I can give is input that she asks me for.

    This may sound like this was an unexpected result. It isn't. I figured I would set some parameters up as I have with all our play and she would take it from there. Sort of like a trial period, just like when we started caging me. What hit me is there is no trial period. We're in the endgame now.

    Thought to myself, "this is what you were asking for, isn't it?" An FLR is just that a FEMALE Led Relationship. Any and all desires and wants are now ceded to my wife and are at her whim.

    As my head sank into the water I realized, "the water's fine."
    bondinchas likes this.
  11. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

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    Day 5 - Update

    Day 5 to be honest, was a bit rough for me which is probably why this post is running late. Not on the chastity side, I'm holding up well to that. But on the emotional side to be sure.

    A few texts to the wife, and she is still upset with me for my indiscretion. She has noticed a change in my attitude for sure. She also let me have it about recent arguments (prior to caging) and how much it hurt her and that she much prefers me in my current state. She actually gave me several punishments yesterday for those hurtful things. She made me stand naked except for cage in front of her full length mirror for 5 minutes and consider what I had done. I was to look into my eyes the whole time and think about how I need to be better for her. And I had to provide photographic evidence of my compliance.

    If you've read my first post, you can understand that our relationship was not on a great footing prior to being caged.

    That punishment was rough for me emotionally, I actually teared up. I completed that punishment, and let her know how deeply sorry I was for my prior stand offishness(?). She then made me do the same thing, but to look at our wedding photo that hangs on the wall of our bedroom. I didn't make it the second time. I actually shed real tears.

    I think I initially underestimated her taking on this role. I thought that she would just not embrace this new dynamic. I believe that now to be wrong. She is still on vacation for 2 more days, I really am missing her deeply.

    I did want this. I do want this. I am already seeing a shift in my mental state. During the day I am happy and energetic. When I text/talk to my wife I am grateful for any communication. I feel really bad for my past behavior, and I only hope that I can be the better husband to her that I should be.

    The rabbit hole just gets deeper and deeper......
    Anvil Caged and bondinchas like this.
  12. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

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    8 Total Days locked at this point. An interesting last few days

    Day 6
    Cage and ring are getting looser - definitely can't wait until new smaller sizes arrive. I'm not aligning properly to the holes anymore, which makes going to the bathroom a mess. My body is really adjusting to the cage, and there are some times I hardly notice it anymore.

    Wife sent me house chores to do around the house - naked. I did them all as instructed. Most of this was stuff I would have normally done, but having her tell me to do them really feels different.

    I'm honestly can say I'm the happiest I've been in months. My wife is loving my improved attitudes and the amount of texts I'm sending her all day. This was included in one of the texts.

    "I like this attitude, I may never let you out".

    I mentioned that I'll need to be let out to get waxed for her, as well as for occasional cleanings.

    "Only if you're good. I may have you cancel that wax appointment if you're bad"

    I can see that not only is my world view changing, it appears hers is as well.
    bondinchas likes this.
  13. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

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    Day 7

    Going to pick up the wife today. She's getting in late, but I'm kinda dreading it. I know I'm due for a punishment, and I'm not sure I'm ready for it. I didn't know if she'd defer the punishment or enact it immediately. She's usually pretty tired getting in late.

    Around noonish, my sister called. She wants to come visit for the weekend and was going to stop by today. I told her sure, no issues. This changes things a bit. I text the wife and let her know.

    "Well, we'll have to defer punishment until she leaves. But don't think you're getting out anytime soon anyway."

    My sister arrives and we go to the airport to pick up the wife.

    When we get back to the house it's fairly late and I have work tomorrow. My wife and sister stay up a bit and chat, I head off to bed. About an hour or so later, the wife comes into the bedroom. When she gets into the bed, I snuggle close to her. I hold her and hug her deeply. I really have missed her. As I cuddle in deeply, after a few minutes she asks for her wand. I'm a bit surprised at this, but I have her hand me the key to the now locked toy cabinet. I give her her wand and cuddle up next to her.

    I ask for permissions to touch her there, and she says yes. I do my best to help with my fingers and whisper love affirmations into her ear and whisper my willing submission as well. I ask to pleasure her orally, and she says no. She's deep into it now, and soon is over the edge. She's not as loud as usual, as my sister is down the hall. I assume when she's complete, she'll want to cuddle more, and I am more than willing to comply. Before I know it she's pushing me onto my back. She starts attacking my nipples with her mouth, which is nearly enough to send me over the edge. Suddenly the wand is on my cage, buzzing in the best way.

    It's been 5 days since the last time I came and I did it without permission, which is why I'm going to be punished. He tongue is assaulting my nipple and I can feel the orgasm building in me already.

    "OMG" I exclaim. She tells me to be quiet and clean my fingers. I do as she asks, and I'm getting closer to the edge. "I'm getting closer" I inform her, as I don't want to cum as she hasn't given any indication on whether I'm allowed. The wand shuts off right after I say that, and she's off my nipple. The end of the wand that is covered in her excitement and my pre-cum is now being pushed into my mouth.

    "Clean this with your mouth, then go clean it properly for next time".

    I do as she asks. I put the wand away and lock the toy cabinet. My penis is really pushing the cage, but I return to my cuddle position and thank her.

    We have a conversation about the last week. I ask how she is feeling about all this, as it's a pretty big shift from a dead bedroom. She said she likes it, but she is still new and unsure about how to dom and it's all a bit of a shock. She can tell my behavior is different and better, but things are moving a bit fast and she needs to catch up. She reiterates that I am not to provide any more suggestions, and she feels like I'm telling her she's failing or not doing things right. I feel bad about that, it wasn't my intent at all. It does smack of my former topping from the bottom, but I really just want to help guide her. I really would like to find a way to get her some encouragement and advice in this new role for her. I do tell her it's more than I could have ever hoped for so far. I do offer her the out.

    "We can stop this anytime you want" I tell her. I believe that would crush me emotionally, as I'm into the rabbit hole now emotionally.

    Some of the articles I sent talk about keeping me locked for 30/90/180 days. She's like "what if I want PIV before then?" she asks. "And I don't want every time to be discipline play" I reassure her, the only rule is she dictates the rules, and I sent those articles only as information. She can have whatever she wants whenever, and I will honor her wishes as she commands. I wonder if she's going to renege on the punishment she said I was going to receive. While I dread it, I think it' s an important indicator on if this is really going to work longer term. I ask her about it.

    "I'm going to fuck you up" she says and giggles slightly. I have no idea what that means, but I guess I'll find out.

    We're in a bit of a tender moment, and I bite my tongue bringing up the possibility of using a strap on over/above my cage would allow her PIV and keep me locked. I need to let her process this more. I continue to cuddle her until she tells me to rollover and go to sleep, I have work tomorrow.

    I'm throbbing in my cage, but I try to ignore it the best I can as I drift into sleep. Overnight is the roughest yet, with multiple night time erections complaining about the previous nights experience of the short play and denial. "Get used to it pal," I think as I drift in and out of sleep. "You're owned by someone else now"

    I'm surprised at actually how happy and content I am at that moment.
    Fan Twikenham and Anvil Caged like this.
  14. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 10 in Chastity today. Now that wife is home and I must attend to her needs more, post will most likely not be daily, but I will continue to post my journey.

    My sister is still with us through today. We were out at about most of the time, going to visit certain local attractions. While we were walking around, my sister did notice a change of my behavior and how I was certainly being much more attentive and affectionate towards my wife. She mentions it to my wife. My wife has also been wearing my key around her neck since I've been locked, and makes no effort to hide it. I'm standing behind my wife, silent. My wife starts to speak "Yes, he's been very affectionate since...."

    Now, there is no pause is what she's saying here. In my mind it seems like an eternity. Is she really going to tell my sister of our new dynamic? I have explicitly told my wife that our new dynamic is completely her right to reveal or not reveal to anyone she pleases. However, outing this to friend and relatives had not yet entered my mind. My mind snaps back to normal time and I hear the next words.

    "....since Event X". Event X was a recently family tragic event that I have been forbidden to disclose. It however has nothing to do with my wife and my current relationship status. It has however made my family much closer. My heart was racing as this event was weeks prior to my caging.

    My heart is still pounding on my ears as we continue walking around a local event. She whispers to me to curtail my affection around my sister for now, as she thinks it's making her uncomfortable. I whisper back, "that makes me sad and hurts my feewings, but I will obey" I say it in a joking manner and step away a bit. I notice a stern look on her face. "That just earned you a mirror punishment". I must have had an amused look on my face. "I mean it, your feelings are of no concern. Now behave". I force my face into a neutral expression the best I can.

    If you've missed it in a previous post, my wife came up with the mirror punishment. Entirely on her own I may add. We have a full length mirror in our master suite which I put in exclusively for her when we remodeled some time ago. The mirror punishment is where I must stand naked in front of the mirror and look nowhere but directly into my eyes. The time is variable, but so far has been 5 minute stretches. So far it's been used on me twice. It seems like a very benign punishment when I retell it, but it is not. I also must think about whatever she tells me to think about during that time, and the two times so far I've had to think about my behavior when I was mean to her or yelled at her. Personally, I'd rather be whipped with the riding crop.

    We continue on our day, and eventually head home. I decide to start cleaning the kitchen. My sister steps outside to relax and read by our fire pit. The weather was really nice today. My wife comes in to the kitchen and observes me working. She says nothing, but I have mostly always avoided kitchen work. Now I have picked it up again on my own. She has not ordered me to start doing it, but I believe I am subconsciously doing it to earn her affection. As we are alone for the moment, I ask her quietly.

    "Would you really have told her about the chastity cage and our new dynamic?"

    Her key to my cage is currently on display in her cleavage. It has to be spurring questions. She's never made any attempt to hide it, and I often find her toying with it when mentioning me to others. I have ordered her a decorative key that will probably be more discrete, but the one she wears at the moment is just a plain silver key to my chastity cage.

    "It's up to me to decide who to tell," she replies. "Those were your words."

    "Yes, and I stand by that." I reply.

    She says nothing further but she has a sideways smile. She has told someone. Was it my sister? Her friend on vacation? My heart starts beating faster. I really do stand by my statement. But up until this moment I guess I don't think I was fully emotionally prepared for her to do it.

    I'm pretty sure who it is. It's her friend she was vacationing with. "It was your friend, wasn't it?"

    "Yes, and she loves the idea. And she says you're the nicest you've been to me in years over the phone."

    This is all she says, and I wonder what else she disclosed. Did she show her pictures of me? I want to ask, but I realized that I gave her permission to out me, in any form that details. It doesn't really matter.

    For someone who claims she's a novice at this, she is killing it. I love this woman so much. I think she totally and completely has my number.
  15. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Some Logistical Updates and Musings

    Over the weekend I was unlocked and allowed to bathe and get a good cleaning. My smaller components from Kink3D also arrived. So I was in a Cobra N Standard with size 3 ring. I'm now in a Cobra Baby Standard with size 2 ring. It's like those first few days all over again, getting used to the new sizing. I wasn't supervised during bathing, but was told there would be severe punishment for indiscretions. No monkey business was had.

    I've been using QTips trying to keep aligned when urinating. It's a frustrating process. I think it's because my penis slightly curves to the right when flaccid, so it's never in alignment even in the smaller cage. I'm burning through QTips at an alarming rate. There are some times where I'm just like "fuck it" and just let down. However, the cage pretty much ends up like a shower head at that point. We have bidets at the house, but even on the female setting, it's not enough to reach the cage. So I've gone the Butters (South Park reference) route when urinating some times. For those not in the know - that means sitting backwards facing the tank.

    Chastity tears have subsided a bit, but still can be a problem. I've noticed several times I have a wet spot even on my shorts or pants.

    I've pretty much given up my former boxers. Although, if doing any activity where I sweat I use the Tommy John Hammock Pouch boxers. The cage fits nicely in the pouch and gives me good support while moving around. Do yard work and outdoor exercise in these. Otherwise when just heading out of the house I've gotten manties, which are panties cut for men with a bulge. I wear these under normal street clothes when I'm out and about and don't expect strenuous activity. They're cheeky thongs, so not sure they'd hold up to me sweating a lot.

    In an act of submission, I've taken to not wearing anything around the house except for a very short spa robe. It barely reaches to my thighs. I'd go full nude, but we have some windows that allow some good visibility into the house. I'm investigating 1 way window tinting. The wife has not ordered this, but I feel it's important for me to do. She hasn't mentioned it.

    The mental aspect of this continues to amaze. I now find myself subconsciously doing things around the house in a direct effort to please the wife. I am just doing chores with no prompting and normally stuff I was previously avoiding. Maybe its an attempt to keep my mind busy. The wife hasn't asked, and when I think about it afterward, the default mental mode is that it will make her happy.

    It is now 8 days since my last orgasm. I can honestly say I believe this is the longest I have gone since I started masturbating as a teenager. 11 days of not stop locking (except for the bath cleaning). I do miss it, and while I do want release, I know better than to ask for it. My wife commented that I'm now sometimes whimpering in my sleep, and she thinks I'm trying to pleasure myself while sleeping. She says that I'm in a full sleep, but she can hear my wedding ring clicking on my cage occasionally. She says it's cute.

    I have been sleeping without a strap, and found that night time erections cause cage stretching. I think this may be contributing to the ball stretching I've been experiencing which is making the rings looser. I slept once with a strap in the Baby cage and was awoken several times with no cage slipping, but my penis trying it's best to complain. So I'm kind of on the fence on sleeping with/without it. It's not painful on the balls when I stretch but what I understand is that without the strap, I'm not training my body to stop the night time erections.

    Peeing with an elastic strap on is nigh impossible. I have to release it every time to pee. It's a directional issue (keeps the tip to elevated and would be a mess) without me pushing the cage down. I also find it harder to let down with it on. It's not uncomfortable and I have no pain or issue, so not sure what that's about. I have a feeling at some point I'm going to try peeing in a urinal when out and about with the elastic strap on and see how it goes.

    My next waxing appointment is Friday. I'm a bit scared. I'll have to be unlocked for that, and I doubt I'll be allowed release prior to then. My wife is a former hair dresser/esthetician, and has related salon tales about men with raging erections and even ejaculating during a waxing. She has said that erections are usually welcome, as it makes waxing the penis easier. However, depending on context, ejaculations can even cause bans from the salon. I usually masturbate the morning of my appointment to be safe, but that's not going to happen this time. As long as it's been since release I really hope nothing happens. I really worked hard to find a good esthetician, so I don't want her getting an unwanted surprise.
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  16. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 12 Caged

    Was a bit grumpy most of the afternoon on Day 10 and at the start of Day 11. I haven't been given my punishments yet, and my wife mostly has ignored me since my sister has been around. I've been providing her lots of affection, but didn't get any feedback, positive or negative.

    I wasn't sure if she was doing this purposefully or not. Of course, my mind went dark, and was thinking this is going to end up being a failed experiment. I began spiraling in that direction almost all day. As I was mulling all this and getting a drink from the fridge, she suddenly appeared behind me. She reaches around and grabs my cage. She pulls my robe open and begins rubbing my chest. I put down the pitcher I have in my hand and lean back into her. She bites my neck savagely, and begins sucking. She's marking me.

    She grabs my hand and leads me to the opposite counter. My robe is pulled off, and I'm standing in the kitchen with nothing but my cage. "Bend over, hands on the counter" she tells me. I do as instructed. There is a pause. I turn my head to see her grab the olive oil dispenser and pour some into her hand. I turn to face forward looking at the cabinet. My legs spread. She begins rubbing the olive oil onto my ass, and is suddenly reaching through my legs and oiling my balls. As she pulls back, her fingers pause at my hole and rub some oil in, but don't enter. I'm pushing back wanting her to enter, but she doesn't. She spreads the oil over my cheeks as well. Suddenly, the slaps start. She ramps up the intensity and I start groaning. The precum is flowing out of me like a fountain, dropping on the floor.

    "Look at how nasty you are spreading your chastity tears all over my kitchen floor". The slaps continue. My cock is crying to be let out, and the precum keeps flowing.

    As sudden as it began, I hear a "I'm done with you, clean up your mess". She walks away. I pause a moment. My head is whirling, and I can't think straight. I'm feeling euphoria. Is this sub space? I'm not sure.

    I collect myself as best I can, get a cloth wet and a little soapy. I drop to my hands and knees and begin cleaning the kitchen floor. My mind is just in a fog, but I begin cleaning more than the spots I've made a mess. What I'm not noticing is the precum is still flowing copiously onto the floor behind me.

    She's back in the kitchen, and sees me cleaning. "You're still making a mess" and bends over and slaps my ass some more. "Finish up and get out of my kitchen". She leaves again. I stand up and get a paper towel from the dispenser as it's the first thing I see. I place a few between my legs to catch the precum, then return to my hands and knees cleaning the floor. I finish, get up, finish tidying up in the kitchen. I use some paper towel to clean up the extra olive oil on my ass. I forget the drink I poured on the counter. I need to sit down. I head to the couch and curl up like a contented cat. She's in the recliner. As my head continues to buzz, I notice she's on her phone. Without looking up, she says "just to be clear, that is not your punishment"

    I'm curled into a fetal position on one end of the couch just reveling in what just happened. As my senses begin to return, she asks me "don't you have things to do?" I walk over and kiss her.

    "I love you, you are wonderful", and I head off to get back to work.
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  17. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 14 Caged

    As least what I feel is a bit of a setback yesterday. Not that I didn't expect the collision of this new dynamic with our previous life to happen, but it just sort of hit me unexpectedly. And this isn't related to being caged or fit of the cage. It also isn't really related to anything but head space.

    Last night when cuddling in bed, I was pushing to initiate some type of play. I fully expected to be denied, as I didn't feel I deserved a release as of yet. Mostly I was just hoping to be teased and denied. However, when I initiated, my wife seemed to switch from her current more dominant role to her previous role of just being accepting of whatever I wanted. Generally what had happened when I initiated before being locked when she wasn't really wanting to have sex. I would get a hand job, then she would masturbate while I assisted.

    After I attempted to initiate by pulling her hand to my nipples for some teasing, she immediately attempted to unlock me. I guess it just triggered me because I didn't feel I deserved that, nor did I feel I was deserving of any play uncaged. I still was technically under punishment and that punishment had not been delivered yet.

    "I don't think I want that" I told her. She looked at me with an odd look. Like, "what the fuck are you talking about, you initiated" look. "I feel the cage should stay on". I felt by the look on her face that she wasn't sure what I was asking for.

    After a few odd seconds, she told me to get her wand. She turned it on and applied it to my balls. She began attacking my nipple with her mouth, which always gets me going. Within seconds I was getting close after not having cum in any sense for 10 days. I wanted to give her a warning, as I really didn't want to go over the edge. My whole desire in initiating was to get about this far and no farther.

    "May I have permission to cum?" I asked. She didn't even pause and said "Yes". Which to me said she didn't consider what I had asked.

    I was getting extremely close, and begged her. "Take it away, please take it away". Knowing I didn't want it to go this far. She did remove the wand, but a few seconds later I erupted. A lot. I basically directed her to at least a partial caged ruined orgasm. She then turned the wand on herself, and asked me to touch her while she finished. Generally it means playing with her nipples or massaging her arms while she finishes.

    Although I was laying in a puddle, she made no attempt to force me to clean myself up by eating what I had created. Part of what we had discussed when we started this was that from now on any time I cum I would have to clean up after myself. She made no attempt to enforce that. We both wandered off to get cleaned up and returned to bed.

    Call it PNC, but I was really in a bad way mentally after. This seemed like a setback to our old ways. In that this was almost boilerplate to the majority of our sex play over the last several months before I was caged. It was almost mechanical, and the pursuit was just to get each other to orgasm as quickly as possible and get to bed. It's stale, clinical almost.

    I did not enjoy it, and it's not what I wanted. I realize that technically under the new dynamic my desires are irrelevant, and she can do whatever she wants. Technically I broke that first by requesting I not be unlocked. But falling back into this routine scares me. I feel like we've come so far of the last few weeks. In a word, it made me sad. The last few weeks have been bliss, and now I am again going to a dark place.

    I realize I initiated. I can only assume she just took that signal to do what we normally had been doing pre-caging. She was on autopilot I think. I need to communicate how I feel, but this is going to be a tricky road. She has been adamant that I not try to direct this if I want her to take lead. She makes the rules.

    So yes, she had full right to do just as we have always done. Therefore, if this is what she wanted I can't really complain. But the headspace it has put me in is bad.

    This conversation is going to be an interesting one.
  18. bondinchas

    bondinchas Long term member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
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    2:26 AM
    Be aware that window tinting works great in daytime twhen the interior is relatively much darker than the outside, but... at night, the tinting will make it nearly impossible to see outsdie from within if the lights are on, and have little obscuring effect for someonw watching from outside into the much brighter interior.

    If someone isn't in the know, then they may think that the tinting is protecting them from being seen at night, but while it obscures the view looking out more than not having it, it's still allowing the view looking in!
  19. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Thanks for mentioning, I have run into this.
  20. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 17 Caged - Part 1

    The morning after Day 14 the wife and I had a conversation. Turns out, she was pretty pissed about that night. Her insistence is that she makes the rules, no more topping from the bottom. Apparently she took my attempt to not get unlocked as defying her wishes. When discussing, I told her that I didn't think I had earned a release, and just wanted to be teased. Again, she followed up with, "you don't get to decide that anymore. So either defer to my wishes, or we stop this." I took her point, I didn't bring it up again.

    Which leads to next update on Day 15. The wife approved me getting waxed again. She initially said I may not be uncaged to get waxed on my appointment on Day 15. I had to be uncaged for that, so she completely freed me about 2 hours before my appointment. I was told to shower and get clean for my waxing. As I had mentioned, I was a bit nervous about this appointment. Even though the ruined orgasm the day before would help abate any concerns. During the waxing, I did get hard once, but it quickly subsided. The esthetician didn't say anything about it and we just kept talking. She did ask if I had been wearing a ring, as there was some minor redness around my scrotum when waxing. I did tell her yes. She put on some skin conditioner after the waxing and told me (as she always does) to avoid any contact with the skin and preferably no sex for 24 hours. This was to prevent ingrowns and irritation. When I got home, I told the wife told me to immediately put on my cage, but I told her what the esthetician said. She agreed that I could be uncaged until the next morning. The rest of that day was really odd. Most of the time I was walking around the house with a full erection. My cock surely was enjoying the freedom. At night the wife had me sit by her on the couch while we watched TV. I was told to disrobe. She began playing with me on the couch. Even though I had felt I had not earned this, and I had a yet to given punishment from over a week ago, I said nothing. Her comments from the previous day had hit home. She was teasing me for 15 or so minutes and was really making sure I never went soft. Out of nowhere, I suddenly felt in coming on. "I'm going to cum, I'm going to cum" I told her. She immediately stopped. I felt it working up, then it started dribbling out of me and onto my thigh. A lot.

    "I certainly did not give you permission to do that". She said. I scooped up what had gathered on my thigh, and went to raise it to my mouth. Again, this was what we had discussed. She grabbed my wrist and said "No. Go get cleaned up." I firmly believe this whole situation was a test of what she said the previous day. Not matter what we had negotiated or discussed before, she was making sure I raised no more attempts to shift things. I got off the couch, careful not to dribble any, and got cleaned up. I returned nude to the couch. That night was interesting. I still was pretty much hard all night long. The ruined orgasm the night before had not phased me. I even woke up to me rubbing myself. I immediately stopped.

    The next morning, I showered and caged back up. It felt better to be back in the mode I belonged. The wife and I had a date day scheduled on Day 16. While we were out and about, she asked me if I was ready for punishment. "Yes," I told her.

    "You're going to safe word" she told me. She said it matter of fact, like it was indisputable.

    "I will try not to." I said. "May I confirm that no matter what I say or do, that if I don't give you my safe word, you'll keep going?"

    "Yes" she replied sternly, "and I might just ignore it. But you will be saying it tonight".

    This made me a bit nervous. She's never really been known to push my limits before. Even before I was caged when we've tried impact play, the first sign of me indicating discomfort she would back off. She's never really found my limit. It would be interesting to see if she really would go that far. I don't think she really realizes how far I'm willing to go. A test of wills seems imminent here. :)
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  21. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

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    #21 MightyKong, Mar 4, 2024
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2024
    Day 17 Caged - Part 2

    The night of Day 16 it finally arrived. Punishment day. It had been since day 2 that I had committed the offense for what I was to be punished for. I came twice that day while caged by using her wand while she was on vacation. A move which prompted her to having me install a lock on our nightstand with our toys in it. She had been threatening for days that this punishment was going to be severe. Now to add that I had cum a third time without permission while she was teasing me on the couch. A move I felt was entirely to test my resistance to anything she wanted.

    She had indicated that I would safe word tonight. I'm not sure she could find the depth that I was willing to go in the punishment game, but wanted her to try. When we got back from our day date, she said she was taking a nap while I did chores around the house. Then after her nap, we took to watching some TV. About a hour before our normal bed time, she got up and went into the kitchen.

    "Take this" she said and pushed one of her gummies into my mouth. She had been threatening to do this for some time. I obeyed, chewed it up and swallowed. I took an offered sip of water. This was the first time I had tried weed in any form. Prior to it being legal in lots of places I was subject to random drug testing on the job, so I never wanted to test positive with it. After COVID, the company had relaxed it's stance, weed would not be grounds for termination if it showed up on a test. The wife had been pushing me to try it, but I guess I couldn't get out of the mindset of no to it. She had been telling me she was going to get me to try it, so I guess today was the day.

    "Go get everything prepared" she told me. I went to the bedroom and got the key to the chest. I took nearly everything out and arranged it for her use. I attached the tie downs to the bed posts at the top of the end posts, and two at waist height around the cross bar. While it's quite old fashioned we have a four post bed with high decorative posts. I buckled on ankle cuffs, thigh cuffs, and wrist cuffs. I laid out the clips that we have that are used to attach cuffs to the tie downs. I put on the collar that has the attached nipple clips, but did not attach the clips yet. The wife liked to do that part. The flogger and riding crop were laying out on the bed. I laid out the various gags, hoods, blindfolds for her to choose from. I also put out lube, our remote control butt plug, and other various plugs and dildos. I also brought out her wand. The stage was set, and I assumed my position kneeling on the chest at the end of our bed. I put my hands on the cross bar and waited.

    She entered the room and clipped my thigh cuffs to the lower tie downs. She pulled them tight, forcing my legs open. She then had me cross my ankles and latched my ankle cuffs together. The wrist cuffs were next, then she tightened them until I had no slack. I was secured. I tested the bonds, as I always do. I wasn't going anywhere. I couldn't even try to stand in this position if I wanted, and bending over was impossible.

    She took the clips and applied them to my nipples. The ones attached to the collar are the adjustable ones, and she loosened the screws to make them tighter.

    "A little something to distract you".

    She then climbed onto the bed and she had sexy bra an panty set on. She had her wand. I watched on as she used it to pleasure herself. She took her time. I spent time watching her, thrusting in my cage with no where to go, and telling her how much I loved her. When she climaxed, she rolled onto her side and looked at me. She started playing with the key.

    "You didn't tell me how nice I looked and thanking me for spending so much time getting beautiful for you today". In my defiant head, I was thinking that she was splitting hairs, but I acquiesced.

    "I'm sorry, I should have. You're gorgeous and I love what you're wearing" I told her. She didn't seem convinced. She got off the bed and grabbed the flogger. She hit me lightly, then started hitting progressively harder. She spread the hits around my ass, thighs and lower back, including getting some that wrapped around to my side. These stung, but other then a few grunts, I made no comment. She paused, and I made no effort to turn around. She tossed her phone onto the bed and it started playing music. Her "sexy time" playlist. She turned off the lights and I heard the door close. I was alone in the dark.

    Side note: yes, I am aware of the safety concerns of this, but that's how it happened. The wife can hear me out in the living room which shares a wall with our master suite if I yell hard enough. And this is not the first time she has done this. I'm fine with it, but thanks for any concern.

    To be continued.....
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  22. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 17 Caged - Part 3

    I started to struggle against my bonds, mostly in an act of defiance. However, nothing was getting loose. I was bound, kneeling and helpless at the end of our bed. I was moaning slightly, mostly from the lack of any sensory input. I'm not sure how long I was there. There are no clocks in our bedroom, and we use our phones for alarm clocks. It felt like forever. When we had done this before, my wife had come in and asked me how long it was. I thought it was an hour, she said 10 minutes. You just lose all track of time bound helpless like this. The sexy music emanating from her phone continued to entice.

    After a bit, my ass started to sting a bit more. Suddenly a sense of euphoria started to creep over me. Not very strong, but just enough to make me start to feel giddy. The strain on my arms and legs seem to lessen, but the stripes on my ass were becoming particularly distinct. I was starting to feel the effect of the gummy she had given me. At least I thought, I had no frame of reference, as I was a complete weed virgin prior to tonight.

    After a bit, the door opened and she turned on one lamp. She picked up the flogger that she had placed down by my knee and added a few more stripes. Again, nothing but grunts from me. The impacts seem dulled, but the after strike intensity seemed more. It's like I could feel every distinct mark on my ass, back, and thighs.

    The strikes stopped, and there was suddenly a water bottle at my mouth.

    "Drink" she commanded. I took a few sips, I wanted some more, but she took it away. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

    "I'm starting to feel the gummy" I told her.

    "Is it too much?" she asked.

    "No, I'm just starting to feel giddy" I didn't mention that every lash seemed highlighted.

    She climbed back on the bed and began using her wand again. She paused, pulled down her panties and left them dangling on her foot, while she started using the wand unimpeded. She spread her legs wide, giving me a full view. She ramped the wand higher, her head rolled back and she closed her eyes. For no apparent reason that I cannot fathom, I began thrusting as if we were fucking. I was still secured in my cage, but the sight of this was just driving me mad. An orgasm washed over her while I looked on helpless.

    "I love that I can pleasure myself anytime I want and you get nothing". She said sexily after coming down. After a few minutes she rolled off the bed. She reached for the riding crop that was laying at the foot of the bed.

    "Oh shit" I thought to myself. I really hate that thing. The closest she has ever gotten to my limit is with that crop. It's nothing special, just some crop we got for free when we bought some restraints. On one side is a heart shaped cutout and it's red inside. She has hit me hard enough on that side to leave a heart imprint on my ass. She started slowly then progressed into harder strokes. She pulled my cheeks apart slightly to land some good strokes on my inner thighs. She then started doing some light taps on my balls, and started increasing intensity. My groans started to turn into winces.

    "Did you cum?" she said out of nowhere.

    "No mistress, I don't have permission".

    "That's right, you don't." she replied. "Are you dripping?"

    "I don't know" I told her. Honestly, I had no way of knowing the way I was bound. He had moved over my cage and started to caress my balls.

    "You're soaked" she said. She tossed the crop on the bed, turned out the lamp and left the room again. Whether deliberately or not, she left the door open this time. However, as the light in the hallway was out, the room was still barely lit.

    Again, in my defiant head, I thought I was nowhere close to safe wording. She seemed to be up to something, as she had never done the leave the room thing twice. The giddyness had me feeling good in my head, but my ass was really starting to sting and the crop to my balls was also being felt. It's like I could feel the welts raising on my ass. It was that intense. I had never felt that so distinctly before. It was an interesting sensation.

    After losing time again, she entered the room. Another gummy was put in my mouth and I was ordered to take it. After I swallowed, she offered a few sips of water. I took them happily. She then took her position back on the bed with her wand. She gave me full access viewing as she had before. This time she was slow and deliberate about getting to orgasm. The stings on my ass, back, and balls started to become more accute. My hopeless thrusting continued. She seemed to be edging herself while I struggled. She seem to really be enjoying this. She eventually went over the edge, and laid there in bliss for a few minutes.

    "How are you feeling now?" she asked. Another way of euphoria had hit me for sure. But the stings were becoming more pronounced some how.

    "Very nice" I replied.

    "Good, now the punishment can begin" she replied.

    She was off the bed and the flogger was in hand. She began hitting me without stopping. My back, my legs, my thighs were not spared. Eventually I progress from groans, to winces, to actually "ow". I began to sob, but had had not yet produced tears. The pain was becoming intense, but if I had to be honest, I was loving the feeling. She paused and offered more water.

    "Where are you at? she asked. She was asking for green,yellow,red. Green I told her.

    Next was the crop again. She started slowly, but then ramped it up. This was getting really intense, this is as far as she had ever gone to push my limit. I was full on dry sobbing. She had not produced any tears as of yet. Without warning a word escaped my lips.

    "Please". To be clear, this was not our safe word.

    "Please? Please what?" she asked angrily. She paused her assault. Another word escaped my lips.

    "More". That seemed to send her into a frenzy. The crop continued it's assault, and after one particularly strong hit, I heard a crack. I wasn't feeling the hits so much at this point, but the burning and after stings were getting really bad.

    "You made me break the crop" she said. She herself seems different somehow, it's like a lust to push me had overtaken her. I'm not sure how she had broken it, but she paused a few seconds, then the crop was back at my ass. She apparently had worked it out, and her assault continued. At this point, I started to zone into sub space. I was mentally gone, and this was just bliss. I was nowhere near a safeword at this point, I just wanted it to continue. Despite my mental state, outwardly I was begging, pleading and sobbing. It's like I was someone on the outside, and someone else on the inside. I can't really describe it other than that. Now we had played like this before. But not to this limit. She seemed driven to try to break me, I seemed driven to not break. Suddenly, another set of words escaped my lips.

    "Sorry, I'm so sorry" I said sobbing and panting.

    "What are you sorry for?" she asked, not pausing with the now broken crop.

    "For coming without permission, twice. And technically a third time yesterday".

    "You should be. you think I like hurting you?" I had been keeping my vision locked firmly forward, but now I turned to face her. The look in her eyes seems like the answer to that question was yes. However, I gave no answer. She continued her assault, but I was mentally gone into subspace at this point. Later she would tell me I was nearly yelling out. That is probably why a few moments later her panties were pushed into my mouth.

    "Be quiet" she told me as the assault continued. It continued for a period of time I no longer recognize to be honest. I was gone. Suddenly the panties were pulled out of my mouth.

    "Where are you?" she asked, looking for red, yellow, green answer. We also have a pure safeword, but I had no desire to utter it.

    "I don't know, yellow maybe?" I responded.

    "Do you want more?" she said, seemingly daring me. My ass, back, and thighs were on fire. I don't think I was feeling the strokes at this point, just the sting after. For some reason I have yet to fathom, I tried to compose myself into my best defiant face, and I said defiantly "Yes".

    She seemed surprised. This was as far as we had ever gone, and I was asking for more. She went back to the flogger and began striking some more. I lost time. Eventually she paused. I think she realized that I was mentally somewhere else, and the safeword would not come. She tossed the flogger on the bed. My arms were released and my thighs. My ankles were unclipped and she helped me to stand. I was uneasy. She gave me a few minutes to let the blood return to my legs.

    "We're going into the hot tub now".

    To be continued.......
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  23. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 17 Caged - Part 4

    Compliant. That was the only word that comes to mind. I would have done anything she instructed at this point. A leash clicked onto my collar and I was dazily pulled forward. I was led into the master bathroom.

    "Grab my robe and some towels." she ordered I noticed at this point that somewhere along the line she had discarded her bra. She was entirely nude. I grabbed her robe and towels from the hooks on the wall, and I was yanked forward again. I almost stumbled. She led me, with the leash over her shoulder out to the hallway, the living room, the kitchen and out to the sliding glass door. She opened the door and pulled me outside. She strolled over to the hot tub and dropped the leash. I put the robe and towels down on a chair nearby. The air was cool, cold even. My ass was throbbing, and the long forgotten nipple clamps started to ache as my nipples hardened in the cooling air. She climbed into the hot tub and turned on the jets. She slid over to the corner I was at, as I was still standing in the cool air. Collar, wrist, thigh, ankle cuffs all still applied. Nipple clamps still crushing my nipples. She grabbed my leash suddenly and pulled. I was forced to bend over, my face a few inches from her. She was straddling a jet in the tub, pushing herself to her fourth orgasm of the night. I reached out and massaged her face, neck, and arms with one hand while doing my best to support myself with the other. When she had finished, she told me to remove my restraints and get in.

    The nipple clamp were especially tender on my nipples at this point. I shed everything and moved my hands back to my demolished ass. There were plenty of welts already raised. I climbed into the tub and sat on the opposite side of her. The water felt good.

    She moved and backed into my laying her head on my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her and held her. I began massaging her breasts and nipples in the hot water, kissing and nuzzling into her neck. The dim light of the porch reflected off her breasts and the jeweled key nestled there.

    "Thank you mistress", I whispered "I love you so much"

    She said nothing, but changed her position and was now grinding over my cage. My cock began pushing the limits of it's confinement. My hands found her hips as she continued moving. She shifted again and her ass slid up my chest and into my face. She began moving backwards. The instruction was clear. I found her rear entrance with my tongue and began licking and probing. She pushed farther backward, and I continued for awhile. After a few minutes of this, she moved over to the other side. As I started to move towards her, her foot was on my chest pushing me back. She locked her knee. She wanted me where I was.

    I started massaging, kissing, and rubbing her feet. I was in heaven. My ass, thighs, and back were aching, but I could not have felt better in that moment. The hot tub cycle ended and she got out. She told me to come back inside and clean up. She meant clean up the toys as well. I was in a haze at this point.

    I did as instructed. I realized, she didn't leave me a towel. I walked naked in the night air, shivering and we went inside. I went into the bathroom and dried off, then returned to the bedroom and began putting everything in its place. When done, I locked the cabinet and found her in the living room watching TV and looking at her phone. Towel wrapped around her head and body. Still naked except for my cage, I curled up on the couch and dove deeper into the feelings. My body felt like one of those electric touch balls that give you minor shocks when you touch them. As I lay on the couch, I began caressing my body, lingering on my nipples, my pubic area, my balls. They wandered to my ass to feel the still growing welts. My wife watching me started giggling.

    "Look at you, did you enjoy yourself?"

    "Yes mistress" was my reply.

    The following morning my wife says I was purring like a cat on the couch as I was massaging myself. A combination of the weed and endorphins just put me into the most pleasant state.

    I don't think I had ever felt such bliss. I dozed off an on for a bit. After a while, my wife ordered me to bed.

    I slept like the dead. This was probably one of the best sexual nights of my life, and the entire time I was caged, locked, and denied. Not once did I even think of anything but my mistress' pleasure and giving her my body to use as a plaything.

    I love this part of our life.
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  24. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 19 - Reflections and Musings

    Nineteen days since I was put into full time chastity. Yes, I've been released, but releases have been short. The last "full" orgasm I've had was on Day 2, where I purposely made myself orgasm. Since then, it's been a few ruins and that's it. I've never really signed onto the "balls feel full" line, but boy do they. They feel like bricks hanging beneath my cage and my wife claims they seem much larger.

    A few rough nights, particularly last night. I'm wearing a strap to sleep every night now, and the night time erections are still pretty strong. Getting up to pee does help, but sometimes it doesn't. Some times I'm left to endure.

    I had my due mirror punishment last night. I cried. I mean really broke down. I really don't like that punishment. I've told my wife I'd rather have a full night of the crop to my ass then 5 minutes in front of the mirror. Her answer "I know, that's the point".

    Cuddle time is becoming extremely important to me. I ask for it often, but sometimes I only get a few minutes. Most of the time I get this I'm fully nude and the wife is fully clothed. Last night I asked for skin on skin cuddle time. The closest I got was she was in bra and panties. She also made it clear that I was not getting any sexual attention. I just lay there, snuggling into her breasts, kissing her all over and whispering affirmations to her. Inhaling her scent and just enjoying being close to her. She taunted me last night by wearing an odd perfume. When I commented on it, she said "it's caramel waffle cone". Sometimes I think she is more sadistic than I give her credit for. She smells amazing.

    On Day 17 the day after my severe punishment, the wife and I had a discussion. "You didn't get me to my safeword" I teased. "Careful, don't be disobedient" she replied, looking over her glasses like an school marm. "But, it doesn't matter, you're so compliant now, I don't need to break you." I was stunned. Had something else changed? Internally, I didn't think so. Sometimes I found myself thinking defiant thoughts, but no longer voice them. "Really?" I asked, somewhat surprised. "Oh yeah, you haven't even mentioned any of your wants and desires since before the beating, and you're now doing things you'd never do and I don't even have to ask." I knew some of this was true, but she was not really commanding me, I just started doing things. Mostly to keep my mind on something other than the cage. "You're no longer spending longer nights working and playing in the office. Face it hon, you've been broken." I'm still mulling this over, when she adds. "And the funny thing is, you originally wanted me to be more dominant over you, and I've really not even had to try too hard. You'll now do anything I ask, willingly. And we haven't even discussed releasing you or when your next orgasm will be. And believe me, I don't think I'm ever going to let you out long term again." I sat there stunned, but said nothing. What's funny about this is that I know it to be true. My wife really isn't ordering me in a dominant way, she says it the way she always has. Originally I asked for sternness "go clean the kitchen", but true to her own self, she's always kind and says "honey, could you please go clean up the kitchen?" Now, if she had asked me that before being caged, I would have come up with 100 excuses on why I couldn't do it, and left her to do it. I would have sulked to my office grumbling about how much work I have to do and that I really shouldn't have to do housework too. I realized that over the last 2 weeks no matter what she has asked I've done. No complaints, no resistance. All without changing her attitude towards me. I feel like one of those Looney Tunes characters when their jaw hits the floor.
  25. MightyKong

    MightyKong Member

    Feb 8, 2024
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    Day 20 - Admitting I'm a Pain Slut

    As stated previously, I've been wearing minimal to no clothing around the house at this point. The wife has not ordered it, again, it's just my own submissive tendencies that makes me do it.

    So yesterday, I was in the kitchen cleaning up, and the wife did her sneak attack thing. She came up behind me while I was scrubbing the counter, and grabbed my nipples. I paused, reveling in the pinching and pulling. Suddenly I was being slapped on my ass. She ramped up the intensity pretty quickly, and wasn't stopping. There was a pause, and while I reflected a moment, she brought the wooden spoon that she had grabbed against my ass. My hands affixed to the counter, I dare not remove them, but I began dancing in place as the stings landed. She was taking her time, gauging I guess my response.

    She asked me "where are you?" She's looking for a green/yellow/red.

    "Green" I said, but I was clearly in pain and wincing.

    "Really?" she asked, "You sure on that?" I don't think she believed me.

    "Yes, totally."

    She struck me a few more times with the wooden spoon, then tossed it into the sink and left. I was openly sobbing. I continued the work in the kitchen, and clearly she could hear me sniffling and sobbing.

    "You okay?" she spoke out from the living room.

    "Yes, I'm fine. I loved it." My outward state was not indicative of my internal state. Internally, I was flying. I finished and went out into the living room. I laid on the couch on my side, avoiding sitting on my burning ass.

    "You don't seem to be green to me" she said. I could sense her concern. We had discussed this, but she was still concerned.

    "I'm not immune to pain, but I love it and crave it. As we've discussed, I may cry, I may yell, I may wince, I may move about, but unless I safe word or do yellow/red, you can keep going. I think my limit is a lot more than you think it is" I said in my best submissive voice.

    "Interesting." she said. We had discussed this many times, but I think her internal nurturing instinct was still strong, even though I had told her that it was okay to push my limits. She didn't want to see me outwardly showing pain.

    "I guess I'm just a pain slut," I remarked smiling.

    "Clearly" she said.
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