Terribly Disappointed :(

Discussion in 'Introductions' started by Lizzy, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. Lizzy

    Lizzy New member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    I'm Elizabeth, a life long transvestite who is only out of the closet to my wife and selected friends who lives mostly as a female at home and part time traveling for work. 15 years ago I was diagnosed with a gender identity disorder and underwent gender therapy for years. A couple of years later I was diagnosed with ED and pills don't always solve the problem. Early last year I became interested in chastity. After reading many articles on the subject I ordered a CB6000 and immediately tried it on. OMG....this is incredible. I wore it on and off for the next month even using the plastic locks so I could wear it through TSA security. After wearing jt for two weeks I decided I needed to bring the subject up to my wife. She thought I was crazy....why would I want this? I tried explaining and used Sarah Jameson's blog to help her read mkre material on the subject. I let her digest the information and then brought the subject back up with her. She said it didn't do anything for her and she wasn't interested. I disappointed I dropped the subject then bringing it up again around the hoildays. She said she would think about it and hoped it might be a Christmas present but again nothing. On New year's Eve I asked again hoping to start the new year locked away in my chastity. She just said no! Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions to help me convince her?
  2. Missy Tanya

    Missy Tanya Senior Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Maybe suggest a trial weekend. Then you be the best you can all weekend, meaning treating her to shopping, movies, dinners, basically anything and everything she likes. After the trial is over, let her know how much you enjoyed being her's and that you thought the chastity helped keeping you in the right mind set, you know thinking with your head, not your head in your pants.
    Also go slowly even if she accepts parts of chastity till she realises just how good it can be.
    Giles_English likes this.
  3. Lizzy

    Lizzy New member

    Jan 17, 2014
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    Missy Tanya,
    A wonderful idea! I will ask her tomorrow if we can have a trial weekend. If it goes well I'll ask if she'd try a week. Thank you for your suggestion. It's greatly appreciated. I will let you know how if it worked.
  4. Giles_English

    Giles_English Chaste slave

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    Perhaps the issue is that she doesn't want all the responsibilities and the dynamic that goes with the keyholder role? Might it be better to ask her if you can wear the thing but to put the keys out of reach rather than give them to her?
  5. Wendygirl

    Wendygirl To offer advice and keep CM safe and welcoming

    Jul 31, 2013
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    Or take the hint and drop the whole idea.
    Xx Wendy
  6. SteveM

    SteveM Active member

    Jan 3, 2014
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    I can only tell you what worked for me. My wife is pretty vanilla when it comes to sex with either of the sexes. What I did was to first introduce teasing and short term denial. She could make me cum immediately after teasing, later in the day or the next day. I made sure that I made a big show of moaning and groaning whenever she teased me and then again when I had my orgasm. We did this for a few weeks and she really liked teasing me. In fact, my moaning made her horny as heck.

    Then I would mention that my orgasm was so much more intensive when I had to wait longer for it so we tried two or three days and I really showed her how much better it was for me, and her, to make me wait longer for my orgasm. She quickly learned that I would react more enthusiastically to her teasing when I had been denied for a few days. A few days turned into a week. When she started to talk about denying me longer that is when I brought up the fact that while I loved the idea but would need help not masturbating for that length of time because her teasing really turned me on and the urge to masturbate after one of her great teasing sessions was too great to trust myself. All through this I was showering my wife with attention and volunteering to do things for her and around the house. I started massaging her by telling her that I just needed to touch her. The general idea was to show my wife the benefits from delaying my orgasms longer

    Once I got my CB6000s I wore it for a few hours each day to get used to it and then one day when she called me into the bedroom for sex, I entered the bedroom wearing the CB6000s while she was getting ready and got under the covers. When she got into bed and went to grab my penis she felt the CB6000. I asked her if she brought the key I gave her to hold and she had not. She did not even think about the key. I said that it was OK and she could still tease me with the CB on and it would probably be better because it not only prevented my orgasm but also my erections and that she would not have to concentrate so hard on teasing me without making me cum. She soon learned that it was nicer for her not to have to concentrate on me so that I did not cum and we are now at the point where she wants me to wear it during sex. It allows her to just lay back and let me please her and, as she said, keeps the sheets clean and dry which results in less laundry to do. :)

    Right now she is talking about going a month or at least a few weeks before she will allow me to cum. She says that I get bitchy and argumentative for a few days after I have an orgasm and also do not respond well to her teasing. I hate to say this but what I did was manipulate the situation through my actions and behavior which showed her that it was better for her to not let me orgasm much. I never just told her I wanted to lock my penis up from day one. Instead it was a gradual journey from teasing to chastity by demonstrating the advantages of it for my wife.

    Honestly, it got to the point that when I mentioned that I masturbated too much to remain chaste for as long as she wanted and that there was a way for her to stop that, she was all for my buying the CB even though she knew nothing about them or even chastity play. The way I approached was not to say that I did not want to have orgasms anymore or even not for a month. That would sound crazy to her. Instead chastity play was presented as an enhancement to our T&D games. As far as my wife knows, I want to have orgasms every day or even more if possible. She now feels that it is not I who wants to go without orgasms but rather it is she that is preventing my orgasms against my desires, to enhance her teasing, keep me from getting bitchy, and maintaining my desire to serve her needs.

    My wife now enjoys getting foot massages almost every night and full body massages upon demand. After dinner her work is done as I do the dishes and fetch her snacks and drinks when she tells me to get them for her. She can relax all night. I also clean the shower after she uses it which makes her shower time more enjoyable. I maintain her feet and toe nails. So you can see that my approach was not to just blurt out that I wanted to prevent my orgasms. That sounds nuts. :) Instead, through my actions (and a little play acting) I guided her into wanting to prevent me from doing something that I wanted to do and give her benefits at the same time. This worked for me and YMMV.

    At the present, I have not had the touch of a human on my penis for 5 days. Not long but longer than it used to be. One of the things that I had to overcome was her feeling sorry for me and letting me cum when I begged and whined . The way I handled that was to enjoy my orgasm and then casually mention afterwards that I felt let down and for some reason really wanted to not have an orgasm because it made her teasing more intense and kept me aroused the rest of the week wanting to please her in any way she wanted. Then when she denied my orgasms, I would thank her afterwards and make sure that I showed her the effects of her denial on me by doing all I could for her. No arguing, listening to everything she said, offering to do things for her, etc..

    My wife finally understands the dynamic of chastity play and she does not look at it as me not wanting to cum but rather as her having the power over my orgasms and knowing that it is better for her to deny them than to give them, to me. She even came into my man cave one night with a paddle in her hand to punish my butt for forgetting to take out the garbage. That was completely unexpected and against what she had told me about not wanting to hit me with anything. I guess you get my method by now. I made it her idea and and flipped it so that it is not about me not wanting an orgasm but rather about her not wanting to give them to me.

    Yes, it was topping from the bottom but she was not aware of that or even heard the expression. Last week I stopped guiding her completely and she is on her own now. In fact, if I try to top from the bottom now she tells me to shut up and she will do what she pleases. That bridge has been burnt and she now has the power over my orgasms. Mission accomplished.
    Jongabe, inneed77, BlueEyes and 2 others like this.
  7. Mistress Deborah

    Mistress Deborah Long term member

    Jan 9, 2012
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    Hi I mostly agree with Steve m
    I was unaware and very frightened when my partner spoke to me about chastity.
    If you haven't heard of it or experienced it before it is REALLY SCARY!
    If this is something you really want you must take it very slowly and don't talk about you all the time- this has to be all about her or she won't go for it.
    Be extra attentive, be at her beck and call, show her that she is your all... This is not to say I am encouraging you to be a lying toad! You must be true to both of you.
    Don't push, don't try and talk her round, just give her subtle hints and OCCASIONALLY talk about it to her, but you must remember that if her answer is no then that is what you must go with.
    Good luck and keep us updated.
    You may pm me if you need any advice ;)
    Giles_English likes this.
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