Poohbear's B-day Chptr. 2 "Bred, Fed, & Broken"

Discussion in 'Female led relationships' started by Poohbear, Jan 1, 2013.

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  1. Poohbear

    Poohbear Locked & Collared to Serve Goddess Tigger

    Dec 18, 2012
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    In my last thread, I told how my Divine Goddess had "tricked" me into leg restraints, & with my "cock, balls, & booty" wide open & fully available, She showed me my "birthday gift". That was when I began to get just a tiny bit worried, & said to Tigger: You AIN'T plannin' to use that strap-on on ME, are Ya?" "Ya KNOW it's 1-way traffic thru MY sphincter!, & there ain't NUTHIN goin' back up in there!!"

    Tigs replied: "SSHHHH, it's gonna be alright, Sweetheart." "You KNOW how much I LOVE you, now just relax!" "Everything's gonna be just fine." Then She leaned down & took my throbbing hard cock in her Sweet Lips & began slowly working me, keeping in mind the fact that I hadn't cum since Nov 15, 2012. She knows me pretty well after our 39+ years together, 'cause when I got to the point where just 1 more stroke would've had me squirting like a volcanic eruption, she abruptly STOPPED, & said: "Are Ya ready NOW for your birthday present?"
    I said: "I was hopin' I'd get to CUM, God Dammit!"
    "Be PATIENT, Darling, & for God's sake, RELAX!" If you do as I say, Ya just MIGHT get to cum. Maybe."

    Then She held up the box with the strap-on & asked: "Which one of these would you prefer?" pointing to the different cock attachments.
    "Fuck this, I AIN'T TAKIN' no cock up my ASS!!"
    "I didn't say that, I just asked you to pick one."
    "OK, I'll play along." I said as I pointed to the smallest one.
    "Good choice, that's what I picked, too, It's just like YOURS!" "Here, put it in your mouth & start suckin' it!"
    "FUCK YOU, YOU CUNT!" I hollered. "I ain't NEVER had a cock in my mouth, & I AIN'T STARTIN' NOW!!!!"
    She slapped me in the face harder than I'd ever been slapped before, & it really hurt. & said: "Look here, asshole, YOU BEGGED to show Me how much you love Me, & vowed to let Me SHOW YOU how it feels to experience life the way I'VE HAD TO LIVE IT ALL THESE YEARS!!" "If you are gonna back out NOW, I'll just unlock you, then I'm gonna LEAVE, & you can save your cum for whichever hand you wanna use, you BASTARD!" "And, if Ya make me slap Ya again, it AIN'T gonna be your face, it's gonna be right in the NUTS!!"

    Tears came to my eyes as I begged Her: "Please don't leave. I love You more than ANYTHING, & I'm really sorry! Gimme that cock, I'll suck it if that's what You want me to do! If I suck it REAL GOOD, do Ya think I might get to cum?"
    "Well, don't Ya always cum when I suck yours?" "Are Ya good as Me, or ain't Ya?" She giggled.
    Then She said: "Since you've shown Me you can't be trusted, I'm gonna have to secure your hands. Gimme your wrists."
    I did, & She proceeded to lock my arms crossed above my head, leaving me TOTALLY vulnerable, & wide open between my legs for anything She wished to do to me from then on. I just kept my mind on sucking "Her cock" as good as I could using only my mouth.

    Then She gave me the sweetest massage with some kind of oil that made my whole body tingle all over. She spent plenty of time working my balls & cock until I thought I would cum, but She refused to take me over that "edge". Then She focused all her attention on my wide open asshole, generously lubing me up, & making me wince & drop the cock from my mouth as She slipped first 1, then another finger up inside me. "Howya doin' Pooh?" She asked. "Are Ya OK? Just relax, Ya KNOW I love Ya, & everything's gonna be JUST FINE."

    My eyes got big as saucers when I saw Her take the biggest cock attachment out & fix it to the harness, then fasten that big wanger to Her waist! I pleaded with Her: "Please, I BEG YOU, Sweetheart, DON'T DO THIS TO ME!!!!"
    "SSSShhhh, just relax." She said. "It's gonna be OK, ain't that what Ya told ME back when you "busted MY cherry"? Don't worry, I LOVE YOU. Everything's gonna be JUST FINE, you'll see!"
    "Pullleeeezze, Tiggsie, Dear God, I CAN'T FUCKIN' TAKE THIS!!" I screamed, as the tears streamed from my eyes like a waterfall.
    "It's gonna be OK, now just try to RELAX!" She said. Then I felt the head of the strap-on start working against my asshole. I was "squinching" my sphincter hard as I could when She softly said: "It'll hurt worse if you don't let loose & let it go in naturally." She gave my testicles a quick but firm squeeze, & that made me forget to keep up the squinch. When I did, I felt Her go inside me.

    Now, I'm crying like a little kid who just fell off his bike & ruptured his nuts & skinned his knee at the same time! I felt Her slowly but surely slide that big thing up into my "man pussy" until it wouldn't go in any farther. "Oh God, Tiggsie, You're fuckin' KILLIN' ME!!!" "I can't take any more, PLEEEEZE, I BEG YA, take it OUT!!" She then began ramming that thing back & forth inside me like a pile drivin' jackhammer! I'd MEVER felt pain like that, & was cryin' my eyes out. I looked at Her, & could see a smile start to cross her face just as it felt like I'd pissed myself! She slowed down, & said: "I'm gonna take My big cock out of Ya now, MISS ME!!!"

    Still crying like a baby & feelin' the worst hurt I've EVER endured, I asked: "Why'd Ya have to DO THAT to me??? I THOUGHT You were gonna let me CUM, & now I've PISSED MYSELF!!"
    "It's gonna be OK, Ya KNOW I love you, don'tcha? Here, let me give Ya somethin' that'll be good for what ails Ya!"
    "What's that?" I asked. She produced a soup spoon & ran it across the wet area on my belly & said: "Take this, & swallow it."
    "I ain't swallowin' no PISS!" I exclaimed between sobs.
    "It ain't piss. Now swallow it!"
    "Nope, never did, & NEVER WILL!!"
    She gave me a solid backhand swat to the testicles & said: "I TOLD Ya I wasn't gonna slap your face again! Do Ya want Me to LEAVE?? You KNOW I love you, & it won't taste THAT bad, I PROMISE!"

    As the pain began to radiate from my balls upward to my stomach, I started crying even harder. She brought the spoonful up to my mouth, grabbed my balls again & said: "The choice is all YOURS." I opened my mouth & She fed me a spoonful of the thickest, stringiest, milky white sperm sauce I've produced in a long time. As I started to gag on it, She squeezed my balls harder until I dutifully finished swallowing cum (mine or anybody's) for the very first time! When I was done, I felt totally violated & degraded, but I had to admit, the cum didn't really taste that bad!

    "Good Boy." She said. "I think we've made some progress tonite! Remember that afternoon when you took My Virginity? Well, judging from your tears & the blood, I think you just gave me YOURS!!!" Then She said: "I AM truly sorry, though."
    "What are You sorry about?" I asked between those "hiccups" that come after you cry too hard.
    "I'm REALLY SORRY I couldn't leave Ya with something up inside you that will weigh about 8 pounds when Ya gotta shove it BACK THROUGH that hole 9 months later!!!! You KNOCKED ME UP that first time & I was ONLY 15!! But don't worry, you KNOW how much I love you, & everything's gonna be OK. It'll be better NEXT TIME!! Now I'm gonna unlock you so you can get your whinin' ass out of bed & MAKE OUR SUPPER!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!"

    To be continued*****
    I'll talk about what happened afterwards, & the effect it had on my thoughts & feelings next thread.
    Multifaceted Moi likes this.
  2. spider202

    spider202 Long term member

    Sep 11, 2010
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    Thank for telling us how things are going between your self and your master,looking forward to the next chapter..... Spider
  3. Lucy

    Lucy Lucy X

    Jul 6, 2011
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    Poohbear - sounds like an interesting journey ;-)

    But be sure not to moan at Tigger too much or she might call you whinney the pooh ..... ;-)
  4. Dumb1

    Dumb1 senior member

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    No-one could ever accuse either of you of mincing your words could they? such a colorful use of the English (loosely) language! lol
    great fun though look forward to hearing further details but must just find a more informative dictionary than the one i have at the moment.
    slave stroppy;)
  5. bigpaul

    bigpaul New member

    Dec 31, 2012
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    Great story
    Multifaceted Moi likes this.
  6. Multifaceted Moi

    Multifaceted Moi Stop with the fantasy and build the reality.

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I loved this! Although my experience penetrating K for the first time was vastly different, I always enjoy reading how others are introduced to pegging. I look forward to reading the next installment!

    bigpaul likes this.
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