I am afraid of my sexual activity

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by dragos, May 9, 2024.

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  1. dragos

    dragos Member

    May 4, 2024
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    I wanted to discuss who comes how often and how well they endure Chastity.

    About 10 years ago, I tried Chastity with my wife. We went from a plastic belt to an iron tube with PA. This experiment took about a year and for the last 3 months, I was locked 24/7. Since I learned to keep the device perfectly clean, there was no need to take it off.

    However, I can't say that the experiment was successful, and one day I asked my wife to give me the keys, and I was so clearly disappointed in the experience that she immediately understood that this was not the moment to refuse me. After that, we did not return to the topic of Chastity until the very last moment.

    There was a lot of good in those 3 months that I spent locked up: we had a lot, as written in sexual fantasies on the internet. A beautiful and inaccessible wife, games, humiliations, punishments, dirty talks. But there was one moment that spoiled everything and ultimately ended it, and I was the initiator, although my wife suffered more damage than I did.

    So, the problem turned out to be my sexual drive. The thing is, I usually masturbate 2-3 times a day. If I don't come for more than 2 days, I start to genuinely physically suffer and hurt. This condition even has all the symptoms of illness: my temperature rises, I sweat, my cheeks burn, my head hurts, and my arms and legs start shaking as from weakness. Meanwhile, my penis constantly leaks. In such a state, it is difficult for me to think about anything other than relief. I thought this was a normal condition for a young man and I just had to wait, satiate myself with masturbation, get more cares and problems and then it would become easier. But youth passed, and my sexual clock did not change. I still want to come 2-3 times a day, which I do in the bathroom, as if brushing my teeth.

    This particular feature of mine significantly spoiled our experience in Chastity. It turned out that there is no threshold after which I would become calmer and resigned to Chastity. I increasingly bothered my wife with requests for attention. Any, whatsoever: to give her a massage, go for groceries, kiss, spank me for something, etc. It was clearly hard for her to endure, I noticed. From a good husband, I turned into a half-crazed maniac who constantly leaked, could not think of anything that did not involve a penis. I didn't like it myself, I thought of my wife and did not want to be in her place.

    The worst part turned out to be that there was never a moment when my body adapted. Every 2-3 weeks I began to orgasm just from sexual thoughts and a slight sway of my device. These were big, strong orgasms, not ruined ones as often written about online. The only difference was that after these orgasms I felt relief for only a couple of minutes, and then I was again in the state of a half-crazed excited maniac. Nothing helped. My wife learned to spank me seriously, so I was really afraid to disobey her, I learned to milk my prostate, I kept myself busy with physical activities and chores around the house. But still, I remained an annoying maniac, shivering like an addict.

    I really disliked this feature of mine. And therefore, neither my wife nor I were against ending it.

    However, the Chastity kink remained, and the desire to try again gradually formed inside me. We decided to try a second time now. It won’t be possible to start right away. My PA has significantly decreased and I will have to stretch it for about a year again. We will have to order a new chastity belt, the old one we threw away.

    This time we decided not to place restrictions on my masturbation. We will see what comes of it. Maybe, if I'm not in a state of an addict maniac, this time everything will work out. I am also curious to see if it will be possible to learn to masturbate in the device not once every 2-3 weeks, but every 1-2 days. The fact is that I have figured out quite well what the sizes and shape of the device should be to make it very difficult to climax. And last time I successfully reduced the frequency of masturbation from 1 day to 3 weeks. I hope that I can find such a balance, where on one hand I can masturbate often enough not to turn into a maniac, and on the other hand, the orgasms will be unpleasant enough to still want attention from my wife.

    I have a question. Have you experienced something similar? Do you have such symptoms from abstinence: trembling, temperature, red cheeks. How often do you need to come? How do you manage to maintain a balance between a normal drive and sexual preoccupation?

    This time I want to be more sensible about the Chastity experience and I still have plenty of time before a chastity belt is on my penis. So there is an opportunity to discuss this with other people and find out how unique or common this problem is.
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  2. Spankuuuu

    Spankuuuu Long term member

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    Sounds like the key holder needs to take more control. When you are released hands may need to be cuffed behind your back, so you are not tempted. When I get to a frustrating point of wanting an orgasm, Mistress cuffs my hands behind my back and I am released from my cage and then I am told I have a certain amount of time to be free and I am aloud 1 orgasm in that time if I can achieve it and Mistress has to be able to watch. Not an easy task. After the time is up I am locked back up and if I failed at my task given then I am punished with a spanking. It does helps with the frustrations especially for next time.
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  3. OrdinaryGuy

    OrdinaryGuy Long term member

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    Your idea is not good, in my opinion. Masturbating whenever you want is not chastity in any definition. When your done and wear the cage, you are just also sexualizing your refractory period. You are using "chastity" for constant sexual simulation. And your wife will again be serving you and your constant desires.

    I don't know why you are trying to go for weeks or months. Respect your KH. Don't masturbate. And start with lockups that give you a release nearly every day. The device will keep you from masturbating without her. Eventually get to a point where you only get to cum once or twice a week. That's not only a substantial reduction, but you should aim to eliminate masturbation (which is a big step).
  4. boo

    boo Long term member

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    sounds like quite a problem, could be hormones. While you wait to stretch your PA and a new cage to arrive, why not try a KTB from Male Chastity Now? I think that will provide a change in mindset, and will certainly take the fun out of things. If nothing else you'll gain some humility as you will learn all about heartfelt begging of your wife for the keys. You'll quickly learn not to pursue orgasm and your 'suffering' will cetainly be redirected.
  5. Mr_anonymous

    Mr_anonymous Long term member

    Oct 16, 2023
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    How are you going to practice chasity and cum whenever you want? The cage is basically an accessory at this point and in no way serves its purpose.
  6. dragos

    dragos Member

    May 4, 2024
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    I'm sad that I haven't found anyone with a similar problem. I feel lonely. My wife and I have talked about this, but she's not a man; she hasn't experienced this.

    I want to emphasize again that I am an adult man who has long learned to endure. And it's not whims, what I wrote in the first message. Prolonged abstinence (more than 3 days) overly focuses me on the need for release. It's hard for me to work, hard to communicate with me, I show all the signs of illness.

    I would love to practice Chastity with my wife in the classic sense: long abstinence and release every 1-2 weeks (or less if punished). But this is not possible in our case.

    Therefore, I wanted to approach this experience more openly, to experiment. And at the same time, seek advice on how others deal with hyper-fixation, if they experience it.
  7. Fhex

    Fhex Member

    May 15, 2023
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    Hi Dragos! It's been a while since I posted here. Last year, my girlfriend and I started practicing chastity. At first, I was really immersed, and we gradually increased the duration from one week to two, then to three weeks. However, when we reached the goal of one orgasm per month, I completely lost control. The drop was so intense that I started to feel desperate, and not in a kinky way.

    I've also posted here a few times about how I wasn't very open to giving up my other fetishes. I wanted to find a middle ground with my girlfriend and see how we could incorporate them. However, most of the responses I received accused me of "topping from the bottom" or of being overly focused on my desires.

    I recently read another post where someone described this forum as being full of "survivors," people who have managed to commit to chastity, at least according to certain standards set by others. So, if you express any dissatisfaction, you're often met with criticism.

    In my opinion, it's important to adapt chastity to suit both partners. It's a consensual activity, and even if you're interested in relinquishing complete control, the reality of practicing it can be quite challenging. Therefore, I suggest starting by gradually reducing the frequency of masturbation and trying to go without it for a few days. As someone mentioned here, it's a good starting point. I don't believe the ultimate goal should necessarily be to eliminate masturbation entirely if you're not comfortable with that. Perhaps you'll find that you enjoy periods of abstinence for a week or two, finding a comfortable balance with your partner. And if you ever stop enjoying it, you should feel free to stop, simple as that.

    I'm currently considering trying chastity again with my girlfriend. Last time didn't end well, and I have no desire to repeat that experience. However, those months we spent practicing chastity keep replaying in my mind. After discussing it with her, she made it clear that if we were to try again, I would need to fully commit. For her, this means abstaining for two to three weeks, as she believes in the benefits of the post-orgasm refractory period. I'm still uncertain whether I can handle that, but I assured her that we've learned from our previous attempt and can address any issues that arise.

    She's given me some time to think about it, and after two months, I told her I was interested in trying again, but with certain limits and conditions. One condition is that if we decide to stop again, we won't give up simply because it didn't work out. I believe that with time and experimentation, we can find a balance that we both enjoy.

    As I mentioned before, I don't view my girlfriend as an all-powerful goddess whom I must serve unquestioningly. I see her as my best friend, someone I want to share experiences and enjoy life with. Therefore, chastity should be something that brings us both long-term enjoyment.
  8. JaySaysYes

    JaySaysYes I identify as someone that is always right

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    It's just a minor addiction, no more difficult to quit than coffee - which often results in a week or two of horrific headaches and other negative symptoms.

    Sadly. we make too much of a big deal of minor addictions and their symptoms.

    If you realy wanted to quit masturbating then you would.

    When we first started chastity and we went 30 days without using the key, I went crazy. Hot flushes, insane thoughts. I jiggled the cage and ejaculated a few times, which made me feel worse and ashamed.

    But it passed. I went from ejaculating around 7-10times a week before chastity to zero, and I feel stronger and better for it.

    It's not easy but it's not impossible either. Have faith in yourself and push through the discomfortto discover what is on the other side.
  9. Cecilia B

    Cecilia B Long term member

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    What happens with allot of guys is they finally confess their kink to Wife or Girlfriend and She says She'll try it. She might even say it sounds like fun.

    Then the guy tries to get Her to go all the way in it and fast. She just gets overwhelmed. Then it falls apart.

    Guys aren't the only ones, though. A couple of times I went too fast or too far with husband. I was so excited about it I forgot to consider him. I also went too far a couple of times. What worked best was going slower and letting him get used to everything. Early on, I tried to lock him up for a whole weekend. I kept him locked up but it didn't go so good. In those first days, I had to agree not to lock him up for more than 24 hours.

    Eventually, I gently prodded him into longer lock up times, 2 days here and there, then a weekend here and there then a whole week. When I'd got him to 3 weeks for a while, I decided to try a Locktober. Near the end, he was begging to be let out. I responded with a caning. But the whole feeling of power and Authority got to my head and even though I did let him out, I went too far after that and it almost cost me my marriage.

    The point is don't try to do everything at once and remember this isn't pornography, it's reality. Don't let it get to your head.
  10. Isopropylforyou

    Isopropylforyou Long term member

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    I have to say your symptoms that you had experienced from long lockups seem more like withdrawal symptoms.

    For me, I was addicted to masturbation, not just the motion of it, but the endorphin rush I would receive at the end of it.

    When I stopped masturbating and the time between orgasm lengthened, I did notice symptoms such as yours. Irritability, minor body aches l, obsessive thoughts. I do believe that I was and still am addicted to the endorphin rush I get from orgasm.

    Perhaps by slowly increasing the time between orgasms you'll be able to lessen the effects you are feeling.

    For myself to go from masturbating everyday 2 to 3 times a day, to once a week or once every two weeks was a huge adjustment and big step. I had often wondered and wished that We had gone a little slower and gradually increased the time between orgasms.

    Honestly, it was hell.

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