How To Put On A Birdlocked?

Discussion in 'Birdlocked' started by jvanalst, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. jvanalst

    jvanalst Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    So, I received a Birdlocked chastity device in the mail on Friday and have been trying to figure out how to put it on ever since. I have read all the the threads here under the same title, and the directions on the website but I haven't seen a solution that works for me so far. Like many, if not most, other people who have purchased the device I'm having trouble putting on the cock ring portion. What happens when I follow the directions is that once the first testicle is through the rather thick ring, the there's no slack left for the second and it decides to go MIA into my body cavity. From what little I've been able to gather from the intertubes, this isn't an uncommon problem but it looks like most people give up before figuring out.

    I've spent roughly four of five hours trying different things and I've pretty much run out of ideas. Any thoughts? Anyone have similar experiences? I'm certainly trying to give the device my all before I review it, but at the moment it's looking like a pretty strong thumbs down.
  2. jvanalst

    jvanalst Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    So here's what worked for me... You'll find below a write up based on the manufacturer's instructions with my own going off rails (right on the first step).

    1. Before putting on the sheath, we recommend you lubricate the inside of the ring and sheath to make the introduction easier.

    1. Tie a length of shoelace around the base of your private parts, wrapping it around several times tightly. This will prevent your testicles from receded back into your body cavity.

    2. Lay the sheath down flat, so that a tip of the triangle points to your navel. Slip the testicles through the ring. This gets significantly easier with practice. Generally pull one through, tug a bunch of extra skin through and the gently push the other up. With the shoelace tied tightly enough it should just naturally slide through the ring.

    3. Next, slip the penis through the ring, and replace the ring in its normal position. Before inserting the shaft remove the shoelace. I found the squeezing the ring (top to bottom) and deforming it into an oval helped to prevent my testicles from coming free while this was done. Then lubrication to the shaft may or may not help you slide it into place. You probably will want to lubricate the inside the ring once it's one but before spinning it to its normal position.

    4. Lift the sheath and slide the penis inside. I found this particularly tricky to do without growing excited. Lubrication is a must. The plastic was very clingy. You should take the extra time here and get it right. It's possible to develop some ugly pressure sores if your skin bunches up, or if the skin pokes needless through the air holes.

    5. Place the closing straps and adjust them around the sheath held by the closing rivet

    6. Fix the padlock to the rivet and give your partner the keys.
  3. sissymissyct

    sissymissyct Member

    Apr 14, 2011
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    I found it very easy o put on.
    I coated the inside with vaseline and pushed my scrotum through by grabbing it with a paper towel to prevent slipping.
    While holding the scrotum in place, push the balls through from the back , again using a paper towel to help,
    The same for pulling the penis through
    Couldn't be easier
  4. jvanalst

    jvanalst Junior Member

    Apr 3, 2009
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    Unfortunately for me my testicles preferentially preferred to move towards my body cavity and not through the ring. I found the shoelace was necessary to prevent this, as doing it with my fingers alone simply didn't work both from a practical standpoint and from a pain management standpoint. The shoelace made it trivial.
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