Nov 15, 2015 at 10:29 PM
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Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
UK Midlands
Early retirement


Long term member, Male, from UK Midlands

I was going to remove my device to have a maintenance wash and shave (supervised, of course) but my wife has lost the keys! Nov 13, 2023

    1. iome343
      any news about your chastity?
      1. Jasmic68
        All the news is regularly updated in my journal. Right now I have been allowed to have an orgasm (after 2 months, 2 weeks and 2 days) and then been locked up again. My Wife is very happy!
        May 15, 2016
    2. Jasmic68
      Over two months since my last orgasm and I realised this morning that part of me still wants to be denied further. I must be crazy!
      1. View previous comments...
      2. joe01
        Doesn't a year just sound delicious? ;)
        May 13, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
      3. Jasmic68
        My Wife has just unlocked me from my Holy Trainer, made me think I was going to have an orgasm and then denied me. On my birthday!!! She is really getting the hang of this.
        May 13, 2016
      4. Redhead's Hubby
        Redhead's Hubby
        Looks like we're on the same schedule. Tomorrow will be 8 weeks for me with no orgasm. Mistress says another 6 weeks...maybe, and in one intense session the other day when I was servicing her she said I may never get to cum again. I must be crazy too. :)
        May 15, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
    3. Jasmic68
      Apologies to anyone I might have been abrupt to recently with my posts. I realise that my humour bas been fragile. I will try to be nice.
      1. jemima
        well you always been nice to me anyways.
        May 8, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
    4. Jasmic68
      I don't mind admitting that I am struggling. I gave my Wife control and she is taking over, but this isn't easy.
    5. Jasmic68
      I offered my Wife a chastity pause as real life is being awful and she is so stressed. But she said no, she enjoys it and wants to continue!
      Brianna27 likes this.
    6. rocket
      The quite private existence has been interrupted and i asked my wife if we could halt for awhile, she was not in favour of this so we had to find a way to make chastity work, even in those bitch moments, we did and i am glad of it. i wish you luck
      Jasmic68 likes this.
      1. Jasmic68
        Thanks for the support. I am just about to write my journal about how my Wife responded to my offer of a pause. Her response was she wanted to continue! I am speechless!
        May 2, 2016
    7. Jasmic68
      I am going to ask my Wife if she wants to pause with the chastity. Real life is being a complete bitch at the moment.
      Berni3000 likes this.
      1. jemima
        i very sorry that you have got a bad time.
        May 1, 2016
      2. Jasmic68
        Thanks Jemima. My Wife got very stressed this morning and blames me. I'm not upset and don't mind taking the blame, but I want to do anything I can to help her get through the next few months.
        May 1, 2016
    8. Jasmic68
      I had a nasty dream last night that my Holy Trainer broke. The end snapped off and my penis was flapping about. It was horrible!
      1. KatyTwilight
        OMG!! What a nightmare!!! ;-)
        Apr 30, 2016
    9. Jasmic68
      My Wife forgave me for ruining her rhubarb plant. I was allowed to give her an orgasm last night as I had been a good boy.
      Berni3000 likes this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Alceste
        I am not sure I would know how to ruin a rhubarb!
        Apr 27, 2016
      3. Alceste
        Now I read that you did it with a lawnmower. That is pretty extreme!
        Apr 27, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
      4. Jasmic68
        It was fairly terminal! And my Wife absolutely loves gardening as well.
        Apr 27, 2016
    10. Jasmic68
      Today I am being ignored because... I mowed the grass and didn't know about the rhubarb plant and mowed that up as well. Beat that.
      1. jemima
        it horrible when that happen. i once mow the grass and bumped it into a lovley flower and it died after.
        Apr 23, 2016
      2. Jasmic68
        My Wife was so cross with me she went upstairs and completely ignored me :-(
        Apr 23, 2016
    11. Jasmic68
      Ok, I'm not drunk anymore! This is why I only drink a few times a year at the most. Urghhhh...
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jasmic68
        Not too bad, and we finished work early at 13.00, so I am back in my hotel room and resting. And you definitely don't want to swap one addiction for another!
        Apr 14, 2016
        KatyTwilight likes this.
      3. jemima
        hangover is horrible. i sometime have one on a Saturday cos Friday my nite off and its like having a fuzzy head all day. i hope you get better quick jasmic. xxxx
        Apr 14, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
      4. Jasmic68
        That is very sweet of you Jemima, I am feeling much better now. I have had a sleep for a few hours and now my tummy is rumbling so I am going to find some food somewhere. I might even go for a run.
        Apr 14, 2016
        jemima likes this.
    12. Kir_S
      Fantastic profile picture! My favorite position as well. What device do you wear on your balls?
      Jasmic68 likes this.
      1. Jasmic68
        Currently I am in a holy trainer while I lose weight. Once that is complete I am going to get a custome device, not sure which, or maybe a full belt. The Neosteel Arch is my Wife's favorite.
        Apr 5, 2016
    13. Jasmic68
      I am at last back at home in Germany. Unfortunately my Wife has had to go straight to work so I am still waiting for a chance to please her.
      Luscious-Liza likes this.
      1. jemima
        well you can still make Her please with you when She comes back at dinner time and sees a nice clean house and the table lay for dinner.
        Apr 5, 2016
        Jasmic68 likes this.
      2. Jasmic68
        I made her a nice curry for dinner and made sure that the car was empty of all our suitcases, and put the first load of washing on. We are sitting together now listening to some music together.
        Apr 5, 2016
        jemima likes this.
    14. Jasmic68
      Today I drove past a place near Brighton called Cuckfield. It made me giggle.
      Errant likes this.
    15. rocket
      I feel your pain and the turnaround. Life or circumstances sometimes leave me feeling quite neglected, but then she does something unexpected and life is all rosy again.
      Jasmic68 likes this.
    16. Jasmic68
      My chastity funk is over after spending all day with my lovely Wife. My doubts have been well and truly banished. I am happy again.
    17. Jasmic68
      I am having a 'why did I start this' sort of day. I still have my emergency key and I am tempted to take my HTv2 off and chuck it out.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jasmic68
        I suppose my problem is the other way round, my life getting in the way of chastity, of letting it be 'interesting' and fun rather than just something I do. I think this is a backlash to my Wife proclaiming that chastity was something like cleaning her teeth, she just does it but doesn't talk about it. I just wish she would put as much effort into it as she does into cleaning her teeth.
        Mar 18, 2016
      3. OnTheEdge
        Ah but right now chastity with me is just 'something to do' but not for right reasons. Although you crave eroticism(!?) whereas I'm ending up with athleticism... (If it wasn't for endless fittings getting in the way of actual life goals).

        I suppose in a way the'fantasy' is that it becomes something you do. You hope that comes with playfulness and not just being forgotten about in the basement.
        Mar 18, 2016
      4. jemima
        oooh don't do it jasmic cos if you does you will be sad after.
        Mar 18, 2016
        Jasmic68 and OnTheEdge like this.
    18. Jasmic68
      Hoping this place comes back soon!
      1. maid_carrie
      2. Jasmic68
        That sounds promising!
        Mar 4, 2016
      3. maid_carrie
        All in hand now and enhanced stability for the future - got to be good!
        Mar 4, 2016
    19. Jasmic68
      After 33 days of denial I am still a week away from my longest period denied, but I am feeling particularly horny right now.
      1984marriedcouple and samwa like this.
    20. rhodry04
      Jasmic68 I have a question about your HT if you don't mind. I am looking at buying one and I think I'm in between ring sizes. I think I'm leaning towards the smaller size with the hope the somewhat flexible nature of the resin will allow it not to hold to tight. I hope you don't mind me asking.
      1. Jasmic68
        Unfortunately what they call resin isn't actually that malleable. It has got more comfortable over time but that is because my balls have stretched rather than the device changing at all. That said it has been incredibly comfortable 99% of the time.
        Feb 24, 2016
    21. Jasmic68
      The ultimate lesson in feminization. Tonight my Wife taught me how to balance a towel on my head after a shower!
      1. jemima
        having legs smacked for not keep knees closed when sitting was mine.
        Feb 20, 2016
      2. Jasmic68
        Men do tend to sit with their legs apart. I have to remember the same thing when I am wearing my nice lady clothes.
        Feb 20, 2016
    22. Jasmic68
      While we were watching TV last night my Wife placed her hand on my chastity device and smiled at me. It is the first time she has done that.
      LadyBlaze and rocket like this.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jasmic68
        Loving, happy, content. She does have an evil smile, but that usually comes out accompanied by a giggle when she is teasing me.
        Feb 19, 2016
      3. yanmaslanka
        I guess She owns You now ... how do You feel about it?
        Feb 19, 2016
      4. Jasmic68
        Very happy Yanmaslanka. And incredibly lucky. So many partners want nothing to do with chastity, so the fact she said yes means a lot.
        Feb 19, 2016
    23. rocket
      Just completed a year in mine, isn't it lovely when you finally find the right device
      1. Jasmic68
        It was the difference between actually moving forward with the FLR lifestyle and basically giving up. My Wife is so much happier and more relaxed than she has been in a long time, which is making me much happier as well. To say I am relieved is a huge understatement.
        Feb 12, 2016
      2. Jasmic68
        I am going to try a custom made metal device later this year but if the worst case scenario is I go back to the HTv2 I can live with it. In fact if it wasn't for the fact my Wife wants to try me in the Looker 2 and then the Neosteel Arch I would stay in the HTv2.
        Feb 12, 2016
    24. Jasmic68
      Tomorrow is my third monthiversary of wearing my Holy Trainer. I am so relieved that it has been successful. No going back now.
      LadyBlaze and pim_eke like this.
      1. xcitedsisssy
        So nice to hear when everything just seems to fall in place.
        Feb 11, 2016
      2. Jasmic68
        Thank you. I feel so lucky with how things have gone, I can't believe how well my Wife is doing as my keyholder.
        Feb 11, 2016
      3. Jasmic68
        TODAY is my three monthiversary. How brilliant is that! And I have been in my HTv2 for an 11 day stretch quite comfortably. Things are getting better all the time.
        Feb 12, 2016
    25. OnTheEdge
      Whoa - that's quite am arresting profile cover picture you've uploaded now. Though not sure if I'll be able to look at a chocolate bar in the same way ever again ;)
      Jasmic68 likes this.
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    UK Midlands
    Early retirement
    My key is held by:
    My Wife
    Your chastity role:
    • Submissive
    Chastity devices:
    a Cheap metal one off a Chinese website
    Chastity resume:
    12 November 2015 - the HTv2 arrived and things started properly
    I joined the Mansion at a point where I was very new to chastity but also determined to make it work. Chastity has been a complete revelation to me. Unlike many people that I read about Chastity was never a fantasy of mine. My Wife had no issues with me masturbating. The way it has turned into a fantasy that we live is a wonderful surprise to both of us.


    My Mistress is my Wife, my guide, my motivation and the best thing that has ever happened to me.

    2020 we moved country and everything changed.
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