Last Activity:
Jun 1, 2020
Jan 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM
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Local Time:
4:27 AM
Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
Near Tomar, central Portugal


Master of a haven for congenial, kinky friends., Male, from Near Tomar, central Portugal

Making great progress in the building work, with the help of a locked and well-trained yard boy Sep 28, 2019

Guy was last seen:
Jun 1, 2020
    1. Guy
      Making great progress in the building work, with the help of a locked and well-trained yard boy
      1. Guy
        We laid the final section of concrete floor over the underfloor heating pipes in the gentry kitchen and breakfast room today, a stage I've been working up to for months.
        Sep 28, 2019
    2. MissyB
      Glad to see you posting more frequently recently. I always enjoy reading your point of view on subjects and often feel more educated on them afterwards. I also like feeling I know you better as you give your preferences on subjects like discipline. Hope your project is going well.
      durango_o and Guy like this.
      1. Guy
        Its going well, but all too slowly! I guess I like to pass on what I can, whilst allowing folk to put the value on my advice that they paid for it!
        Sep 25, 2019
    3. Miffy
      I was paraphrasing RAW paraphrasing the buddha!-Praise Bob!
    4. jemima
      thank You ever so much. i been doing cleaning a long time.
      Love2blocked likes this.
    5. MissyB
      You certainly sound like an extraordinary man, someone who not only knows how to wield power but deserves to be given it as well.
      sissy_connie and Guy like this.
      1. Guy
        Well I hope so, and there's a couple of dozen 'girls'* and a half dozen or so 'boys'* who seem to think so, and enjoy being under my authority, and in my service, some for three decades. (* All adults of course, some old enough to be my mum or dad!)
        Jun 17, 2019
        sissy_connie and MissyB like this.
    6. Guy
      Making progress creating communal spaces for free 'gentry' upstairs, maids and 'yard boy' servants and slaves downstairs!
      durango_o and sissy_connie like this.
    7. Guy
      In Portugal, knocking my place into shape with a sledgehammer, jackhammer and lots of help from my friends, now the good weather is here.
      durango_o likes this.
      1. jemima
        its lovley and sunny here as well today.
        Apr 20, 2018
    8. Guy
      In UK, meeting friends, back in Portugal in March, then looking for help there.
    9. Guy
      Back in Portugal, reunited with my kitten, planning drains, foundations, a video studio and dungeon.
    10. Guy
      Back to the UK, West London for 3 weeks, next week, May 23.
    11. Guy
      Now inviting maids, yard boys and other guests to visit!
      JiL likes this.
    12. Guy
      Now recovering back in Portugal after hectic 5 week UK tour!
    13. Guy
      Settling down on my little suburban farm, meeting local girls, locking them up and training them as maid. Life is good!
      lola_latex likes this.
    14. Guy
      Driving to Portugal today, in convoy!
    15. Guy
      Currently near Ocala Florida, back to Portugal on 7 April, then our Spring Pet-play Camping weekend in West Wales and back to Portugal!
    16. Guy
      Still stuck in London, hoping to finally move to Portugal and set up my own household again, this weekend.
    17. Guy
      Looking forward to moving to Portugal and setting up my own household again, this weekend.
    18. Guy
      Looking forward to moving t Portugal and setting up my own household again.
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  • About

    Location: (Country, Region - and perhaps even City?):
    Near Tomar, central Portugal
    Your chastity role:
    • Dominant
    Chastity devices:
    A few, for those who want me to be their Master or Keyholder
    Most recently updated March 2019

    Male 'Head of Household' looking for servants, slaves, other congenial and well-mannered friends of all genders and orientations to visit.

    Single by choice, not usually alone, there may be other staff here or guests.

    The only Mistress of the House I'll accept is my real, furry, feline kitten!

    I've made my decades-long dream of creating a Tawsingham haven for like-minded friends real, here in central Portugal near Tomar.

    I offer free accommodation and food, if you'll pitch in and help.

    I am real, I have made kinky events happen in the scene for nearly 30 years, in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, for all genders and orientations.

    I meet-up and I don't mess folk around! I am trans- and cis-woman friendly. I'm not the usual sort of cishet Dominant or a 'tranny-chaser'!

    I visit the UK, based in West London, occasionally.

    I welcome all visitors, old friends or new, man, woman, sub, Dom or switch, gay or straight, so long as they are congenial and well-mannered.

    My many trans friends tell me that I am that rare sort of man, who treats all women as women.

    Not as fragile 'ladies', as women, and with respect.

    If not always gently, sometimes a degree of control, discomfort, humiliation even pain, can be fun!

    I can train maids, based on decades of experience doing just that with Miss Prim at Muir Academy.

    See this 'blast from the past':

    This is also very close to my preferred style of service, should you wish to be in service with me:

    Or role-play as human-puppies, -ponies, -piggies, slaves prisoners, maids, adult children, even adult babies.

    Or whatever we can agree to create together.

    Lisbon is the closest airport, Porto is next closest.

    I do nothing that is illegal, immoral, sleazy or fattening, (except the last perhaps in pig-play).

    I'm also looking for folk to join me out there semi- permanently as housekeeper and maid, gardener, caretaker, yard boy, builder, secretary, etc.

    I've a wide circle of friends and I am always looking for more.

    Most of those who've been in service tell me that experience matters more than gender.

    They'd prefer someone like me who understands the relationship well, in all the many aspects.

    To a Mistress who doesn't, as many don't, frankly.

    Cooking, computer, building, secretarial, recording, filming, editing and gardening skills an advantage.

    Poultry-keeping may be useful too.

    Your age could be 18-75, most likely 40-70.

    You may be cis-female, a cross-dresser, transwoman.

    I'm not fussed I'll treat you all as women.

    I'll consider a man as 'yard boy' or similar!

    It may be a good opportunity for transition!

    I'd prefer to meet for a day in Lisbon or Porto first.

    Then a week or three at my place in Portugal.

    Thereafter a contract negotiable for a contract period of 6 months at a time.

    My limits are no scat, blood, animals; nothing that will adversely affect your health, wealth or public reputation!

    I'm experienced, you don't need to be so long as you're willing to learn!

    I do not demand or expect sexual service.

    Though it may be available for those that seek it.

    But what I seek is service, not sex, though when sex works, that can be good too.

    There will be other opportunities to e.g. try all play roles listed above, etc.

    If you want to include that, your sexual preferences should include men; bi- or pa-n are an advantage.

    I'm not looking for monogamy or 'a relationship'!

    I’m settling into Portugal. It is now home.

    I love the place, people, climate, food, drink, prices …

    Perfect sandy beaches, with beer and ice cream at reasonable prices.

    I’ve recruited help too, t-girls to help with chores, for the pleasure of being a woman.

    I seek more, as each is different and precious in her way, and there’s much to do.

    Especially if I can find one to help turn my new place into the welcoming community I seek to create!

    Or do some basic plumbing or joinery to use the place to even better advantage.

    I've maid dresses (Alexandra D60) in UK dress size 8 to 26.

    Plus aprons, headscarves, wigs, bras, silicone inserts, chastity device, shoes.

    And working clothes, trousers, shirts, overalls for male-presenting helpers.

    So bring your own, or borrow something from me, if you’ve none.

    I've lots of interest from girls from all over to come and be trained as a maid.

    Maybe some will come for a week or two’s trial, to join me for a longer stay later.

    Or just come out here and be a ‘lady of leisure’ maybe get a ‘bikini tan’.

    So work here as a servant, in the house, garden, outbuildings whilst here.

    Or idle as a guest, unless I owe you for services rendered, put some money in the kitty.

    I’m not doing it for the money.

    I am lucky enough to be able to afford the life.

    I’m happy enough too with my own company, and that of regular or occasional visitors.

    I've run an event in North Portugal to do human-puppy, -pony play and I'll be an annual event.

    To help bring people together, I’ll have a low key programme planned once I have the place in basic shape.

    First weekend in a month here I’ll bring t-girl maids and those who appreciate them.

    Second will be for human puppies in my kennels for training, ponies in my stables, etc.

    Third will be for corporal punishment, adult school, (adult) littles, etc.

    Fourth for typically in the closet crossdressers living as a lady of leisure for the duration.

    Just to try and match ‘like with like, but no guarantee there’ll be anyone else!

    Maid training any time, ‘on the job’ as it were.

    I’m happy to discuss consensual ‘abduction’, ‘kidnap’ or ‘prisoner’ scenes.

    My kink is making my own, or your, fantasies real.

    Especially when we seek complementary roles.

    I’ve what's planned to be servants' quarters with a room as the ‘servants hall’ where they can eat and relax, too, maids' dormitory housekeeper's bedroom and kitchen.

    So, if any of that is of interest, do please get in touch!

    What's not on offer is anyone becoming my ‘one and only’ wife or girlfriend.

    I’m sticking by all those whom I already have as girlfriends, friends, slaves or servants!




    Master of Dragao Verde, Tomar central Portugal, where you can be whatever you want to be - if you can take the consequences. More info, photos:
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