Deep breath. And... relax. Here goes

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by longtallsally, May 1, 2022.

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  1. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    This morning while MyPete was in the shower, I took out Dora and Big Bear and left them on the bedside table. I didn't say anything about them, but I knew he'd notice. <evil grin> Sal
  2. NowIveDoneIt

    NowIveDoneIt Long term member

    Jul 8, 2022
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    I have come to the realization that chastity amongst a healthy couple can often be equally frustrating. It is like both, are in a way, punishing themselves. My wife has pointed that out to me, how she just wants me to take her at times. But we have a cage in a way...
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  3. astronomical88

    astronomical88 New member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    It’s amazing, apparently I’m not alone in the fact that when my wife locks me in a cage, I gradually switch to her breasts.
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  4. Huey

    Huey Member

    Jan 10, 2020
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    Cant wait to hear how thing progress with Sal Mega Domme.
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  5. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Oh dear. I think I've misjudged and made a mistake. Excuse another long post. A lot has been happening.

    Last night I was still feeling that I wanted the sensation of being filled and yet it felt too early to unlock. Having him wear a strap on or sheath is something that he has described as 'beyond mindfuckery' which makes me enjoy it more than I probably otherwise would. The sheath isn’t quite as user-friendly but doesn’t require fiddling around with straps, so I chose that. I unlocked him and asked him to go and tuck himself into it. It’s fairly rigid and pretty insulating, but I put a little dab of cream (we call it ‘numb-numbs’ – haha) just to be sure.

    That would normally have been quite enough, but wanting to push the limits a bit, after extended and very happy kissing, I’d had what I thought was a great idea. When he returned, looking extremely sheepish and embarrassed, I asked him to go and sit in the measurement chair with legs out over the arms as usual. He obviously expected me to take off the sheath to be measured. With my stomach literally doing flips, I just gave him the tape measure and asked him to measure it just as it was. He gave me such a look – a combination of frightened rabbit and upset but also, I thought, kind of excited too – that I nearly gave in. Instead, I just said stared him down and said, ‘Let’s do the length first’. I wrote it down, then I asked him to do the girth in a couple of places and he wrote those down. He was literally trembling! I poked a bit of fun at his handwriting and thanked him for doing that for me.

    We had a long kiss on the bed and I asked him how he felt. ‘Out of control’ – and I felt in charge again. I told him I quite like it when he feels that way. I told him that I wanted to feel filled. He knew I wasn’t about to remove the sheath so he just said he would try to take it nice and slowly, which he knows I like, especially with a sheath or a strap-on. He was so eager to please that I nearly let him get on with it but I just popped him on his back and told him that he didn’t have to judge the speed or depth, because I would do that. Being on top with him wearing the sheath felt ok physically – to tell the truth not absolutely amazing and I couldn’t really get the circular grindy motion that would be properly satisfying. But mentally it was just extraordinary – incredibly erotic and dominant in a way that was unnerving and absolutely thrilling. I knew that it was frustrating for both of us but the sense of power and control for me was amazing.

    After a while it started to get a touch uncomfortable so I sat him cross-legged on the floor, deliciously awkward in his sheath and asked him to watch while I while I, how shall we say, brought things to a conclusion. I am sorry to say, I’d rather lost track of how he was feeling at that point. If I’d been more sensitive, I’d have stopped there and brought him to bed for a reassuring cuddle and perhaps released him for a bit. But I was on a kind of high, a bit carried away with it all and to my shame, I made him measure himself (in the sheath) again and made a show of writing down the numbers, which were of course the same as last time.

    That had of course been the whole point and I’d thought I’d been clever again in making him fill in the blanks. But after we did that, and I’d brought him to bed, we were chatting and I could tell that something wasn’t right. I asked him what was happening and he said, “I feel a bit broken.” I could tell he was holding back tears and I suddenly felt sick with worry. I realised that the combination of everything we’d done over the last few days, along with my change in attitude had been too much, or at least too much too quickly. I said that this was new to me and that I was sorry if I’d misjudged. I asked him if he would prefer not to have the cage back on that night and he said that he’d prefer not. I said that of course that was ok.

    We chatted for a while and I made us hot chocolate and then we chatted some more. When we seemed calm again, he asked me what I had felt and I said that up until the point I realised I’d gone too far, it had been physically nice but not spectacular, but mentally I had lost myself in the feeling of power and dominance and that I’d found that scarily exciting. But that once I realised he was genuinely upset, I didn’t find that exciting at all. He found that reassuring. I asked him if he felt he could explain how he’d felt and he said, “mentally and physically smothered and totally out of control”.

    He said that when I’d asked him to lick the yoghurt off the mirror, that had felt very edgy indeed and he felt that over the last few days, everything I’d been doing had ratcheted up the tension, the humiliation and the feeling of being completely dominated. I told him that’s indeed exactly what I’d been trying to do but had no idea that I was being so effective! He said that being waxed intimately, while I watched and chatted with the guy doing it (who’d obviously seen all sorts before) was one of the most humiliating things that had ever happened to him. He said that the moment when I’d gripped his wrist and stared him down was incredibly powerful and that I’d followed up with ordering for him in the cake shop and making him eat an éclair. He said that even though nobody else would ever bat an eyelid, he felt he was on show and it was like performing oral sex in public. I thought he was joking and had to stop myself laughing as he continued. He said he’d noticed the Dora and Big Bear on the bedside table in the morning, as if to say ‘you can’t satisfy me properly, so I’m going to use these on my own’. Then there were quite a few texts from me during the day which had reinforced his feeling that I wanted more than he could offer, in terms of size (that thing again!) and performance (and that!). I reminded him that he’d wanted me to play on that kind of humiliation and that I’d been resistant.

    And then he said that making him measure the sheath was very difficult, followed by the ‘mindfuckery’ of having sex while being in the sheath but having no sensation there, and no control, just being taken in the most dominating way possible. He said that he had at that point begun to lose control of himself and that just when he thought it was all over, I’d made him measure himself in the sheath again, not only reinforcing all the doubts about size and performance but also making him realise that he wasn’t even capable at that point of calling a halt and saying no.

    We lay awake together for a while more and I reassured him as much as I could that this was meant to be a fun game, that I love him the way he is, and I’d got it wrong for both of us. Gradually I could feel the tension going and we just lay and kissed. I’m afraid I got a bit weepy. As we were about to put out the light he asked me to put the cage back on – just the ‘normal’ sized one. I asked if he was sure and he said that if I didn’t, he’d probably play with himself during the night so it was probably wise. And he gave that big goofy grin that makes my heart melt. After I locked him, he said he found the cage comforting (!) and that it had helped that we'd been able to talk and he could see that even after all that had happened we were able to have a normal chat. He fell asleep easily enough. It took me ages to get to sleep. I kept worrying that I’d overstepped and that the ‘size and performance genie’ was out of the bottle which I’d always been so careful to keep stoppered.And I worried that we might not be able to play as before because we'd both be scared we'd go too far. Worry, worry...

    He was subdued this morning and didn't respond to my texts quite as positively as he usually does. He's at his mum’s tonight (which had already been planned). I rang Laura this evening and she said that I was obviously a more convincing domme than I'd thought. She said this sort of reaction was quite common, that he'd be fine in a couple of days when he sees that our relationship can just carry on as normal, that he'll end up being rational and know that he's not really that small or lacking in performance and that I should worry less. But, I'm still worried and I’m feeling like I want a holiday.


    PS I find it very cathartic writing this.
  6. NowIveDoneIt

    NowIveDoneIt Long term member

    Jul 8, 2022
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    There are many things you can do to dominate and humiliate a man, but going after performance and size with your guy who has a (typical) strong emotional response to it is playing with fire over a pool of gasoline, or petrol as you would call it...
  7. Beyondheat

    Beyondheat Active member

    Nov 7, 2021
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    I know some guys get off on it, but I've never worried about size or wanted to play with it as an idea. I'm pretty sure I've not got a micropenis but it doesn't keep knocking against my knees either. After that, it'd only be a potential hang up on something I can't fix. I've never measured, but I'm honestly happier in ignorance.

    It seems for Pete as well, this is at least a different type of play. Who's in control, when can a guy be hard or cum, physical torment and mind games about those are amazing. Go to town. For me, size humiliation is a Pandora's box which is hard to close again, unlike all the others.
  8. NowIveDoneIt

    NowIveDoneIt Long term member

    Jul 8, 2022
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    Yeah- I think it is like if a guy said a woman was fat, or she "tasted" bad- that would be something that would FOREVER be in the woman's head, even years after the relationship ended. Belittling a man's manhood is right there with that...
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  9. bondinchas

    bondinchas Long term member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    The post sex chat will have gone a long way towards preventing the 'lifelong hangup' scenario. Knowing that you're playing the role rather than being uncaringly critical makes all the difference.

    If Pete was concerned that he might play with himself during the night then that's a double confirmation that the session was more positive than negative. Firstly that he perfers being denied, secondly that the evening made him feel aroused enough that he thought he might want to masturbate. I think you have the balance just right, it's enough to be powerful and a thrill for both of you, but still done in a very caring way. You wouldn't have written the words you did if you didn't care, and if we can see and understand that, Pete will have too.
  10. Zevon

    Zevon Long term member

    Jun 6, 2023
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    My roommate junior year said my now wife was a little overweight. Think she ever forgot that? When his wife seriously chunked up 2 decades later, she was beside herself with glee.
  11. SlaveBoy73

    SlaveBoy73 Long term member

    Feb 14, 2022
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    Coincidentally my wife still likes to see me eat a yogurt in front of her…usually a yogurt cup.

    it has added stuff in it.
  12. boo

    boo Long term member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    I don't think you went too far. Surrender is a process and not an event. Yes SPH is a little sketchy to begin with, but the greater fact is wrestling with your lack of 'manhhod'. What kind a man would allow his wife to do this to him? Why do i find it strangely exciting,? what's wrong with me? Simple male ego. It takes a while and continuous training to eliminate it. Male= ego, it's often at the base of our personality. I don't think you threatened his manhood, i think you threatened his manhood, big difference. And let's not forget, once he regrouped he asked for the cage. The cage a symbol of your power makes him feel safe. Your power, not the cage makes him safe.I don't think you need to stop, just slow down and adjust. It's apparent you both like the power exchange We're all worried about Pete, but what of you. You were soaring at finding your power at last. My guess is that is the very gift that he wants to give you. All gifts cost something In this case, for his wife to feel herself grow the expense will be his ego. To me, the elimination of self (ego) is a smal price to pay for a happy, satisfied life. For submission to be submission one must be "forced" beyond their comfort zone. Otherwise he remains in control and you simply become a fetish dispensor. Sorry if that sounds harsh, i have enjoyed your journey good luck.
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  13. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    Thank you for the messages of advice and concern! @Beyondheat, @bondinchas and @boo you've given me a lot to think about - the others too, for which many thanks.
    Things are much better again. WE had another good chat last night and I think the problem was basically too much all at once. The size stuff wasn't really the issue - as Laura said - he knows exactly where he is on the scale of size (blokes, honestly!) and he also know in hs heart of hearts that size isn't an issue for me, although just acting like it is, is definitely edgy. I think the issue was that with everything all at once, he was losing control of himself and got into a bit of a spin, or a swoon as the Victorians might have called it. I actually think that's rather sweet, and told him so.
    I asked him if he thought it was like falling off a bike as a child - you have a bad experience but everyone's advice is to get back on again otherwise you'll worry too much and it'll be worse later. He looked at me a bit frightened-rabbity and just said, 'maybe'. I knew he wanted me to decide.
    I asked if he'd be ok if I unlocked him and popped him onto the sofa, (kneeling in the position we use to get us both on track - chin towards the back of th sofa, knees apart, deliciously exposed and vulnerable.) Physically, it's a comfortable position for him - but mentally- especially once I'm holding him, we've found it's powerful stuff. But he knows I'm never going to hurt him - holding them is mental control rather than any kind of pain. He was fine about that.

    While he was taking his clothes off (I am always clothed when we do this) I went to the kitchen and put a dab of yoghurt on the hand mirror. I didn't show it to him immediately but just unlocked him and spent ten minutes or so holding him and being all sooothing and rubbing the base of his back. I said things things like, 'you love it when I take control' and when he rater eagerly agreed, I said that I do too. I could tell he was very excited, which felt nice for both of us. Then I said the stuff about falling off a bike and getting back on and just put the mirror on the back of the sofa, next to him. He looked a bit alarmed but I just held him - very firmly but absolutely not enough to hurt. He asked me what I wanted him to do but I didn't answer, just continued to hold him. Aminute or so later, he was licking the mirror. He was trembling a little bit and I made sure I sounded completely calm and just quietly said how erotic I find it when he's willing to give up control to me. I turned him around and we had a long, long kiss. I said it looked like he was ok (certainly excited) and he said tht it was edgy but ok.

    What I really wanted at that point was to make love and be filled by him, but I knew in his present condition he would come almost immediately and then have all sorts of performance anxiety as a result. We didn't have time for me to let him come and then go for round two later, which would have been the best thing. I said I wanted to reward him and he immediately looked like an eager puppy. He was completely aroused and hard. We've noticed that when he's depserate, he not only gets fixated by my boobs, but his own nipples get more sensitive than usual. I've done my best to associate nipple play with those times I allow him to come.

    Lying on the sofa now, just when he was getting close, I asked him to put his hands down by his sides and keep them there. It wasn't what I'd planned but I suddenly realised I wanted to have proper sex in a couple of days so he needed to be kept desperate, and so I decided on the 'RnR, route (ie ruined). I hate to sound boastful, but it's one thing I feel I'm really good at! I could tell he was on the edge and I managed to time it just right. I gripped his nipples and looked him straight in the eyes. I know that look of his - deperately trying to remain in control and not come. I let go of his nipples an just said "come for me, now" and I mentally counted. Eight seconds - it felt like forever!! - and we watched as it bubbled away. No big spurts or anything, just like a tap dribbling, but it went on for a while.

    We had a lovely shower together. He asked me how I was feeling and I said, truthfully, a bit frustrated but also very excited by me being in control. He said he felt the same. I said that fortunately I could do something about my frustration if it built up too much. And we wrangled him back into the cage together, which was lovely and intimate. And that was that. Back on a fairly even keel, I think.

  14. maid julie

    maid julie Long term member

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    That was your controlling outcome that I expected you would have. Go Girl
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  15. anasyrma

    anasyrma Long term member

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    I think you did fine. Don't overthink things (too much)! This is new territory for both of you. Enjoy the journey exploring it. No need to rush. I can relate to what Pete is feeling along the lines of "being used". That is OK and a good feeling. Many years ago I had a consensual affair with the wife of someone at work. On a long business trip we were renting a house and one morning when I was half awake she walked into my bedroom completely naked, ripped the bed clothes off, and without saying a word she got on top of me and used my morning wood to ride herself to orgasm. As soon as she finished, she got up and walked out, still without saying a word. I felt totally used by her, but I enjoyed every second of that experience! I gave her pleasure that she wanted from me. I would love to repeat that experience!
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  16. boo

    boo Long term member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    seems you and Pete have established your roles in life. I know you say only in the bedroom, but i believe that eventually you'll be a living FLR. You're seeing the joy to be found in a power exchange. Your mind and body are responding more and more to the power not just the scene. I suspect Pete is far more submissive than he wants to admit to.. I love how you talk to him when you play. Perhaps next time, have him admit to his desire to serve you at a deeper level. As a sub myself, there is a big difference in hearing her tell me i like it and another for me verbally admitting to my desires. I do believe that once again a little kink will create a fun more intimate life for you both. Congradulations for your loving spirit and desire to grow. We guys often forget how hard it is for most women to change themselves and adopt this lifestyle. No doubt the world needs more woman as loving and adventurous as you Sal, thank you.
  17. Sarah2023

    Sarah2023 Active member

    Sep 11, 2023
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    Wow, 8 seconds, we are not far from the England record which is 12.9 seconds, remember that the world record is still held by a French woman with 18.7 seconds.
    I never watch sports on television but when ruined orgasm will be an Olympic discipline, I will watch all competitions.
    I just checked, it’s not planned for the Paris games this summer
  18. SlaveBoy73

    SlaveBoy73 Long term member

    Feb 14, 2022
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    As a cum eating hubby I hope you made him eat plain yoghurt.

    mid you ever do decide to make him cum and eat it, mixing with yoghurt is a very easy transition and my wife still has me do it from time to time.

    If you ever DO ask him to eat himself, I recommend a nice flavoured yoghurt and have him ruin his orgasm for his first time.

    I can promise you that his response at eagerly eating the yoghurt means he secretly wants to be forced to eat his cum.

    hHe watches the same porn we all do. It’s highly likely the idea turns him on,-
  19. SlaveBoy73

    SlaveBoy73 Long term member

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    I honestly think he will be fine and in fact he is fine.

    it’s just new territory for him so it’s scary at the moment.

    Trust me, he will start to crave this.
  20. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

    Apr 26, 2022
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    I'm literally laughing out loud! Of course it's all about when you start the mental timer, and when you stop... :) Sal
  21. longtallsally

    longtallsally Long term member

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    I wouldn't say 'eagerly'! At the moment, I have no wish for him to lick the real thing (I find the thought a bit icky, though of course I realise that's just me and others may feel very differently!!) and I am pretty sure he really doesn't want to do that. But there's a delicious edginess in doing something that represents that thing. It's a bit like when I've worn a strap-on and he's taken it in his mouth. We both know exacty what that represents, and it's edgy and exciting, but neither of us wants him to do the real thing (I think). BUT... having said all that, there's quite a lot of stuff that we do now, and almost take for granted, that a couple of years ago (yes, it's our second chastity anniversary!) I couldn't possibly have thought we would ever do. People change. Sal
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  22. SlaveBoy73

    SlaveBoy73 Long term member

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    I know how you feel. It’s icky for me too. But the strange thing is that the more icky it is the more of a catharsis it represents when I submit.

    I didn’t say It makes sense lol
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  23. Siri

    Siri Active member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Taste depends very much with arousal state. Properly ruined, when I'm still left hard, taste is very arousing. In that state I would do anything. After orgasm taste is bad, but humiliation is stronger so both ways has bonuses.
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  24. M@rcellus

    M@rcellus Long term member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    There are times when I've felt completely out of my comfort zone, broken if you will. My gf like you is very sensitive to my emotions but will make me lick her feet, pussy or anus and we may relax out of the "scene" to talk about it afterwards. If Your Pete is anything like me he will welcome the training you give him. It was very honest of him to admit he intended to masturbate while you were asleep but I would suggest you move towards that not happening again. I am sometimes allowed to be free all night as long as my mistress is there but it would be a serious breaking of the rules if I were to masturbate whilst she were asleep.
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  25. Pronto Guy

    Pronto Guy Active member

    Feb 9, 2024
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    Wow! I know this is nearly 2 years old but I just read this for the first time. I would love for my wife to do the same. It's not likely but a very well thought out plan...Great job, Sally!
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