penis prisoners Journal

Discussion in 'Journals and blogs' started by penis prisoner, Nov 21, 2010.

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  1. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Hello its been a while since my last update. I had a great turn of events this last weekend. I have found a new KH to keep me locked! :D . I meet her through a friend on this site and she agreed to be my KH. It will be online only and it will be long distance but thats ok with me I'm just happy to be back under control of a Mistress! She is not on this site so I cant give her name out. She will be keeping my keys and training me with orgasm control. Mistress was very nice and let me out over the weekend to have an orgasm before we start my training. I relocked on Monday and will be locked for 3 weeks for the first session. I didnt make my month goal this time around but I have to obey my new Mistress what she says goes! It did feel good to be out and have a full erection and orgasm but I am so happy to be back in my cage where I belong! I feel pretty good so far and am not that horny or frustrated yet. I am going to work very hard to keep my Mistress happy and I really hope it works out beacuse I am very happy :D
  2. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Hello I have now been locked up just a few days over a week by my Mistress and have 3 more weeks to go. It is a diffrent. Feeling being locked by a Mistress and I am enjoying it so far. I sent my keys to her last week so I don't have control of them I was a little scared and excited at the same time. I was pretty horny and frustrated all week and wishing I could play. With myself but that's over now untill my Mistress gives me permission to do so. I am in training by her to get used to 24/7 lockdowns and I have been adjusting pretty well. I started with 3 weeks and after my first release I will do 4 weeks and so on. I still have a rough time in the morning with the morning wood and being extremely horny. Its hard to overcome the horniness but I have no choice being locked in the cage. I just have to ride the waves untill it calms down. I still do my exercizes when I get out of bed to burn off the frustration. Well I am happy though with my situation and will learn to cope with it. Take care everyone.
  3. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Hello well I am now 2 weeks into my 3 week denial period and am feeling pretty happy about being locked 24/7 now. Im still going through some rough periods of frustration though but am learning to channel it for more positive things than my own pleasure. I do find that I have more energy to do more chores around the house now that I am not masturbating anymore. i have noticed that my horniness level has dropped off some after 2 weeks witch is a relief im finding that Im not really feeling the need to cum as much either witch is a weird feeling. I have one more week to go on my inital denial period with my Mistress and she is going to reward me with a week of freedom witch is going to feel very weird after being in for 3 weeks. Mistress thinks I will relock myself before my week is up beacuse I will miss being in my cage so much! Well we will see! Take care everyone and thanks for reading my journal.

    penis prisoner
  4. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    I have now been locked up in my CB-6000s for 3 weeks! and I'm feeling pretty good about it. This was my first denial period set by my Mistress and I am so happy that I have completed it and made her very proud of me also! I am now waiting for the keys to arrive in the mail so I will remain locked until they arrive witch is pretty frustrating. Mistress has rewarded me with 2 weeks of freedom for completing my first denial period! and I am very excited to get free after 3 weeks to! I cant wait to stand up to attention and have a full erection and a great orgasm. I have gotten more used to being in lockup 24/7 over the last 3 weeks and am at the point that I really don't notice it that much anymore. my horniness level has dropped off during the last week witch is more relaxing. I am very happy that I have pleased my Mistress and made her proud of me she deserves a good and well behaved slave. i am happy that I have completed the denial without any problems my next detail period will be 4 weeks! and that will be challenging but I know that I can do it. Thank you Mistress you are a Godess!!!
  5. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Its been a while since I have updated my journal. I have parted ways with my KH so I am now self locked again. I just wasn't happy with the way it was working out so I decided to end it. I am not happy being self locked either so I decided to take a break from chastity for a while. I am also not sure how active I will be around here anymore now that Im self locked again. I probably don't belong here anyway I feel I have nothing left to contribute to the site. I am very depressed ver this turn of events but thats how it goes. I want to thank all of the great members that have chatted with me and helped me out . It is a great site and I did enjoy it. Take care everyone!
  6. HenkieY

    HenkieY Safely locked

    Mar 14, 2011
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    I'm sorry to hear things didn't work out for you!
    I hope you'll find a nice new KH in the near future!

    I have read your journal, only not commented on it a lot, but I did like it. Helped me understand and accept feelings I had myself. Reading I'm not the only one who has those feelings.

    Hope to see you around! Take care!
  7. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    Hi crinsane thank you very much for taking the time to cheer me up! I have appreciated your comments very much and I am also happy that I was able to help you. Yes the feelings we go through in chastity are not allways easy and sharing your experences on this site has helped me tremendously. i have decided to stay active here beacuse its such a great site and has caring people such as you are. Thank you crinsane for taking the time to let me know I am appreciated!!

    You take care as well! and see you around.
  8. penis prisoner

    penis prisoner Locked in steel

    Nov 6, 2008
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    This is my last post on this site. I have decided not to stay active here anymore I don't really want to go into all of the details but I am having personal problems and a bad case of depression. Also since the loss of my last KH I just feel very unwanted by everyone. I also feel that I dont belong here anymore and have nothing to contribute to the site any longer. I dont really fit in in life or with anyone so its time for me to move on. Depression is a horrible thing it can totally destroy your life and its doing a job on me. I wish things could have worked out diffrently but thats how it goes. Take care everyone and the people that did make me feel welcome here. Goodbye
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