Retaining Ring Sores

Discussion in 'Lori Devices' started by Headtrip, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Headtrip

    Headtrip Long term member

    Jun 11, 2019
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    Anyone else get abraisons/sores on top of your penis from the retaining ring in a Lori's? They appear to happen from the head swelling when aroused and pushing back (no room to grow but the head still does pushing shaft back into body a bit). The ring clamps down of course and any throbbing turns into abraison which shows up in some days. If I dont get excited much then can go much longer, but that defeats the purpose.

    The cage was oversized dia. at first which has been corrected. Maybe 1/8" gap, length wise, on a.cold day. Any larger ring pulls out easy. I tried ovalizing the retaining ring slightly to provide a bit more room on top. Base and gap fit snug. In short I think the size is about right.

    Not sure if the skin will toughen up eventually or anything else I can try, or if it is time to look at PA?
  2. lokdnsteel

    lokdnsteel Long term member

    Oct 15, 2013
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    I have a custom Lori 2A with retainer ring. It’s a beautiful and secure device and I’m really happy with it.
    I don’t get any skin irritation from the retainer on the top of my penis however I get an occasional pinch on the underside where the retainer ring and anchor post meet… somehow a bit of skin gets in there and I develop a sore spot on the underside of my glans. This has happened a few times and I have to take the retainer off but I can still wear the device without it. Thought my skin would’ve toughened up after a few times but I still have the issue.
    So I am trying to make my own retainer ring to where the metal does not meet one another on the underside of my penis if that makes sense. It takes a little bit of ingenuity but I think I’m on the right track. I will post on another thread when I have got this all figured out.
    My device is otherwise perfect in terms of sizing including the cage as well as the retainer ring.
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  3. bondinchas

    bondinchas Long term member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Many different things can cause abrasion when wearing a cage.
    The trick is to identify which, as solving the wrong problem doesn't work!

    Dry skin or clammy skin: Both can cause friction. Use some lubricant, anything. Vaseline, lanoline, skin cream. Use baby nappy rash cream if the skin is sore, it has ingredients to help the healing.

    A rough device: Scratches on metal or plastic, welds on metal, or mould lines on plastic can all be microscopically sharp. Use your tongue (much more sensitive than fingers) to detect the rough spots and rub them down with fine abrasive paper.

    Pubic hair: Hairs trapped between the ring and your skin can be aggressively abrasive, even if they feel soft to your fingers.clean loose hairs, trim long ones.

    Dried ejaculate on the cage or rings. We all dribble a little (or a lot) at some time, and when it dries it can be like varnish, hard to see but it forms a hard crust that is abrasive on skin. Use a scouring pad to really shift it.
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