LB made this for me from scratch, with two diamonds, two rubies, and the secure key part just like I asked for. We’re going into London to choose an appropriate chain for this. His reward for this? Absolute and complete denial for the whole of 2022. No unlocking (apart from IPL) no playing, no nothing for him. I’d love to see your sexy keys too. Please ask any questions if you want to know how this was made. M x
That looks really nice. He has a real talent for that. He should think about doing that as a side hustle. Iso.
Thank you for all the comments. It was quite hard to make and I did start with a steel key blank, which was almost impossible to find and order - most key blanks are silver or an alloy which wouldn’t be strong enough to actually use without snapping and would be tricky to weld. The steel key had to be cut and welded to a modified torx bit - I needed to find someone to do this for me as I don’t have the tools myself. The diamonds and rubies were specially ordered in a specific size (2 and 3mm) and were mounted inside silver bezel collars. The collars were then mounted to the key in position which was extremely fiddly and took practise! The whole key took a long time to make and sourcing and ordering all the bits wasn’t easy either. It sounds like quite an easy process, but was actually hard - I had to practise on rough pieces of metal first to make sure I could attach everything together properly without ruining to actual pieces!
I just ordered a blank for my wife from Shapeways. This should be interesting.
I have made several over the years, The last one was custom made by someone else and looks a bit more professional