Anyone that have some experience with a posture collar? Are they worth the investment and what does the dome get out of it?
I have a posture collar which I LOVE!!!! sorry, I have two... but one is really a neck corset - which i love also.... When getting a posture collar, consider the length of your neck as well as the circumference. While wearing one, you are meant to be firmly immobile in the neck area so it should settle under your jaw line but it should also be fairly comfortable ( unless you want red marks that is ). As to "Are they worth the investment?" - that depends if you like having your head 'clamped' into a certain position and/or whether your dominant like you being mobilized in that way. When used as part of a bondage scene - e.g. spread eagle on the bed/floor, the dominant may like the fact that you can not move you head so restricting your field of vision a lot... without a blindfold. If the subbie is moble, the look of someone holding their head up high is quite aestetic, even if they have no choice. Value is a personal thing.
I love wearing my posture collar it's so resrictive, feels great. Also looks good with my lovely PCV corset. In fact I'm wearing my posture collar in my profile pic, you can see how it lifts the head up. Also the Dom gets to see you looking proud and to attention plus it can be good for bondage scenes. We boaght a cheap 20 just to see what it was like, we really must invest in a proper made to measure one.
Very interesting. Hope I in some can convince my g/f get on. This one looks incredible: