Penis tube: Open or closed?

Discussion in 'Full Belts' started by blove, Sep 23, 2016.

  1. blove

    blove Member

    Sep 1, 2015
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    Hey all. I'm really close to purchasing my first My-steel belt. But the only thing I can't decide on is weather having an open or closed tube? I'd like to hear some others preference on this. Pros/ cons...Thanks for all your help!
  2. SteelPants78

    SteelPants78 Member

    Dec 14, 2013
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    What is your main concern, that you can touch the tip of your penis and masturbate?

    If this is your first high-end full belt I seriously recommend neosteel. I was also pondering between my-steel and neosteel and I'm glad that I spent few extra hundred €€ for neosteel one. With neosteel, no matter what belt you choose, you can't touch the tip of your penis. Even the regular male belt with open penis tube does not allow you to touch your member since there won't be enough space for fingers between the crotch plate and the penis tube. In addition, my-steel design has unnecessary extra steel plate part.. the crotch plate that is used for locking and the plate that goes underneath. And also, neosteel will sit much closer to your body. With my-steel there will be even a 0.5 cm gap between the crotch shield and the penis tube.. also the tube end will have a gap between the plate.

    Sorry, this was kind of "what android phone should I buy" question answered with a "get an iProduct" answer. But if you are willing to pay alot for a belt, pay a bit more to get it really right.
    Mascara^Snake likes this.
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