A big hello to you all from New Zealand. You can call me Gabby. I'm new here, and although not new to the life of kink, have noticed some changes just recently in my new marriage. I met my wife 2 years ago, found on a kink website, and in December last year tied the knot. About the last year, we got way to busy for playing around with our fantasies, so it was shelved.. until about a two weeks ago. A friend of ours (Also kink friendly) came over for a party we put on, and this friend got us thinking about our situation.... well, we've gotten back into our routine Mistress / sub roles since then. HOWEVER! last night i decided to tell my wife i was intrigued with the concept of chastity (I always have been), and we decided to do some research! I was promptly told that she loved the idea and would love to control me and force me to wear girls clothes by the use of a chastity device. Today at lunch, she brought it up again. And said she wanted to do it! So.. i thought it was time to join a group, and say hi.. tell you all where we are with things and ask for any advice you're willing to share? I'm currently looking at the birdlock, due to it being a little more flexible, and my job does take me out of town, ALOT, especially on planes. Unfortunately, being in NZ, freight is a killer, with the only known locally made chastity device (found yesterday) being the pheonix. Anyone tried that? Thanks all for reading my long post. Gabby :cat:
:welcome: to the Mansion gabby arty0019: I'm glad it's all going so well for you, but sorry about the lack of devices in NZ! Maybe there's a business opportunity there somewhere! Hope you enjoy the site, and let us know if you need any help. arty0042:
Hi and welcome. you are very lucky to have such a perfect mistress on hand. Whatever you do my opinion is you go straight for a CB6000. I wear it 24/7 to work and sport no probs. Birdlock is only getting started and the reviews are mixed. The CB is a bit more kinky and you can clib things to the ring etc. enjoy the journey. dubsub
The pheonix seemed like a good idea, but in practice it wasn't that good, and the service from the company sucked. I am currently in the birdlock and it fells/looks okay. To be honest, from severlayears of reading posts, getting a device that fits is a craps shoot.
Welcome to the site. We can't wait to read about your 'forthcuming' adventures as a couple. :happy0057: My advice is to not spend a lot of money for starters until you decide if you even enjoy it. Maybe you could even make something home-made out of PVC although it's easier said than done. Or perhaps wear some kind of tight locking shorts just to see what it's like to be all locked up and unable to actually touch yourself without someone else's permission - maybe for a long weekend where she has you under supervision? I fantasized about chastity for 8 years before buying a CB3k. I like wearing it in short spurts, but it's kind of a drag getting used to - ESPECIALLY under male clothes. :confused0068: But if I could prance around all day in lingerie or a dress (just not pants!), I'd be in heaven. I can't speak to long term wear, but many others here will share their comments I'm sure.
Welcome gabby - it seems you have found the right place - chastity is what this site is all about. If you look around, you'll find lots of good information about your impending chastity and feminization...
Wow.. what an awesome site.. you guys & girls & gurls & sissys seem really nice. Thank you for the nice welcome. And thanks for the advice already, yes, this has been an intrigue of mine for many years, and me and my Mistress Wife have played around this area for a bit. Hence, we've decided to purchase a device, start off slow, and see where we get to. Ms Tink's wand, thanks for your advice about the Pheonix. I've actually sent them an email asking for a different price since i live about 3 hours away, and they factor freight into their price to the other side of the world... however, if it's an uncomfortable device, maybe I am better off with another device. Here's my worry.. all the devices seem bulky.. now riding a motorbike regularly.. and traveling lots (including flights), i'm just worried about it being hard and noticable.. that was why the birdlock appealed to me, and more importantly, my Mistress Wife. Maybe I'll troll the site for reviews more. Has anyone run a poll with all the devices listed? For example: Birdlock - recommend, love it, comfy Birdlock - it's so so... not uncomfortable Birdlock - Wouldn't recommend Pheonix - recommend, love it, comfy Pheonix - .......... etc Just thinking that might be a good way to see what people think of each device? I'm just rambling now.. i apologise! :fighting0003: Gabby :cat:
I just purchased the birdlock after trying to make the CB3000 work for about a year. I also have a motorcycle, so the CB is too hard/uncomfortable with that. The Birdlock finally arrived saturday, it is difficult to get on, but comfortable once in place. I am working up to having it on for 24/7 and I think it will be fine. It doesn't adjust much at all, so it either fits your anatomy or it doesn't, whereas the CB comes with different size rings. I was going to purchase the CB6000, but took a shot at the birdlock. Good luck!
Yay.. My Mistress Wife is just signing up at this point.. I'll introduce you to her when she manages to log on! gabby:cat:
Hello everyone I'm Mistress.K Gabby's Mistress and wife. Kind of exciting to be going down this path again.. I've missed it very much. I made Gabby order a device to trial, so we could see how it looked and felt but ultimately I wanted to lock him up whenever the need arose.. Knowing that when he was out and about with friends or going into town without me that I would still be on his mind because my property was locked and bound.
Gabby, It's wonderful that she's going to join us. There are several really incredible Dommes here who I'm sure she'll enjoy becoming friends with as they seem to really be knowledegable with the lifestyle and friendly. On top of that, many of the regular subs and sissies are more than willing to be helpful when a chance occurs. (sometimes even too helpful) tom
I'm sure my Mistress Wife will love chatting to others about me... she seems quite happy we're taking this step... although i suspect it's the slippery slope of feminization for me... She's lying right next to me at this point, smiling at that last comment, and i can tell that she can't wait till i'm locked up and begging for her to let me out! gabby:cat:
Welcome Gabby & Mistress K. Need to be careful what you own up to when your both on here - Cobweb and I have an agreement that he is not supposed to visit The Mansion & I don't go where he does ! Does he stick to it ? Probably not ! Enjoy yourselves. Sounds like you're both into it from the outset which makes it easier - took me a while to adapt to it.
I'm a great believer in Ms. Lori devices ... that s what my husband wears. Problem is you need a piercing really and a lot of you men are afraid of it. So I suppose to start with the CB6000 is the best choice...
Thanks Mistress Kate for the advice. Me and Mistress K have talked about it.. and decided to both use this site, but with the knowledge that we can obviously read what the other is saying/asking/plotting etc. I think that's half the fun, as I believe Mistress K likes to see me squirm quite a bit.. and the sexual tension is fantastic, we both love it. But we'll keep your advice in mind, and if things seem to become a little too strange from both posting on here, we'll make sure that we sort it before it becomes an issue.. Thanks again gabby :cat:
Eek.. I think i'm really too scared of a piercing down there too... I got my nipple down about 8-9 years ago.. and it throbbed for 5 weeks... gabby :anim_03:
Gabby, my nipples hurt for some time after the piercing. On the other hand, I've had a frenum (once), and a PA (twice). In every case, the pain was less DURING the piercing, and nearly non-existent AFTER the piercing. It's really not a bad piercing at all. I'd wholeheartedly recommend any circumcised guy to go for it. So far as I can tell, uncircumcised have not had a lot of luck using a PA to secure a device. They might need a frenum instead. mikecb
Well.. I'd say lucky I'm circumsised... but I'm still not sure... but thanks.. at least i know it's not as bad.. cause i really don't like needles!! gabby :confused0046:
Hello Mistress K and Gabby! For one of you it will definately be a much improved life... ha,ha,ha!:anim_26: What is it with women these days? I see a sudden explosion of wifes/girlfriends locking their men in chastity devices of all kinds. To Gabby; Be careful! There is no way out of this. My wife now think it is best that I'm locked up every day. It starts innocently and after some time you are trapped. And you can't cheat on Mistress because she will notice! Good luck!
Welcome Mistress K. and sissy gabby! It is a pleasure to see another Dom Wife locking Her sissy hubby in a chastity device. You might start it for a trial but i am sure once Y/you tasted the sweet fruit of chastity and feminization it will turn into a lifestyle. Wish Y/you all the best and a deep curtsey to the Lady maid katrin
Hey all... Thank you for your lovely posts. Just thought I'd give an update, as Mistress and I ordered a chastity device this week. We purchased a guardian from Phoenix Chastity, as they are a NZ company, and due to being so close in proximity, we negotiated a good price. I will keep you updated when it arrives (it was posted yesterday, so Monday is expected arrival day), and will post a review. Also, Mistress K and I went to a drag show last night.. it was a theatre show called "La Cage Aux Folles", in which the night was a special dress up night. Had a ball, both Mistress and I went as drag queens, and i got many comments about my killer stilletto shoes.. Okies, will keep you all posted. gabby:cat:
Kia Ora Gabby, be keen on your thoughts on the phoenix , my wife is "interested" in one, she currently has me locked in a cb 2000 or 3000 at the moment. and ya know the adds ... buy local where's you hail from? feel free to PM me if you dont want to go public:confused0068: