It's that time again - time for New Year's Resolutions. They are always fun to share - and the best part of doing so publicly is that it's a bit harder to go back on them... Peer pressure is a strong encouragement. As for my New Year's Resolution........ I will try harder to provide encouragement to all the sissy gurls in their chastity and femming. I'm not sure yet exactly how.. but I have a few ideas...
You do a wonderfull job keeping track of all the sissies here. Your advice is invaluable. :happy-new-year-046:
My main one would probably be to lose some weight so I can look more femanine and then work on becoming more femanine all round.
Dear Miss D, I have to sign a contract with the Misses tomorrow. 1st one for us. Here is a short breakdown of my resolutions, ake, requirements!!! 1st. No orgasms without required weight lost. 2nd. Spending more time lock-up, I get paid for time locked, too buy Tanya things. Also the Mistress gets paid for me being locked, more than I of course. 3rd. Working on making Tanya the best she can be, too please Mistress. 4th. The most important, Making my Mistress's life the best I possible can. This is just some parts, soon I will post the hole contract. Wish me luck, I am going to need it. :help-0031: Missy Tanya
Dollyanne's New Year's Resolutions! Dollyanne made a long list of possibilities and has posted some of them as a poll on her blog. Dollyanne may not accomplish all of these, but here are the ones dollyanne wants to accomplish the most: Dollyanne's Sissy Resolutions for 2009: Wear a bra more often--every day if possible. Dollyanne really likes Your idea, Miss D of the daily bra and panty set! This will also encourage dollyanne to walk, gesture, and talk more feminine! Stay locked in chastity as much as possible! Dollyanne is looking forward to experiencing her first real chastity in the cb-2000 and believes she should only be unlocked when a cummie is granted or to clean and shave! Lose weight and get a more slender, girlie figure. Dollyanne hopes to accomplish this with a regular exercise program including swimming, and would also like to enroll in a group (girlie!) class like Pilates, as Mistress Watchful suggested. Get high heels and learn to walk in them. Dollyanne has neglected this part of her sissy training and needs to correct that if possible! Get a complete sissy makeover. Dollyanne would like to go someplace (like Carlas) and get a complete sissy makeover, learn how to apply makeup, then go out on the town! Spend more time outdoors. Dollyanne believes she should get her first tan lines, and consider spending more girlie time in parks, and maybe even play golf en femme from the lady's tees! Suck first cock(s)--For dollyanne to realize her slut fantasies, she needs to experience her first cock sucking--safely, of course! Go blonde! Dollyanne would like to dye her hair blonde, which dollyanne feels would be more appropriate for a ditzy bimbo slut like dollyanne! Get a proper maid's uniform! Dollyanne still wants that maid's uniform she almost ordered for Christmas and wants to learn how to become a more proper sissy maid! These are a few things dolly hopes to accomplish in 2009! Dollyanne hopes to also channel her pent-up sexual energy into other, more useful, activities (a different list--dollyanne's vanilla resolutions list!) during the year. Curtsies, Huggs, and Kisses,:happy-new-year-046:arty-073::anim_27: dollyanne
Hmmm, i am not so much into new years resolutions but there are, of course, a few things i would like to do or realize in 2009 ... My greatest wish, however, is to overcome my fears and get the grips with a breast surgery ... *curtsey* maid katrin
greetings Mss D quoting Mistress Michelle's standing orders: be respectful to E/everyone at all times i really am a cantankerous pain in the butt and fail this simple command/relsoution way to often by being silly or sarcastic. apologies
Dear dollyanne, that's a nice list and of course lots of things to do for you in the new year. Wear a bra more often ... Oh yes, complete with matching panties such girlie underwear must become basic items to wear everyday. If you still have male underwear left you ought to discard all items as soon as possible. Stay locked in chastity as much as possible! ... As much as possible won't be enough. I'd suggest that by the end of the year dollyanne should have started full time chastity! Lose weight and get a more slender, girlie figure ... That's definitely a must when you want to become more feminine. Get high heels and learn to walk in them ... Practice makes perfect, dollyanne. At home you should wear heels at all times and i would suggest to have an outside walk at least once a week. Get a complete sissy makeover ... Carla's sounds lke a nice place for that and wouldn't it be a waste if you wouldn't go out to town after the makeover? Spend more time outdoors ... That's where a sissy belongs. Isn't it a shame to hide a cute sissy indoors? Suck first cock(s) ... Would love to see it *giggles* Go blonde! ... That would be very brave, dollyane, but yes, that would be very appropriate for a sissy slut ... Get a proper maid's uniform! ... Yes, yes, yes ... dollyanne definitely needs a proper maids uniform. Remember, a good sissy maid needs more than just one uniform. You always ned to be properly dessed for the occasion. By the way, dollyanne, there is one thing from the list at your blog i am missing ... why didn't you metion that you want to have to get your ears pierced? You shouldn't wait for too long to have this done! Hugs and kisses maid katrin
Excellent resolutions gurls.. Very nice choices and for the most part - completely appropriate. New steps in chastity and femming are always good choices. dollyanne's resolution for sucking her first cock - MY MY - only a slut would would even think of such a thing for a resolution. But now it's been done - reported to everyone - the pressure is on now. I do like weight loss goals - it's the one resolution that almost everyone can benefit from. Small goals and small steps in weight loss is the best thing. Of course, corseting would help a great deal with it as well. A nice slender waist line is always nice to see on a gurl. Breast implants for katrin... OOOhh - that is a big step and a little scary -but... just think about how much you will enjoy the bounce and jiggle.. It's time for that step I think, katrin... Very good gurls! arty-100:
Oh mercy. My bday is tomorrow, the book should arrive and who knows if that will create a serendipitous moment. Sooo I'm holding off on making any resolutions until afterwards. I really quite happy with where I am right now, but if I have the time and opportunity then I vow to be even more feminine than I am now. I love what I've accomplished and have enjoyed all the support I've received from my sister sissy girlfriends and the Dommes at the mansion.
These are excellent points, Tanya! The more you're locked up, the more Tanya things you can buy! And, the more your Mistress is rewarded too! What a great Mistress you have! Dollyanne can't want to see the whole contract. Thanks for sharing! Huggs,:love0059: dollyanne
Excellent goals, krissi girl! You are already well on your way with a nice feminine look that dollyanne envies! Add a shapely girlie figure, a nice swishy limp-wristed walk, and a submissive girlie voice--yes, you WILL be more feminine in 2009! Dollyanne knows it! Huggs,:love0071: dollyanne
Wow, this would be amazing, missy katrin! You are already light-years ahead of dollyanne in that department. You would be sooo close to being totally complete as a girl! Dollyanne wonders if this would be the penultimate step toward SRS or if you would stop short of that to continue being a sissy maid! (Or, maybe it would not affect your status at all?!) Huggs,:manga_love: dollyanne
No apologies necessary for dollyanne, cks. Dolly loves your humor! Maybe it's a matter of knowing when NOT to use it, but dollyanne would hate to see you lose it! Huggs,:smilies_xxx10: dollyanne
[quote name='Ms Watchful's pet']I've tried thinking of a New Years resolution but i have a few in my head and can't decide between them. 1) The usual, Lose weight! Want to get back to what i used to be. 2) Treat Mistress better, both in general and in looking after her 3) Spend the whole year locked up - looking doubtful though because i mess it up! 4) My main one - Stop moaning and especially moaning AT other people or about them. Happy New Year everyone. arty-049:[/QUOTE] Happy New Year, charlotte! Dolly is so glad to see you making resolutions. Dollyanne thinks number 2 is especially critical. As you have said, your Mistress comes first! Dolly does not know if being locked up for the whole year is practical or not, but being locked up and released at the time and choosing of your Mistress seems like a good goal! Thanks for posting your resolutions here! Huggs,:manga_washup: dollyanne
Thank you, missy katrin, for this excellent feedback on dollyanne's resolution! Dolly will try to incorporate them. Dolly has already gotten rid of ALL of her male underwear, so at least that has been accomplished. As for high heels, dolly knows how important they are, but is concerned about a foot problem, and whether it will be practical for her. Still, dolly won't know that for sure until she tries it. The only reason dolly didn't mention getting her ears pierced is the effect it might have on family. But, you are right, it should be done. It's just a matter of identifying the right time for dolly to do it, and the sooner the better as you say! Thanks for your insightful comments, missy katrin! Dollyanne values them very much! Huggs and kisses,:manga_love: dollyanne
This is an excellent goal, robin! You could record your voice at the beginning of the year and then at the end to show the improvement! Have you seen the voice course of Melanie Anne Phillips (here)? Dollyanne has watched some promos and it seems quite good! Good luck on this goal! Huggs,:manga_karaoke: dollyanne
Gulp!! Dollyanne may regret making this goal. But, you are right, Miss D, only a slut would have this as a goal. And by now, dolly recognizes that she is a :slut:! Maybe even a double:slut:! Dollyanne is not sure how she will accomplish this, and she will have to stretch herself beyond her comfort zone for sure!:smilies_xxx10: Thank You so much for this excellent thread, Miss D, and for all the help You have already been to us gurls! Dollyanne is looking forward to the feminization ideas You have for us in 2009! Deep Curtsey,:chores004: dollyanne
i totally agree with what dollyanne said of course... but for me personally it would be great to explore more, including the topics of this forum. Just to learn and enjoy... and endure.