Well, seeing as I've lurked around here for a week or so now, and this does seem to be a pretty happening place so I guess I'll introduce myself. Some of you may have seen me around some of the other chastity site as I've been involved in chastity for several years. About me, I'm in my mid 20's and have known about chastity belts since my teen years, always knowing that I wanted to be locked in one for long periods of time. Several years ago I purchase my first CB, and like many, it was a cb-2000. It wasn't great, but it did the job, after that, I did upgrade to a cb-3000 which I have now worn for a few years (not continuous), though it is what I wear now. I have recently ordered a My-Steel belt, and it should be delivered in a few weeks and I am anxiously awaiting its arrival. Currently, I have no keyholder, though am looking for one local to upstate new york. I have had quite a bit of experience of being chaste, I have gone more than a month in the past and am hoping to accomplish this again several times over. I know I may not be the best fit for this site, I'm not into being sissied, or cross dressing and I'm single and though I would consider myself bi-sexual, I'm probably a little closer on the gay side. Anyway, that's me.
Welcome cbeltguy! Nice to see another Upstate New Yorker! arty0042: This site has lots of "everything". If you're into chastity belts, you're in the right place!
:welcome: to the site... glad to have you join us! :love0007: Obviously you've lurked and explored, but if you can't find anything, just shout. Dive in and enjoy. :ciao: