I had an accident and lost control and came last night. Mistress told me to control myself, but after 1o straight days of teasing, I was unable to stop it once it started. She likes to take me close to the edge, and relies on me to stop. My question is, what type of mental/physical techniques do people use to make sure this doesn't happen?
Master tries to train me to be as selfless as possible but it’s not always easy. One technique Master uses is to tease me until I’m close and then when I’m close I must tell him, he normal then whacks my sissy clit or pulls on nipples clamps that I may be wearing. He then tells me that I should remember the pain I feel when I get close. It helps to be tied down during the training as it can get a bit much. I’ve been close to breaking down on a few occasions. It can take a few sessions for the conditioning to kick in and the condition needs to be reapplied once a week but it helps to stop me from wanting to cum. If you feel that your going to cum even after your mistress has stops it helps to take deep breaths and try to relax your pelvic muscles.
I've found yoga breathing helps relax the pelvic area and significantly slows down an oncoming orgasm. Maybe it would be possible to stop an orgasm that way. I haven't worked on that. Negative reinforcement in the form of post-orgasm cock torture might or might not help, depending on your particular proclivities.
We just work on the stopping short.. I tell mistress when I'm getting too close, and she stops. She is developing a remarkable ability to tell too! I'd like to try moving more toward the kind of conditioning Slave_Kris is talking about.. where orgasm is linked to undesirable sensations (although pulling on nipples is hardly undesirable!!!). A hit or two with the riding crop on the balls should put my mind elsewhere :squigglemouth:
It’s undesirable when Master tugs hard. I don’t like pain all that much either,I’m a bit of a wimp and Master uses that fact when training. The conditioning can be done with physical or verbal triggers only your Master or Mistress will know what makes you tick. It’s not an exact science but it has worked for me. I would defiantly recommend conditioning and negative reinforcement.
i have found the same thing, but once the cum moves past the valve between the prostate and the Urethra there is nothing that can stop you from cumming... the only option at that point is a ruined orgasm (and that only works if you stop immediately). So would i, but i am a pretty big pain slut so not sure that their method would work. In reality the on,y thing you can do is keep edging yourself to learn when what your limits are and where the line is drawn between cumming and not. This also requires that your Mistress listen to you and when you say stop, She stops or you will go over the edge. As far as lasting longer we have found that numbing creams work well, just be careful not to use too much or you will go limp from the lack of sensation. Another thing that we use is ben-gay... it might sound odd, but the hot/cold sensation also acts as a numbing agent that makes me last longer (again, not too much and not if you have cuts as it REALLY burns on open wounds). For numbing agents try ora-gel for mouth sores and tooth aches, it is the benzocain (sp?) that numbs you and that stuff is like 20% benzocain (a lot more than the stuff you get in the sex stores). Use a cotton swab to put it on (and of course wear a condom so it does not get on your Mistress). Hope this helps...
Thanks Great ideas all, thanks. I like the yoga breathing idea, but I guess in the end it is communication and focus on my part that could improve.
My Wife has learned through my breathing patterns and body movements when She needs to slow down or stop. As mentioned by allfullup, should I orgasm without permission my Wife will stroke and rub my over sensitive cock harder for a post orgasm torture to teach me not to orgasm without permission. Post orgasm torture is excruciating for me, and it definitely encourages me to tell Her if I am too close. Unfortunately for me, even when my Wife decides to let me orgasm, it is followed by post orgasm torture, just to make sure there is no enjoyment to my orgasm.