Locked up and kicked out!

Discussion in 'Chastity and orgasm denial' started by lvng2srv, Oct 15, 2009.

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  1. lvng2srv

    lvng2srv Junior Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    i got a cb3000 yesterday and put it on. When i revealed it to my Wife, She was pissed! i handed Her the keys before i showed Her. She took them and left the house. i had brought up the subject before and She was not happy but we were having issues and fighting a lot at the time. i've been on much better behavior lately so i thought i would try again by surprising Her. Bad decision! i had originally showed Her Lori's 12e, hoping to buy it for Her and have Her monogram engraved on the shield. i also thought that the price had something to do with how upset She got but i now know that was not the case. She told me today that i need to stay somewhere else for awhile because i'm "warped!". i'm not thrilled about the idea but She is so pissed i should probably do it without question. If there is a glimmer of hope, She still has the keys, i think. She didn't give them back to me but She may have tossed them out of Her car window when She went for Her drive last night. i've posted most of this on my original thread in the foyer but figured this was a more appropriate location. i do have one question for those who are more experinced though. If She does keep the keys when She sends me to a hotel, is that a good reason to think She may continue to keep them if/when She lets me back in?
  2. Mark121

    Mark121 Nobody of consequence

    Nov 27, 2008
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    Tough break! Sounds like you two have a lot of talking to do.

    It seems to me that there is a real conflict in the whole male chastity thing: YOU wanting HER to want it is NOT the same as HER wanting it. If she feels she is being pressured or manipulated, she may get upset, as you seem to have discovered for yourself.

    My advice would be to let her cool off for a bit, then try to explain what is in your head. If she thinks you are "warped", you might point out to her that is not necessarily a bad thing. Above all, she has to know that she is in control, even if that means NOT keeping you locked as you would like to be.
  3. Burger_01

    Burger_01 Chastity Geek

    May 16, 2008
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    I'm agreed with Mark on this, you have a lot of talking to do.

    Go and apologise to her if you haven't already. Explain that you thought it might be fun/interesting/whatever to surprise her with.

    If you really feel that you want to explore chastity with her then you need to talk about that, about how it's not that strange, about how it doesn't mean you don't want to have sex with her and so on.

    If all fails, at least you'll get a high quality set of bolt cutters out of the experience!
  4. ladylionzsissy

    ladylionzsissy male chastity sissymaid

    May 16, 2008
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    wow... i read this with open mouth, speechless at first. i get the distinct impression there may be other issues in your relationship that need to be addressed first. it's kinda like you forced the issue on Her, your Wife, and that's never a good thing to do to anybody. i'd start at the bottom of things to figure out what Her concerns/complaints are, address them, and then go from there.

    on the off-chance, and meaning no disrespect to you or Her, if the reaction seems unwarrented (all underlying issues are known and you're addressing them) then there's a possibility that She's just not happy with things the way they are and She's depressed, thinking you in chastity won't improve the realtionship. times are tough too, perhaps that's a source of stress. more unlikely, she's got some emotional issues going on and (with all respect) may need therapy. i mention this because my "ex" had tons of psychological problems that took-over the relationship (as did my Wife/KH's "ex").

    hope this helps a bit. the message is to explore underlying relationship dynamics and characteristics and think, ask and figure out how they can be resolved before jumping into chastity!
  5. lvng2srv

    lvng2srv Junior Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    i know that i handled this all wrong. She said i'm sick and need help. Right now, She refuses to talk to me about it. i still feel as though She misunderstood my intentions. The point is, i had no expectations but She thinks that i'm on a quest for the Holy Grail of orgasms. She also thinks that this is my way of asking her to become a Dominatrix. If She would just give me the chance, i would explain that this was not about me wanting to change Her. In my view, it's no different than any of Her other "toys", it is for Her to use however/whenever She wishes. Again, i know i handled this terribly and i am very sorry for upsetting Her. If She said "you are not to wear that thing and never mention the subject again!" i would do so. i may not want to give up on the idea but would never speak of it again unless She mentioned it first. i do not enjoy sleeping in a motel room that smells like cat piss! i'm still confused though because if this is so disturbing to Her, why did She not demand i remove it at once? Why did She keep the keys and kick me out? i feel guilty because i'm happy to be locked, knowing She is upset about the whole ordeal.
  6. Mistress Michelle

    Mistress Michelle Magical Mistress

    May 17, 2008
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    Wow....you men never cease to amaze Me!!
    First of all, I'd say the keys are lying out by the highway somewhere, and second, you have ALOT of kissing ass to do.
    If you cannot talk to her about all this and explain what an idiot you were for doing this in this manner, I would be either writting or typing a very long letter. First apologising and then go into detail as to why you wanted to 'play' this in the first place. From what you said you two have had issues in the past over this, a slower more thought out plan may have helped you, now I dont see that happening, and your imagination has you believeing she still has the keys.....um, I dont think so. And if she does its cretainly not because she wants anything to do with holding them.
    Seriously, start writting, spill your guts, and while youre at it you best be explaining all of the things you have been thinking up because this may very well be the one and only chance you get to tell what you are thinking and wanting. And also, remind her that men are stupid, they do not always think before they get carried away. She obviously is very hurt by all this and needs from you some reassurance.
    Good luck, this aint no easy road you have chosen sweetie.

    Mistress Michelle :sex020:
  7. lvng2srv

    lvng2srv Junior Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    i am a total idiot for doing this. You are absolutely correct Mistress Michelle and i did send Her an email since She won't talk to me yet. i apologized and tried to explain my thinking, or lack thereof. i acknowledged my stupidity, not that She needs any reminders. She replied back that She's not ready to talk anytime soon and that i'm "sick" and need to do some soul searching to determine what kind of father/husband/person i wan't to be. i know i have major ass kissing to do but She's not ready to allow me that opportunity yet. i also let Her know that i would remove it and not mention it again but She's the one with the keys. That is if She didn't toss them out. She didn't mention whether She still had them or not but that is not important to me right now. i feel so low and miserable right now, knowing i hurt Her so. i can think of nothing i wouldn't do to be back in Her good graces. i would take it off and never mention the subject again or wear it as long as She felt necessary to learn my lesson or anything else She wanted from me. i just hope She gives me the chance to make it up to Her soon. She knows how to emotionally chastise me and She's going all out this time.
  8. js11756

    js11756 Senior Member

    Dec 6, 2008
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    Well, I have to agree you could have handled this better, but need to point out that she could and should have also. This is more then what you did - it provoked a reaction that shows that she has baggage to deal with.

    You are not warped, just kinky. If she can not deal with that, she is the one causing the problem, and she is not realistic - most men are a little kinky (some a lot!). Welcome to real life.

    What dos this have to do with what kind of father you are? Geez - she is just a bit over the top? What kind of person/husband? Maybe - but for crying at loud, asking her to share this is not an insult or perverted thing to do. She should have said 'No way, I am not interested, that is not something I will do' - instead she is making you feel guilty and judging you. In my book, she is the one causing the issue.

    Next point - take the CD off. Yes it will break (or the pin will) but give it up - that isn't going to happen anyway.

    Then - go home. You are letting her drive you out of the house because you have a kink and asked her, to share it? For crying out loud, she needs to get a grip. Your accepting that is fueling her belief that she is right. And she is at least half at fault here.

    Just my opinion.

  9. countachcx

    countachcx Senior Member

    Dec 12, 2008
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    Goodness, both JS and Mistress Michelle have very good points. You do need to communicate and clear things up, but I would have to agree that she over-reacted. Perhaps there is some other underlying problem, and this situation was enough to push it over the edge?
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