Here to learn and ask what probably amounts to stupid questions. But I would rather ask the question than blunder around in the dark. Hopefully I can lurk a bit and chime in with the appropriate odd question :happy0011: any help and advice will always be appreciated. Thanks Kiz
No such thing as a stupid question here! Welcome to the site, and I'm sure we all look forward to your posts and giving you (hopefully not stupid!) answers. :animal0008:
Welcome Lady Kismet - we thrive on discussion here - all it takes is a question to get the ball rolling.
Welcome, Lady Kismet! Dollyanne would like to add her 2 cents also that there are no stupid questions here! All questions are welcome, and You will find people here to be quite helpful and caring. Dollyanne may not know the answers, but there subs, sissy gurls, chastity wearers, and also several Mistresses here with a lot of experience and knowledge between them. So, whenever a question comes up, feel free to fire away! The chastity calvary will come galloping in! Curtsey,:animal0008: dollyanne
Thanks I will surely come up with some questions soon. Right now just hoping to make it through thanksgiving. Then I can worry about christmas presents to torture my other half with :evilgrin0042: then I shall do my best to pick all of your brains