hi all well im a tv etc etc whatever label and have views similar to chastity{R} i def dont feel male most of my good friends all know about me i am considering the hormones etc but also dont want to have full srs at least thats how i think at present, though i do admit too pussy envy lol ive had some past relationships both with older women still good friends with one but they didnt work out. im bi and trying to find a woman who accepts me is hard. i like to be upfront about it all instead of waiting to develop a relationship and then dropping the bomb shell, so it isnt easy. picture the scene nice dinner out. oh yeah im tv n maybe want to go fruther and i like chastity and oh i would enjoy being cuckolded too..i like seeing you enjoy yourself....but im sane really!...more wine?.....lmao ah well
Welcome fellow Brit! Manchester? Isn't that where Sparkle is held? Have you been? Enjoy the site, make yourself at home! I love your display picture too.
yeah sparkle is held here, its fun. i came to uni here picked manc due to the gay friendly scene and used to go out lots, even to rock world, i would dress up as goth chick lol no probs, but their all too young now..oh i mean im too old for that now lmao last time i went with a friend a girl came upto him and said hi this is a friend of my dads to her mate...lmao who then preceded to say how kewl it was he was still coming to rockworld at his age arrrg hehehe we were only in our 30s was looking at your pics, your very beautifull (me jealous) and your pet is a lucky pet. lol saw comments on your older pic album and i think i would also kill to look like that lmao, now where did i put my multi million dollar lotto ticket so i can hope your studying went well, im studying again too now ffs already done my uni thing but now study more IT as i need it sigh its a drag isnt it, mind u lifes alot of drag for me hehe
Hello sarah, I'm happy to see you are here, I havent seen you for a while! Hope you're doing well!! Mistress Michelle
Hi Mistress Michelle yeah not been on much, went to see my folks, im back, but a good friend of mine was taken ill. had some issues with chastitylifestyle and server overload messages think thats sorted now plus we actually had some sunshine in the UK! so i tried to make the most of it does help your well being loads i find. so thats 2 weeks of sun in may, now probably rubbish again till july, seems to be the way of things last few yrs i reckon. hope your well