For the lifestyle chaste (those who are mostly locked, with 10 or fewer releases a year) what are the effects of long term chastity. Is it easier to cum when you are released, or was it easier before? Do you suffer from ED as a result of chastity? Is your libido higher, or lower? I've seen conflicting stories from people here. Some who have difficulty getting hard after a long lock up, and others who are instantly erect. My own lock up time has never exceeded a month, and never more than that in a 3 month period, so I don't know first hand what to expect if I'm locked long term. I suffer some ED for psychological reasons, and was hoping that chastity would help me get past that. But now I'm not sure.
For me it is easy and quick to cum after long lockups. If cumming regularly, I have more stamina and when been denied for a long time I cum much quicker. I spent first part of the year locked continuosly without removal the cage (total 151 days with no proper erection or orgasm, only prostate massage once a month). I had no problems with erection when let out, it worked like before. Penis felt slightly thinner, but now after I have been out for some days during summer, I notice no difference in that front either. When out, my libido is pretty high I would say. During my 151 day lockup, libido was lower by time, though prostate milkings restored that a bit when they happened, but I think it was much easier and quicker to accommondate to being constantly in a cage after milkings than when starting chastity after being free for longer time. So libido got bit of boost, but not that long than after an orgasm. I would think relation between ED and long lockups is a subjective thing. Also would think age might play a role too. I am 40yo for the record.
Only had 2 O's since Mar 2020 and have now noticed "both" effects: she granted me PIV in March if I could be quick about it. 30 seconds later the job was done. Unlocked for 3 days this week and couldn't get myself off (see my other thread here) even though that is something I really miss. Chastity is a serious headtrip. She is slowly altering my subconcious sex triggers imho.
I had a discussion surrounding this just yesterday with my wife/KH/Mistress. I asked her what would be more likely: Option 1. Start a routine of her edging me frequently to build a tolerance to being handled if effort to provide her better sex with her dick. This would include her dictating pace, my hands being bound so only contact by her allowed, and her doing the unlock/relock activities. Option 2. Resign to the fact that I no long have ability to please her and unlocking then has no value. This would create an easier key handling scenario where the key can be secured in a fixed location in an easily tamper evident manner. She does loath the hassle of hiding the key, but knows it is necessary. She was torn immediately as she would like better sex, but decided some time ago me cumming is no longer tolerated. Her concern with option one (as much as I think she wants it) is finding a way to establish a routine where this could be done frequently because of the randomness of her work schedule. Also creates a need for more diligence with the key at all times.
i have chat to men on here and a lot have say that they still has erecion when they cage but it is all inside them. so i think that it wud still get hard for them if they was let out for a bit but praps not as hard as what they was before they was put in a cage.
I think it varies for everyone. I know when I come out of a longer lock up period, I do not release as easily than what is normal. It also can take a bit longer to get fully erect, even if massively turned on. It can be incorporated into your sexual fun, in any capacity you like, if you just consider it a part of the process, and be honest about it with your KH. Them knowing you are feeling a bit under confident, allows them the headspace to relax and enjoy, and help you relax and enjoy, if that makes sense.